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Add badges for GitHub stars of upstream projects #37585

Open mkoeppe opened 4 months ago

mkoeppe commented 4 months ago

The idea is to make it easier for Sage users to show their appreciation for the upstream projects that Sage depends on by starring their repositories.

For example using in our SPKG pages

DavidAyotte commented 1 month ago

Hello Mathias, following your post in sage-devel thread, I would like to take on this issue. To make sure I understand correctly, it would require adding the GitHub badges for the spkg here ? Would you add them directly to the main page containing the list or on each individual spkg doc page ?

Also, do you think there would be a way to do this programmatically or one should do this "by hand" ?

mkoeppe commented 1 month ago

Hello Mathias, following your post in sage-devel thread, I would like to take on this issue.


To make sure I understand correctly, it would require adding the GitHub badges for the spkg here ? Would you add them directly to the main page containing the list or on each individual spkg doc page ?

Ideally both, but I don't know how easy it is to have them appear in the list (it's a Sphinx TOC)

Also, do you think there would be a way to do this programmatically or one should do this "by hand" ?

Programmatically. We would record the URL of the main repository in some machine-readable file in build/pkgs/SPKG/ -- either a new line in checksums.ini or just a little new text file.

The web pages are generated in the scripts src/doc/bootstrap and build/bin/sage-spkg-info

mkoeppe commented 1 month ago

37430 does some related refactoring