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HyperbolicGeodesicPD.plot can be wrong for CDF coordinates #32362

Open f0d43079-b341-445a-b7cd-9fcda0a76ae7 opened 3 years ago

f0d43079-b341-445a-b7cd-9fcda0a76ae7 commented 3 years ago

This illustrates the wrong plotting:

sage: D = HyperbolicPlane().PD()
sage: a = 0
sage: b = 1e-15 + 0.7*I
sage: geodesics = [
....:     D.get_geodesic(a, b),
....:     D.get_geodesic(CC(a), CC(b)),
....:     D.get_geodesic(CDF(a), CDF(b))
....: ]
sage: show(graphics_array([geod.plot() for geod in geodesics]))

sage: print(geodesics[2].plot()[0])
  with ​center (-0.4210526315789469,1.0000000000000007)
 ​radii (0.42105263157894823,0.42105263157894823)
 ​angle 0.0
 ​inside the sector (-1.172273881128477,-0.6190660545826288)

The first two pictures show the expected output: a straight line from 0 to 0.7*I. The last picture shows the buggy output: a short arc between two points near 0.7*I. The printed output describes the arc in the buggy picture.

CC: @slel @sagetrac-jhonrubia6 @orlitzky

Component: geometry

Keywords: hyperbolic, geodesic, plot, precision

Issue created by migration from

f0d43079-b341-445a-b7cd-9fcda0a76ae7 commented 3 years ago

Output image from example code

slel commented 3 years ago

Attachment: geodesic_bug.png

The current implementation of hyperbolic geodesics relies on a conversion to the half-plane model.

Any geodesic g has its corresponding half-plane model geodesic stored as g._cached_geodesic.

The example geodesic has endpoints I and 2.222222222222222e-14 + 5.666666666666666*I.

The corresponding complete geodesic is a euclidean semicircle. Due to rounding errors on its centre and radius, its endpoints are computed in CDF as (-2.375, 1400000000000002.0), whereas computations in CC give them much more correctly as (0.0, 1.4e15).

Converting back to the disc model, the effect is a disaster.

f0d43079-b341-445a-b7cd-9fcda0a76ae7 commented 3 years ago

Aha! I suspect it's possible to find the ideal endpoints of a disk model geodesic in a more numerically stable way. I can work on a test implementation.

If the test implementation works well, do you know what we'd have to do to incorporate it into Is it just a matter of overriding ideal_endpoints in HyperbolicGeodesicPD?

slel commented 3 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
+This illustrates the wrong plotting:

-D = HyperbolicPlane().PD()
-a = 0
-b = 1e-15 + 0.7*I
-geodesics = [
-  D.get_geodesic(a, b),
-  D.get_geodesic(CC(a), CC(b)),
-  D.get_geodesic(CDF(a), CDF(b))
-show(graphics_array([geod.plot() for geod in geodesics]))
+sage: D = HyperbolicPlane().PD()
+sage: a = 0
+sage: b = 1e-15 + 0.7*I
+sage: geodesics = [
+....:     D.get_geodesic(a, b),
+....:     D.get_geodesic(CC(a), CC(b)),
+....:     D.get_geodesic(CDF(a), CDF(b))
+....: ]
+sage: show(graphics_array([geod.plot() for geod in geodesics]))
+sage: print(geodesics[2].plot()[0])
+  with ​center (-0.4210526315789469,1.0000000000000007)
+ ​radii (0.42105263157894823,0.42105263157894823)
+ ​angle 0.0
+ ​inside the sector (-1.172273881128477,-0.6190660545826288)


-The first two pictures show the expected output: a straight line from 0 to 0.7*I. The last picture shows the buggy output: a short arc between two points near 0.7*I. The printed output describes the arc in the buggy picture:

- -Arc with center (-0.4210526315789469,1.0000000000000007) radii (0.42105263157894823,0.42105263157894823) angle 0.0 inside the sector (-1.172273881128477,-0.6190660545826288) - +The first two pictures show the expected output: a straight line from 0 to 0.7*I. The last picture shows the buggy output: a short arc between two points near 0.7*I. The printed output describes the arc in the buggy picture.

slel commented 3 years ago

Replying to @Vectornaut:

Aha! I suspect it's possible to find the ideal endpoints of a disk model geodesic in a more numerically stable way. I can work on a test implementation.


If the test implementation works well, do you know what we'd have to do to incorporate it into Is it just a matter of overriding ideal_endpoints in HyperbolicGeodesicPD?


slel commented 3 years ago

Changed keywords from none to hyperbolic, geodesic, plot, precision

f0d43079-b341-445a-b7cd-9fcda0a76ae7 commented 3 years ago

Finding ideal endpoints of geodesics on the Poincaré disk: example implementation

f0d43079-b341-445a-b7cd-9fcda0a76ae7 commented 3 years ago

Attachment: hyperbolic_geodesic_PD.sage.gz

Attachment: drawing-geodesics.pdf.gz

Finding ideal endpoints of geodesics on the Poincaré disk: method explanation

f0d43079-b341-445a-b7cd-9fcda0a76ae7 commented 3 years ago

I just attached an example implementation. I've done some basic tests, but no systematic challenges or comparison with the current implementation (via the upper half-plane).

7e26d9b1-e225-43a9-ae35-f759ac5662bb commented 2 years ago

Maybe unrelated or not (If you think it's unrelated I can open a new ticket on this) I've just discovered working on ticket [ticket:23427] that ideal endpoints on PD geodesics can be mapped to imag()<0 points which is an error, and when plotted often draw a geodesic int the lower half plane. For example

Sage:    P = PD.get_point(-0.920704875684763 - 0.390259569889459*I)
Sage:    P
Boundary point in PD -0.920704875684763 - 0.390259569889459*I
Sage:    UHP(P)
Boundary point in UHP -0.662253938491478 - 1.66533453693773e-16*I
sage: g=HyperbolicPlane().PD().random_geodesic()
Sage:  g
Geodesic in PD from -0.920704875684763 - 0.390259569889459*I to 0.0632992206159446 + 0.997994593507106*I
sage: g.to_model('UHP')  
Geodesic in UHP from -0.662253938491478 - 5.55111512312578e-17*I to 31.5642842686728 - 8.34887714518118e-14*I
hgranath commented 3 weeks ago

Not being aware of this discussion I reported a similar issue here.

The one line change I mentioned there seems to me to fix the problem both in my use cases and in the case reported in the top post above. Maybe avoiding testing of exact equality of floting point numbers in the UHP code would be a good thing to do to improve the situation?

hgranath commented 6 days ago

I found a case with similar symptoms, but which I think reflects a separate bug of the same type:

r = exp((pi*I/2).n())
G = hyperbolic_triangle(0, r, r*(1 + I)/2, model='PD', fill=True, alpha=.3)
G._show_axes = False

(The central angle should be pi/4.) I think this is the root cause

PD = HyperbolicPlane().PD()
UHP = HyperbolicPlane().UHP()
r = exp((pi*I/2).n())
p = PD.get_point(r)

which yields Boundary point in UHP 3.26624787063907e16 - 1.00000000000000*I A fix might be to change this line to

    if abs(x - I) < EPSILON:

(and add from sage.geometry.hyperbolic_space.hyperbolic_constants import EPSILON to that file's preamble).