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bug in modular symbol projection function #388

Closed williamstein closed 16 years ago

williamstein commented 17 years ago
On 6/21/07, Mak Trifkovic <> wrote:
> Hi William,
> I found an odd thing:
> -----------------------
> S=ModularSymbols(53,sign=1).cuspidal_subspace()[1];S
>         Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 3 of Modular Symbols space of
>         dimension 5 for Gamma_0(53) of weight 2 with sign 1 over Rational Field
> p=S.projection()
> S.basis()
>         ((1,33) - (1,37), (1,35), (1,49))
> for i in [0,1,2]: p(S.basis()[i])
> (1,35)
> (1,49)
> 0
> ------------------------------
> Shouldn't the projection onto a subspace restricted to that subspace be
> the identity?

Yes.  That's definitely a bug.  Thanks for finding it.

Component: number theory

Issue created by migration from

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 16 years ago

This is still an issue with Sage 2.8.2. Maybe it is something for the next bug day:

[mabshoff@m940 sage-2.8.2]$ ./sage
| SAGE Version 2.8.2, Release Date: 2007-08-22                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |

sage: S=ModularSymbols(53,sign=1).cuspidal_subspace()[1];S
Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 3 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 5 for Gamma_0(53) of weight 2 with sign 1 over Rational Field
sage: p=S.projection()
sage: S.basis()
((1,33) - (1,37), (1,35), (1,49))
sage: for i in [0,1,2]: p(S.basis()[i])



craigcitro commented 16 years ago

This fixes the bug above. The problem was this: if M is the full space of modular symbols above, SS its cuspidal subspace, and S as above, then S is the 3rd component in the decomposition of M, but the second in the decomposition of SS. At some point, this led to an indexing problem, and the wrong rows of M.decomposition_matrix() were being used to create S.projection.

I fixed this as follows: since M has already been decomposed to get S, I simply use (M.decomposition()).index(S) to find out what the appropriate index is. I could be convinced that there's a more elegant way to do this.

I'm attaching the patch, but it's also available here:


williamstein commented 16 years ago

Attachment: ticket_388.hg.gz

looks good to me.