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hang on doctest of giac.groebner_basis but NOT on interactive sage #33161

Open tornaria opened 2 years ago

tornaria commented 2 years ago

Using 9.5.rc0 and system giac 1.7.0-45:

sage-9.5.rc0 -t --long --verbose --random-seed=207028792283788636028114220041760561940 src/sage/libs/giac/
Trying (line 172):    from sage.libs.giac import groebner_basis as gb_giac
Expecting nothing
ok [0.00 s]
Trying (line 198):    P = PolynomialRing(QQ,5, 'x')
Expecting nothing
ok [0.00 s]
Trying (line 199):    I = ideal([P.random_element(3,7) for j in range(5)])
Expecting nothing
ok [0.00 s]
Trying (line 200):    B1 = gb_giac(I.gens(),1e-16) # long time (1s)

gets stuck forever here, only for this random seed.

I reduced the doctest down to this file

def test():

        sage: from sage.libs.giac import groebner_basis as gb_giac
        sage: P.<x0,x1,x2,x3,x4> = PolynomialRing(QQ,5, 'x')
        sage: gens = [6*x0*x1*x2 + 6*x1*x2*x3 - 1/4*x0^2*x4 + 2*x0*x1*x4 + 1/2*x0*x2,
        ....:            1/4*x0^2*x2 + x1^2*x2 - x1*x2^2 + 1/2*x0*x2*x4 - 1/2*x2^2*x4 + 10*x4^3 + 2*x2*x4,
        ....:            5/2*x1^2*x2 - 4*x2^2*x3 - 2*x0*x3^2 - 5*x1*x2*x4,
        ....:            1/2*x0*x2*x3 - 12*x1*x2*x4 - x3^2*x4 + 1/3*x0*x4^2 + 7*x3*x4^2 + 4*x1,
        ....:            2/3*x0*x2^2 - x0^2*x3 - 2*x0*x3^2 + 1/18*x1*x4^2 + 3/8*x0^2 + 2*x3]
        sage: B1 = gb_giac(gens,1e-16)


$ sage-9.5.rc0 -t --verbose
Trying (line 12):    B1 = gb_giac(gens,1e-16)

gets stuck forever and doesn't depend on the random seed.

However, running the same example interactively works:

$ sage-9.5.rc0
│ SageMath version 9.5.rc0, Release Date: 2022-01-09                 │
│ Using Python 3.10.1. Type "help()" for help.                       │
┃ Warning: this is a prerelease version, and it may be unstable.     ┃
sage: from sage.libs.giac import groebner_basis as gb_giac
// Giac share root-directory:/usr/share/giac/
// Giac share root-directory:/usr/share/giac/
Added 0 synonyms
sage: P.<x0,x1,x2,x3,x4> = PolynomialRing(QQ,5, 'x')
sage: gens = [6*x0*x1*x2 + 6*x1*x2*x3 - 1/4*x0^2*x4 + 2*x0*x1*x4 + 1/2*x0*x2,
....:                1/4*x0^2*x2 + x1^2*x2 - x1*x2^2 + 1/2*x0*x2*x4 - 1/2*x2^2*x4 + 10*x4^3 + 2*x2*x4,
....:                5/2*x1^2*x2 - 4*x2^2*x3 - 2*x0*x3^2 - 5*x1*x2*x4,
....:                1/2*x0*x2*x3 - 12*x1*x2*x4 - x3^2*x4 + 1/3*x0*x4^2 + 7*x3*x4^2 + 4*x1,
....:                2/3*x0*x2^2 - x0^2*x3 - 2*x0*x3^2 + 1/18*x1*x4^2 + 3/8*x0^2 + 2*x3]
sage: B1 = gb_giac(gens,1e-16)
Running a probabilistic check for the reconstructed Groebner basis. If successful, error probability is less than 1e-16 and is estimated to be less than 10^-49. Use proba_epsilon:=0 to certify (this takes more time).
// Groebner basis computation time 0.728084 Memory 256.532M

Similar results in a different box with 9.5.beta9 and giac 1.7.0-39.

CC: @antonio-rojas @collares

Component: doctest framework

Issue created by migration from

orlitzky commented 2 years ago

This is a duplicate of #33050, but with more information.

tornaria commented 2 years ago

Replying to @orlitzky:

This is a duplicate of #33050, but with more information.

It certainly looks the same, I'm sorry I missed that.

However, what really confuses me is why running via doctests should be different than running interactively. Do you have any clue about that?

I did the small file with only one test because I thought maybe some giac setting was changed by a previous test, but that doesn't change anything. Is there perhaps a weird interaction between the way doctests are run and the way giac is run? Maybe some diagnostic information printed by giac only in particular cases.

orlitzky commented 2 years ago

It's very weird and I can reproduce it now. We hit a similar issue in #33092; see the discussion starting around comment 45. Does using sage -t --serial fix the problem?

antonio-rojas commented 2 years ago

Using --serial worked fine exactly once. Every subsequent run hangs even with --serial

orlitzky commented 2 years ago

Replying to @antonio-rojas:

Using --serial worked fine exactly once. Every subsequent run hangs even with --serial

lol so I'm not the only one that happened to? I thought I was losing my mind. I wasn't even going to comment about it.

seblabbe commented 2 years ago

I can't reproduce the problem with 9.5.rc0 with:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal
$ giac -v
// Using locale /usr/share/locale/
// fr_CA.UTF-8
// /usr/share/locale/
// giac
// UTF-8
// Maximum number of parallel threads 8
// (c) 2001, 2018 B. Parisse & others
antonio-rojas commented 2 years ago

Not sure if useful, but here is a backtrace

#0  0x00007f784b78986f in mpn_mod_1_unnorm (d=18444403110374801408, un=946, up=0x5583997d2fc0) at mpn/../mpn/generic/mod_1.c:173
#1  __gmpn_mod_1_fat (b=<optimized out>, n=<optimized out>, ap=0x5583997d2fc0) at mpn/../mpn/generic/mod_1.c:259
#2  __gmpn_mod_1_fat (ap=0x5583997d2fc0, n=<optimized out>, b=<optimized out>) at mpn/../mpn/generic/mod_1.c:232
#3  0x00007f784b78dcd8 in __gmpz_fdiv_ui (dividend=<optimized out>, divisor=536802781) at mpz/fdiv_ui.c:89
#4  0x00007f77e8235c30 in giac::modulo (a=..., b=<optimized out>) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#5  0x00007f77e89dda2f in giac::chinrem<giac::tdeg_t14> (tmp=..., qmodval=536802781, Q=..., pmod=..., P=...)
    at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#6  giac::chinrem<giac::tdeg_t14> (start=<optimized out>, tmp=..., qmod=536802781, Q=..., pmod=..., P=...)
    at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#7  giac::in_mod_gbasis<giac::tdeg_t14>(giac::vectpoly8<giac::tdeg_t14>&, bool, bool, int&, giac::context const*, giac::gbasis_param_t, int) [clone .isra.0] (res=..., modularcheck=modularcheck@entry=false, zdata=zdata@entry=true, rur=@0x7fff29922308: 0, contextptr=contextptr@entry=0x558398296290, 
    gbasis_logz_age=<optimized out>, gbasis_par=..., gbasis_par=...) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#8  0x00007f77e842f269 in giac::mod_gbasis<giac::tdeg_t14> (gbasis_param=..., gbasis_param=..., zdata=true, contextptr=0x558398296290, 
    rur=@0x7fff29922308: 0, modularcheck=<optimized out>, res=...) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#9  giac::gbasis8 (v=..., order=..., newres=..., env=0x7fff29922360, modularalgo=<optimized out>, modularcheck=<optimized out>, rur=@0x7fff29922308: 0, 
    contextptr=0x558398296290, gbasis_param=...) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#10 0x00007f77e8000abd in giac::giac_gbasis (res=..., order_=..., env=0x7fff29922360, modularcheck=1, rur=@0x7fff29922308: 0, contextptr=0x558398296290, 
    gbasis_param=...) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#11 0x00007f77e8001154 in giac::gbasis (v=..., order=..., with_cocoa=<optimized out>, modular=1, env=0x7fff29922360, rur=@0x7fff29922308: 0, 
    contextptr=0x558398296290, gbasis_param=...) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#12 0x00007f77e800e595 in giac::_gbasis (args=..., contextptr=<optimized out>) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#13 0x00007f77e7edbc1a in giac::unary_function_eval::operator() (this=<optimized out>, arg=..., context_ptr=<optimized out>, this=<optimized out>, 
    arg=..., context_ptr=<optimized out>) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/unary.h:203
#14 0x00007f77e84caad9 in giac::unary_function_ptr::operator() (this=<optimized out>, arg=..., context_ptr=<optimized out>)
    at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
#15 0x00007f77e859e7f7 in giac::gen::operator() (this=0x55839801fe30, i=..., progname=..., contextptr=0x558398296290)
    at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#16 0x00007f77e85a04bd in giac::gen::operator() (this=<optimized out>, i=..., contextptr=<optimized out>) at /build/giac/src/giac-1.7.0/src/
#17 0x00007f77e92237aa in ?? () from /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sage/libs/giac/
#18 0x00007f77e9211423 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sage/libs/giac/
#19 0x00007f784c7a47cb in _PyObject_MakeTpCall () from /usr/lib/
#20 0x00007f784c7b6389 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#21 0x00007f784c703565 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#22 0x00007f77e921d5e3 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sage/libs/giac/
#23 0x00007f77e91302a5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sage/libs/giac/
#24 0x00007f784c7ab475 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#25 0x00007f784c79aa9b in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () from /usr/lib/
#26 0x00007f784c7aa73c in _PyFunction_Vectorcall () from /usr/lib/
#27 0x00007f784c79d225 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () from /usr/lib/
#28 0x00007f784c7aa73c in _PyFunction_Vectorcall () from /usr/lib/
#29 0x00007f784c79a769 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () from /usr/lib/
#30 0x00007f784c799392 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#31 0x00007f784c851c14 in PyEval_EvalCode () from /usr/lib/
#32 0x00007f784c859671 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#33 0x00007f784c7aa940 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#34 0x00007f784c79a769 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () from /usr/lib/
#35 0x00007f784c7aa73c in _PyFunction_Vectorcall () from /usr/lib/
#36 0x00007f784c79aa9b in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () from /usr/lib/
#37 0x00007f784c7aa73c in _PyFunction_Vectorcall () from /usr/lib/
#38 0x00007f784c79aa9b in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault () from /usr/lib/
fchapoton commented 2 years ago

bump to 9.6

fchapoton commented 1 year ago

Another instance with another random seed, timing out with sage 9.7.rc1:

sage -t --long --warn-long 59.5 --random-seed=14952671518664531990234514377169608802 src/sage/libs/giac/