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add md5sums for spkgs #329

Closed williamstein closed 10 years ago

williamstein commented 17 years ago
I've noticed that sage has problems with the integrity of sage-

Supose that you have patially donwload a file, but for whatever reason
it gets truncated.
Then sage won't check its integrity before installing.

I would sugest adding to each file an md5 sum (or perhaps better a gpg
signtaure, but this could be difficult since we need anybody to be
able to build their own sage packages)
[in a file like package-name.spkg.md5 or package-name.spkg.signature]
and make sage chek this md5sum is correct.
[and if not, download it again]

[Most linux distributions do this somehow, for example Gentoo keeps
md5sums in the manifiests in the portage tree, I think that a good
model also would be Debian. For each package, Debian sources consists
of 3 files:

- package.dsc: a description and the md5sum of the
package.orig.tar.gz, and package.diff.gz for checking the integrity of
the package
- packages.orig.tar.gz: the pristine sources from the upstream author
- the .diff.gz with the modifications specific to debian

(by keeping separated the upstream sources, and the Debian
modifications, Debian makes clear which modifications are specific to

I think that sage could adopt a similar aproach for their packages

best regards,

To apply:

CC: @ohanar

Component: scripts

Author: Dan Drake, Robert Bradshaw

Reviewer: David Kirkby, John Palmieri, R. Andrew Ohana

Issue created by migration from

b614eff1-8a5d-4a32-8fba-5a1846341e28 commented 16 years ago

II'll try to implement this myself.

williamstein commented 16 years ago
> I think you can easily make tar-archives that contain a checksum, if
> you agree on some extremely mild file naming convention for such a
> checksum (i.e., the archive is not allowed to contain a filename that
> clashes with the file that stores the checksum). Of course, the key is
> that when you add something to the archive, the file changes, so the
> plain md5sum of the total archive changes. You have to md5sum
> something that is easily extracted and independent of the later added
> md5sum. The options -O (dump to stdout), -r (append file) and --
> exclude provide the necessary features for tar.
> Procedure for storing a checksum in a tar archive:
> ----------------------------------
> (tar xf file.tar --exclude md5sum.check -O; \
>     tar tvf file.tar --exclude md5sum.check ) | md5sum > md5sum.check
> tar -rf file.tar md5sum.check
> ----------------------------------
> Procedure for checking that the stored sum agrees with the computed
> one:
> ----------------------------------
> tar xf file.tar md5sum.check -O > storedcheck
> (tar xf file.tar --exclude md5sum.check -O; \
>     tar tvf file.tar --exclude md5sum.check ) | md5sum > computedcheck
> cmp storedcheck computedcheck
> ----------------------------------
> Note that we need to include the directory listing information as
> well, because the output of -O does not include file names
> (i.e., one could move files around and still have the same checksum)
> If it is ever decided that .spkgs should be signed, then you could
> include a .gpg-file via the same procedure.

I really like this idea a lot!  It's vastly better -- I think
-- from a usability point of view than having
to constantly pass around .spkg's and .md5 files together.
It will just work 100% automatically and transparently to users,
once we modify some scripts in local/bin/sage-*.

While we're at it, we should make the following work:

  sage -unpkg packagename-version.spkg

which just does tar jxvf and does the above consistency checks.
I suggest sage -unpkg, since making a package is "sage -pkg".
Another option would be "sage -extract blah.spkg", or even
"sage -x blah.spkg".    Please note, sage spkg's can be either
bzip2'd or not, so that has to be taken account of.


  sage -i packagename-version

where packagename-version is the name of a *directory*, does
sage -pkg on the directory, then installs it.
ddb9d56e-aea4-47c7-8203-69b37c9d0b8e commented 15 years ago

It would be useful to somehow also have a way to check the integrity of tarballs for the whole sage install - i.e. the 200 MB tarball for each sage release. Twice in the last month I've gotten bitten by build failures caused by corrupted tarballs. It would have been nice to know the tarball was bad before investing the time to wait for the build + time to troubleshoot the failure.

One option would be to use tar.gz format to distribute sage releases. There would be no reduction in file size, as most of the tarball consists of already compressed sources, but there would be detection if the tarball had somehow gotten corrupted. The time required to compress and extract the tarballs is trivial - my 5 year old PPC PowerBook gzips the 200 MB sage tarball in about a minute, and extracts it in less than 30 seconds.

Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel for spkg formats, it may be worthwhile to consider simply using gzip format.

7c09a680-e216-4024-bb8e-9bfd4aa7f313 commented 14 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -34,3 +34,5 @@
 best regards,

+ +* Ticket #7617 implements the integrity check procedure below for the SageTeX spkg.

bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

I think the point made by khorton about using gzip is that if the tar file was gzipped, then gzip would verify the integrity of download, whereas tar does not.

'md5sum' is not part of POSIX and so you can't assume any 'md5sum' command will exist. Some systems call it 'md5', others 'md5sum'. On some cut-down versions of Linux, I doubt any such command would exist.

On Solaris I use

$ digest -a md5 foobar.c

('digest' is part of OpenSSL)

One could use 'cksum' instead of md5.

That will give the same result on any platform, and will always be called cksum. It's only a 32-bit number, so one can not be quite as sure as with md5 the file is undamaged, but the probability of a file being corrupted while the output from 'cksum' remains the same is very small.

Note the 'sum' command can not be used, as that is implementation dependant. But you can be sure cksum will exist on any half-reasonable operating system and that the output will be portable across all platforms.


bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

I've not checked in detail, but assuming the 32-bit numbers are randomly distributed for all files, the probability of an undetected error is less than 2.4 x 10^-10. My assumption about 'randomly distributed' may be incorrect - a job for you mathematicians if you are so motivated! But 'cksum' was designed for this specific use. POSIX says even deliberate deception is difficult, though probably not impossible.

Having looked at the POSIX spec, I agree the use of a tab rather than a space is a violation, and so should be reportedto Oracle, who bought Sun. I'll do that, though it is low on my list of priorities. The combination of 'cksum' with 'awk' seems good to me.


bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

Hi, I'm really tied up today, so don't have chance to start applying patches and testing this. But I looked at the source quickly and made a few comments.




I think you might speed this up by avoiding some of the 'cat' commands. For example,

file.tar < tar xf -

can be faster than

cat file.tar | tar xf

as you don't need to invoke cat at all. Do a Google on "useless use of cat".

Since you mention speed as a possible issue, any attempt that could be made to avoid copying files, or cat'ing files unnecessarily should help speed things up a lot. Other points are more minor

bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

I think the message below is a bit confusing. I created a package and added the checksum. The package can be found here.

But when I try to check the integrity with "sage-spkg-integrity-check", the script reports "No integrity checksum stored in openmpi-1.4.1.spkg, skipping integrity check.". The check in in the package though.

sage subshell$ cksum openmpi-1.4.1.spkg
1602272063      6575256 openmpi-1.4.1.spkg
sage subshell$ sage-add-integrity-check-to-spkg openmpi-1.4.1.spkg                        
Adding integrity verification checksum to openmpi-1.4.1.spkg...
checksum of openmpi-1.4.1.spkg is 2771621513 49876645.
sage subshell$ sage-spkg-integrity-check                 
sage subshell$ cksum openmpi-1.4.1.spkg
463207792       6575325 openmpi-1.4.1.spkg
sage subshell$ sage-spkg-integrity-check openmpi-1.4.1.spkg
Verifying integrity of openmpi-1.4.1.spkg.../export/home/drkirkby/sage-4.3.4.alpha1/local/bin/sage-spkg-integrity-check: line 41: /export/home/drkirkby/sage-4.3.4.alpha1/spkg/cksum/openmpi-1.4.1.downloaded.cksum: No such file or directory
No integrity checksum stored in openmpi-1.4.1.spkg, skipping integrity check.

If I want someone to review that package, what should I give them - just the link to the spkg, or give them the contents of openmpi-1.4.1.cksum too?


bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

I've applied this patch. Can you tell me how I'm supposed to add an update package to Sage now? Can you create sometime small like pexpect-2.0.p5.spkg and pexpect-2.0.p6.spkg, where one is corrupted so I can see this in action?

I can't say I understand what is supposed to happen. I obviously understand the principle of a checksum, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use this in Sage.

Yours, rather confused!


bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

I think what this ticket needs to make it easier to review are:

1) Clear instructions how to create a .spkg with the checksum information. 2) Clear instructions how to apply such a .spkg to Sage 3) An example on the web of a valid .spkg with the checksum. 4) An example on the web of a corrupted .spkg

Whilst I understand what a checksum is, and proposed using the portable 'cksum' I'm very confused about how I'm supposed to use this is Sage.


bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

Any comments on this anyone? It would be nice to get this 3-year old ticket reviewed, though I'm not able to do so without some more input from others.


bac7d3ea-3f1b-4826-8464-f0b53d5e12d2 commented 14 years ago

I get a problem here. After changing to $SAGE_LOCAL/bin, then using hg push, I get:

drkirkby@hawk:~/sage-4.5.1/local/bin$ hg push abort: repository /space/rlm/sage-4.1.rc1/local/bin not found!

Why its looking for a 4.1.rc1 directory in a 4.5.1 bit of Sage, I don't know.

What's way to import this patch from within Sage? I tend to use 'hg' outside, but this is failing here for me.


jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

Some comments:

diff --git a/sage-spkg b/sage-spkg
--- a/sage-spkg
+++ b/sage-spkg
@@ -407,9 +419,14 @@ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
             cd "$SAGE_PACKAGES/build/"
             rm -rf "$SAGE_PACKAGES/build/$PKG_NAME"
+        rm -f "$SAGE_PACKAGES/build/$PKG_NAME.cksum"
         echo "You can safely delete the temporary build directory"
         echo "$SAGE_PACKAGES/build/$PKG_NAME"
+       if [ -f "$SAGE_PACKAGES/build/$PKG_NAME.cksum" ]; then
+           echo "and the checksum file"
+           echo "$SAGE_PACKAGES/build/$PKG_NAME.cksum"
+       fi


If we use the cksum directory, the same could be true for any valid cksums; files with failed integrity checks could be retained.

diff --git a/sage-add-integrity-check-to-spkg b/sage-add-integrity-check-to-spkg
--- a/sage-add-integrity-check-to-spkg
+++ b/sage-add-integrity-check-to-spkg
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ fi
 tar tf $SPKGNAME.tar --exclude $SPKGNAME.cksum; } | \
 cksum | awk '{print $1, $2}' > $SPKGNAME.cksum

-echo "checksum of $1 is `cat $SPKGNAME.cksum`."
+echo "The checksum of $1 is `cat $SPKGNAME.cksum`."

 tar rf $SPKGNAME.tar $SPKGNAME.cksum

diff --git a/sage-spkg b/sage-spkg
--- a/sage-spkg
+++ b/sage-spkg
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ then
     exit 1
 elif [ $STATUS = 2 ]
-    echo no integrity checksum found for $PKG_SRC, continuing.
+    echo No integrity checksum found for $PKG_SRC, continuing.
 elif [ $STATUS = 3 ]
     echo $0: something strange happened while checking integrity of $PKG_SRC, exiting.

By the way, there is other work on sage-spkg going on at #4949, so one of these might need to be rebased on top of the other one, if either one ever gets a positive review...

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

Author: Dan Drake

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -37,4 +37,9 @@

 * Ticket #7617 implements the integrity check procedure below for the SageTeX spkg.

-Apply only [attachment: trac_329_sage_scripts.patch]( to the scripts repo.
+- [attachment: trac_329_sage_scripts.patch](
+- [attachment: trac_329-ref.patch](
+to the scripts repo.
jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

Reviewer: David Kirkby, John Palmieri

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

I'm working on testing this, but it looks good so far. I'm attaching a patch to go on top of yours, which does the following:

What do you think?

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

Attachment: trac_329-ref.patch.gz

scripts repo

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

To me this looks a bit like reinventing the wheel, or overkill.

The only tarball we may really need checksums for is the source (or binary) distribution tarball, and perhaps also prereq-*.tar, which is contained in the former. MD5 sums (and perhaps other checksums) are already provided on the download sites, which a user can easily check, though we could in addition do some "sanity" check, e.g. when running the prereq script, or earlier in / from the top-level Makefile.

All other tarballs, mostly spkgs I think, can be packed with bzip2, which provides proper checksums (also CRCs for each "block" btw.), i.e., automatically creates them, and checks them upon extraction / decompression.

The only (standard) spkg that is a plain tar file is the odd Fortran spkg, just because it contains already compressed data (binary executables and/or other tarballs).

So the only change we'd have to make, IMHO, is to make sage -pkg (more precisely, sage -pkg_nc) always use bzip2, or, even better, gzip (available "everywhere", or, more precisely, already a prerequisite for Sage), but in the case of _nc pass -1 to it, which uses less sophisticated and therefore fast compression, leading to a [checksummed] [.tar].bz2 file / spkg with almost the same size.

(If we used gzip, we'd have to make slight changes to sage-spkg, since it currently just tries to use bunzip2 for decompression, and if that fails, retries direct extraction with plain tar x ....)

With -1, for the current Fortran spkg I get

$ du -b fortran-20100629.spkg*
34560000    fortran-20100629.spkg
34721464    fortran-20100629.spkg.bz2
34456814    fortran-20100629.spkg.gz

and for the current Sage source tarball, I get

$ du -b sage-4.7.2.alpha2.tar*
337633280   sage-4.7.2.alpha2.tar
338068743   sage-4.7.2.alpha2.tar.bz2 # for reference only
335605749   sage-4.7.2.alpha2.tar.gz

Compression and decompression with GNU zip happens almost instantly.

Note that the GNU zip-compressed files are in both cases actually even smaller, which of course isn't always the case. (An increase by about 0.5% may be possible, at least with bzip2.)

Unfortunately, unlike e.g. zip (which should be available "everywhere", too), neither gzip nor bzip2 support -0, which really just stores the file, adding only the small archive header, which contains meta data, including the checksums we want.

williamstein commented 13 years ago

I really like the idea to use bzip2 for checksums.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

Replying to @williamstein:

I really like the idea to use bzip2 for checksums.

As mentioned, gzip is (much) faster in this case (-1), and is already a prerequisite.

Both use CRC-32 only though, but for each block (100-900 KB for bzip2).

Also, any reasonable transport protocol does apply integrity check (error detection / correction), so only aborted transmissions (or defective harddisks / memory) could cause corrupted files / tarballs.

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

Given the workaround for OS X at the beginning of sage-pkg (see #2522), I would be tempted to avoid the Python tarfile module and rewrite the "tar_file" function as follows:

diff --git a/sage-pkg b/sage-pkg
--- a/sage-pkg
+++ b/sage-pkg
@@ -17,28 +17,18 @@ def tar_file(dir, no_compress=False):
         # workaround OS X issue -- see trac #2522
         COPYFILE_DISABLE = True
         os.environ['COPYFILE_DISABLE'] = 'true'
-        if no_compress:
-            cmd = "tar -cf %s.spkg %s" % (dir, dir)
-        else:
-            cmd = "tar -cf - %s | bzip2 > %s.spkg" % (dir, dir)
-        try:
-            check_call(cmd, shell=True)
-        except CalledProcessError:
-            print "Package creation failed."
-            sys.exit(1)
+    if no_compress:
+        # Compress the tar file using gzip with the lowest compression
+        # level, to add checksum information.
+        compression = "gzip -1"
-        import tarfile
-        if no_compress:
-            mode = "w"
-        else:
-            mode = "w:bz2"
-        try:
-            tar ="%s.spkg" % dir, mode=mode)
-            tar.add(dir, exclude=lambda f: f == ".DS_Store")
-            tar.close()
-        except tarfile.TarError:
-            print "Package creation failed."
-            sys.exit(1)
+        compression = "bzip2"
+    cmd = "tar -cf - %s | %s > %s.spkg" % (dir, compression, dir)
+    try:
+        check_call(cmd, shell=True)
+    except CalledProcessError:
+        print "Package creation failed."
+        sys.exit(1)

 def main():
     import re

Otherwise, if we work with Python modules on non-Darwin systems, we have to create a temporary tar file (using tempfile, say), then gzip it, then remove the tar file. The code is simpler and easier to maintain if we use the same approach on all platforms.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

... rewrite the "tar_file" function as follows:


I'd suggest to make a tar "feature test" (w.r.t. -j) to avoid the explicit pipe if possible.

Maybe same for -z, but this also needs a way to pass -1 to gzip.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago


bsdtar: manipulate archive files
First option must be a mode specifier:
  -c Create  -r Add/Replace  -t List  -u Update  -x Extract
Common Options:
  -b #  Use # 512-byte records per I/O block
  -f <filename>  Location of archive (default /dev/st0)
  -v    Verbose
  -w    Interactive
Create: bsdtar -c [options] [<file> | <dir> | @<archive> | -C <dir> ]
  <file>, <dir>  add these items to archive
  -z, -j, -J, --lzma  Compress archive with gzip/bzip2/xz/lzma
  --format {ustar|pax|cpio|shar}  Select archive format
  --exclude <pattern>  Skip files that match pattern
  -C <dir>  Change to <dir> before processing remaining files
  @<archive>  Add entries from <archive> to output
List: bsdtar -t [options] [<patterns>]
  <patterns>  If specified, list only entries that match
Extract: bsdtar -x [options] [<patterns>]
  <patterns>  If specified, extract only entries that match
  -k    Keep (don't overwrite) existing files
  -m    Don't restore modification times
  -O    Write entries to stdout, don't restore to disk
  -p    Restore permissions (including ACLs, owner, file flags)
bsdtar 2.8.0 - libarchive 2.8.0

So it's compatible with (recent) GNU tars w.r.t. compression.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago



   The environment variable `GZIP` can hold a set of default options for `gzip`.
   These options are interpreted first and can be overwritten by  explicit  command line parameters.  For example:
for sh:    GZIP="-8v --name"; export GZIP
jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

We distribute bzip2 with Sage, so I don't think we can assume that it's available on the system. Does "tar -j" require bzip2 be installed on the system, or will it use a locally installed version (e.g. in SAGE_ROOT/local/bin)? Otherwise, is there a quick way to test whether "tar -j" will work?

williamstein commented 13 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

We distribute bzip2 with Sage, so I don't think we can assume that it's available on the system.

Older tars don't have a -j option, so you'll see lines like this in the sage-* scripts in local/bin:

    tar -cf - %s | bzip2 > %s.spkg


    bunzip2 -c "$PKG_SRC" 2>/dev/null | tar Ofx${UNTAR_VERBOSE} - $PKG_NAME/SAGE.txt 2>/dev/null

Evidently, most of


83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

We distribute bzip2 with Sage, so I don't think we can assume that it's available on the system.

? We can assume that Sage's bzip2 is built when sage -pkg[nc] ... is invoked.

Does "tar -j" require bzip2 be installed on the system, or will it use a locally installed version (e.g. in SAGE_ROOT/local/bin)?

tar just calls execve(), so the first compressor (e.g. bzip2) found along PATH will be run, which should be Sage's in the case of b[un]zip2.

Otherwise, is there a quick way to test whether "tar -j" will work?

We could test the version numbers of GNU and BSD tar (others aren't officially supported AFAIK).

    tar cjf /dev/null /dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || fail

works with both GNU and BSD tar, i.e., tar returns 0 if -j is supported, a non-zero value otherwise.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

Replying to @nexttime:

We could test the version numbers of GNU and BSD tar (others aren't officially supported AFAIK).

And presumably also some [recent] version of Sun's tar.

    tar cjf /dev/null /dev/null 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || fail

Someone could test the above on [Open]Solaris.

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

On Solaris or OpenSolaris, we require GNU tar (according to our installation guide), so this should work.

But as William says, do we need to support older versions of tar which don't support the "-j" flag?

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

But as William says, do we need to support older versions of tar which don't support the "-j" flag?

Well, I suggested we should actually test its capabilities; I wouldn't blindly rely on -z or -j being supported.

I don't think we have to support dead old GNU tar versions which don't support both; for BSD tar I'd say the minimal version we can currently require is the one shipped with MacOS X 10.4.

williamstein commented 13 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

On Solaris or OpenSolaris, we require GNU tar (according to our installation guide), so this should work.

But as William says, do we need to support older versions of tar which don't support the "-j" flag?

In 2005 when I wrote the first scripts, it was a good idea! Now, it's not very important... That said, it seems writing scripts that do not use -j isn't hard at all, so why require it?

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

Replying to @williamstein:

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

On Solaris or OpenSolaris, we require GNU tar (according to our installation guide), so this should work.

But as William says, do we need to support older versions of tar which don't support the "-j" flag?

In 2005 when I wrote the first scripts, it was a good idea! Now, it's not very important...

GNU tar supports -j since version 1.13.18, released October 29th 2000. (-z is of course supported much longer.)

That said, it seems writing scripts that do not use -j isn't hard at all, so why require it?

Because it's easier (to read and write) ;-) and we avoid the usual trouble with the exit status of pipes, which wouldn't be a problem at all if we could rely on bash version >=3.0, but there's still MacOS X 10.4... (and its users are unable to install a more recent version) 8/

In case we explicitly support some BSD tar version which doesn't support -j, we should have a fallback. Otherwise I would just issue an error message if -j (or -z) isn't supported, recommending to install some contemporary version.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago


In case we have to use a pipe, we shouldn't do"foo | bar", shell=True)

but create the pipe and two subprocesses from Python instead.

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

What's wrong with using a pipe in

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 13 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

What's wrong with using a pipe in

The same issue we have in shell scripts. If foo fails, bar might still return 0, so we wouldn't notice the failure.

If we relied on bash >=3.0, we could use["bash", "-c", "set -o pipefail; foo | bar"]) # no shell=True

but that's IMHO ugly (and we currently cannot anyway).

So it's better (or safer) to create the pipe from Python, such that we get the exit codes of both subprocesses.

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

Regarding the patch from #2522: any advice on how to test it? I'm not sure how to create a resource fork for a file, to be stored in ._FILENAME. Here's what I've seen so far:

Note that the setting of COPYFILE_DISABLE doesn't tell tar to ignore files like .DS_Store: those are copied over regardless.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

This obviously needs to be rebased (in particular, you should support gzip).

Also: why have a script which changes a spkg file directly? If you want to do this, just edit sage-pkg.

kcrisman commented 11 years ago
  • I think that on OS X 10.4 (which we still support?), and perhaps other platforms, bash is version 2, which may not support the PIPESTATUS array. This is the reason for the pipestatus script in SAGE_ROOT/spkg/, and maybe you should use that instead in sage-spkg-integrity-check.

Not that I am very invested in this ticket, but according to this link bash 2.0 does support this. My oldest such computer has bash 2.05b.0(1) release.

student$ echo $HISTCMD
student$ echo $PIPESTATUS
student$ echo $FOO


And other examples after an actual used pipe seemed to work properly.

That doesn't mean there couldn't be some other reason for the pipestatus script, of course, still having to do with older bashes.

kcrisman commented 11 years ago

However, set -o pipefail is indeed illegal before bash 3.0 (tested it to be sure). But one could use PIPESTATUS for that, presumably?

 GNU tar was included as the standard system tar in
     FreeBSD beginning with FreeBSD 1.0.

OS X 10.4 still has it as GNU tar, obtained by FreeBSD from NetBSD; OS X 10.7 has it just as FreeBSD tar since apparently it was reimplemented. Anyway, all of these (Mac, FreeBSD) should probably have the -j flag. Would Solaris be the only one that doesn't per standard?

jdemeyer commented 11 years ago

I hate to say this, but what's the point of spkg checksums inside an spkg? To me, it looks pointless to add a checksum within the file that you're checksumming.

nbruin commented 11 years ago

Replying to @jdemeyer:

I hate to say this, but what's the point of spkg checksums inside an spkg? To me, it looks pointless to add a checksum within the file that you're checksumming.

For detecting download corruption it's quite useful. Basically all error detecting and correcting codes are based on sending the "checksum" together with the data.

jdemeyer commented 11 years ago

Replying to @nbruin:

For detecting download corruption it's quite useful. Basically all error detecting and correcting codes are based on sending the "checksum" together with the data.

Yes, but I doubt this checksum is meant to be used for checking for bit errors. Even the ticket description talks about truncated files, which would almost certainly mean that the checksum cannot be extracted. If the spkg file can be extracted without errors, it is extremely unlikely that it got corrupted, I think that's a good enough check.

Therefore, I would consider closing this as "wontfix".

robertwb commented 11 years ago

I implemented this for the new git layout:

robertwb commented 11 years ago

Changed author from Dan Drake to Dan Drake, Robert Bradshaw

ohanar commented 11 years ago

From the discussion on the pull request, Robert made it sound like this is a blocker for releasing 6.0 -- so I'm marking this as such.

ohanar commented 11 years ago

Changed reviewer from David Kirkby, John Palmieri to David Kirkby, John Palmieri, R. Andrew Ohana

ohanar commented 11 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -37,9 +37,5 @@

 * Ticket #7617 implements the integrity check procedure below for the SageTeX spkg.

-- [attachment: trac_329_sage_scripts.patch](
-- [attachment: trac_329-ref.patch](
-to the scripts repo.
+To apply:
+* Merge the checksums branch at
ohanar commented 11 years ago

Jeroen, if you don't mind, I'd like to mark this as fixed and merge the changes into the git repository.

jdemeyer commented 11 years ago

In fact, I do mind very much, I'll post my reasons to the sage-git list.