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clisp spkg-install has bad hard-coded error message #3477

Closed ba94b9bb-195b-4422-a5e2-176920eaa163 closed 15 years ago

ba94b9bb-195b-4422-a5e2-176920eaa163 commented 15 years ago

The following code from the clisp spkg-install is confusing:

    echo "If you already have clisp, you can type touch spkg/installed/clisp-2.38"
    echo "(or whatever the current version is) from SAGE_ROOT, and continue the"
    echo "install.  This tells SAGE that you already have clisp-2.38 installed."

It should either use the current version, or not give a version at all.

Component: packages: standard

Issue created by migration from

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 15 years ago

Merged in Sage 3.0.4.rc0