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Add methods to compute holomorphic differentials of function field #33952

Closed kwankyu closed 2 years ago

kwankyu commented 2 years ago

It is simple to compute the space of holomorphic differentials based on the current function field machinery.

CC: @BrentBaccala

Component: algebra

Author: Kwankyu Lee

Branch/Commit: 89f87b6

Reviewer: Linden Disney-Hogg

Issue created by migration from

kwankyu commented 2 years ago

Branch: u/klee/33952

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Commit: 05e35ab

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

05e35abAdd methods for holomorphic differentials
DisneyHogg commented 2 years ago

The code can be very slow and presumably use a lot of memory as in the following case, where for me Sage eventually crashes.

F.<s5> = QQ.extension(polygen(QQ)^2-5, embedding=2)
K.<x> = FunctionField(F)
_.<Y> = K[]
f = -20*x^6 + (45*s5 + 75)*x^4*Y + 68*x^3*Y^2 + (-180*s5 - 400)*x^3*Y + (189*s5 + 441)*x^2*Y^2 + (45*s5 + 75)*x*Y^3 - 20*Y^4 + (-63*s5 - 141)*x*Y^2 + (-180*s5 - 400)*Y^3 + (144*s5 + 322)*Y^2
L.<y> = K.extension(f)

This example comes from a genuine use case I have wanted differentials for, and Maple can do the corresponding calculation in less than a second. Perhaps add a warning or a note about this in the documentation, otherwise the code looks good.

kwankyu commented 2 years ago

Replying to @DisneyHogg:

The code can be very slow and presumably use a lot of memory as in the following case, where for me Sage eventually crashes.

F.<s5> = QQ.extension(polygen(QQ)^2-5, embedding=2)
K.<x> = FunctionField(F)
_.<Y> = K[]
f = -20*x^6 + (45*s5 + 75)*x^4*Y + 68*x^3*Y^2 + (-180*s5 - 400)*x^3*Y + (189*s5 + 441)*x^2*Y^2 + (45*s5 + 75)*x*Y^3 - 20*Y^4 + (-63*s5 - 141)*x*Y^2 + (-180*s5 - 400)*Y^3 + (144*s5 + 322)*Y^2
L.<y> = K.extension(f)

This example comes from a genuine use case I have wanted differentials for, and Maple can do the corresponding calculation in less than a second.

Sorry that the method does not help your genuine use case. Indeed it takes forever just to compute L.maximal_order_infinite(), which needs to be done before any computation can proceed. It does the computation through Singular's normal function that computes the integral closure of a given ideal. It seems that the Singular function does not work well with number fields...

Perhaps add a warning or a note about this in the documentation, otherwise the code looks good.

The above failure is not directly related with the code here. So it seems inappropriate to add a warning or note to the new method.

kwankyu commented 2 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1 +1 @@
-It is simple to computer the space of holomorphic differentials based on the current function field machinery.
+It is simple to compute the space of holomorphic differentials based on the current function field machinery.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

89f87b6Merge branch 'develop'
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 2 years ago

Changed commit from 05e35ab to 89f87b6

DisneyHogg commented 2 years ago

Replying to @kwankyu:

The above failure is not directly related with the code here. So it seems inappropriate to add a warning or note to the new method.

Happy with this approach, so give positive review.

kwankyu commented 2 years ago


cc-ed to the characteristic-zero function field expert.

kwankyu commented 2 years ago

Reviewer: Linden Disney-Hogg

BrentBaccala commented 2 years ago

Replying to @kwankyu:


cc-ed to the characteristic-zero function field expert.

Thanks for the cc, klee, I'll take a look.

kwankyu commented 2 years ago

Replying to @BrentBaccala:

Replying to @kwankyu:


cc-ed to the characteristic-zero function field expert.

Thanks for the cc, klee, I'll take a look.

Meanwhile, I narrowed it down to this singular code (which computes the integral basis of the infinite maximal order of the example function field):

LIB "normal.lib";
ring S = (0,s5),(x,y),dp;
minpoly = s5^2 - 5;
ideal i = x^18+(9*s5+20)*y*x^15+(-9/4*s5-15/4)*y*x^14+(-36/5*s5-161/10)*y^2*x^12+(63/20*s5+141/20)*y^2*x^11+(-189/20*s5-441/20)*y^2*x^10-17/5*y^2*x^9+(9*s5+20)*y^3*x^6+(-9/4*s5-15/4)*y^3*x^5+y^4;

which takes forever.

kwankyu commented 2 years ago

I received this reply from the author of normal.lib, Gert-Martin Greuel:

The ideal is fine and the algorithm works well. However, due to coefficient swell in char 0 it takes long. You can control the computational progress by setting option(prot); before the computation (the manual explains the symbols).

I did the computation in a large finite char and then it took 31 sec (on my MacBook Air M1). The protocol gives you an impression of the large number of Groebner basis computations. Here is my input

LIB "normal.lib";
ring S = (32003,s5),(x,y),dp;
minpoly = s5^2 - 5;
ideal i = x^18+(9*s5+20)*y*x^15+(-9/4*s5-15/4)*y*x^14+(-36/5*s5-161/10)*y^2*x^12+(63/20*s5+141/20)*y^2*x^11+(-189/20*s5-441/20)*y^2*x^10-17/5*y^2*x^9+(9*s5+20)*y^3*x^6+(-9/4*s5-15/4)*y^3*x^5+y^4;
int t=timer;
list nor = normal(i);
timer-t;   //shows the time in sec

I stopped the computation in char 0 after 5 h but the protocol shows that it works correctly. However the total time to finish is unpredictable.

vbraun commented 2 years ago

Changed branch from u/klee/33952 to 89f87b6