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PolyBoRi interface improvements #3915

Closed malb closed 16 years ago

malb commented 16 years ago

The attached patch

CC: @burcin

Component: commutative algebra

Keywords: polybori

Issue created by migration from

malb commented 16 years ago

oh, it also adds a _latex_ method to BooleanPolynomial

1998e663-c3b5-4cf6-92c3-7f1771ca5185 commented 16 years ago

The line:


is nearly meaningless, as it ignores the result. For having a reduced system set the keyword redsb=True for the groebner_basis call. Furthermore, your reduce implementation doesn't necessarily yield a unique (reduced) normal form. For PolyBoRi >0.4 set strat.optRedTail=True for PolyBoRi <0.4 apply p=red_tail(strat,p) to a normal form. Michael

malb commented 16 years ago

Thanks for the review. The updated patch should address your comments.

1998e663-c3b5-4cf6-92c3-7f1771ca5185 commented 16 years ago

Looks good, there is still some minor thing, I detected. But this is nothing about the patch, as it was buggy before:

It is possible to pass a deg_bound to groebner_basis . So the result is not garantied to be a GB. In this case it looks strange to set

self.__gb = g

maybe you can check this via

if kwds.get("deg_bound",False) is False:
  self.__gb = g

Then I'll give it a positive review. Michael

1998e663-c3b5-4cf6-92c3-7f1771ca5185 commented 16 years ago

ups: still, comments regarding the patch: These are optional, as they only concern performance:

pbori.pyxline 3144

            s = sum([prod([x[i] for i in xrange(n) if v[i]],  
                B.one_element()) for v in s],  
            s = s.set()

should be faster with

            s=BooleSet(sum([prod([x[i] for i in xrange(n) if v[i]],  
                B.one_element()) for v in s]

However, you will have to handle the case of the empty set seperately(when there are no monomials) to make sure, that it is the right ring. I think, if we can make this easier upstream.

Furthermore, if you really want to be clever: The use of prod is quite unoptimal here. If you really want get these multiplications for variables fast, you should multiply them in this way: x1(x2(x3*x4))) So first use the indices behind. Note, that indices in PolyBoRi don't have to be identical to those in sage/Singular lex, degree lex: identical dp(dp_asc): reversed. Blocks of degree lexicographical: identical Blocks of degree reverse lex. : reversed in each block, so quite strange (if it is correctly implemented in sage)

malb commented 16 years ago

Attachment: pbori_improvements.patch.gz

malb commented 16 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-PolyBoRi:

It is possible to pass a deg_bound to groebner_basis.

I check for deg_bound in the updated patch. Thanks a lot for your detailed criticism, it helps (me) a lot! I give the patch a positive review now, since you wrote:

Then I'll give it a positive review. Michael

malb commented 16 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-PolyBoRi:

ups: still, comments regarding the patch: These are optional, as they only concern performance:

pbori.pyxline 3144 s=BooleSet(sum([prod([x[i] for i in xrange(n) if v[i]], B.one_element()) for v in s]

It seems we didn't implement BooleSet(BooleanPolynomial) in Sage. I'll check the upstream implementation and fix that.

If you really want get these multiplications for variables fast, you should multiply them in this way: x1(x2(x3*x4)))

I don't do anything fancy for now, but I reversed the order of the product. This might be faster in the normal case which is lex if I understand your comment correctly.

1998e663-c3b5-4cf6-92c3-7f1771ca5185 commented 16 years ago

It seems we didn't implement BooleSet(BooleanPolynomial) in Sage. I'll check the upstream implementation and fix that.

sorry, the line was long, without the sum: just

BooleSet([prod([x[i] for ...]

A BooleSet is a set of monomials. It uses a more sophisticated addition.

If you really want get these multiplications for variables fast, you should multiply them in this way: x1(x2(x3*x4)))

I don't do anything fancy for now, but I reversed the order of the product. This might be faster in the normal case which is lex if I understand your comment correctly.

yes, it is much faster in Lex, even from a Python interpreter with boost::python calling overhead (in large examples, high degree monomials)

You have my positive review :-).

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 16 years ago

I am seeing slight merge issues with my current alpha2 tree:

mabshoff@sage:/scratch/mabshoff/release-cycle/sage-3.1.2.alpha2/devel/sage$ patch -p1 < trac_3915_pbori_improvements.patch
patching file sage/rings/polynomial/
Hunk #1 FAILED at 391.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 1948 (offset 47 lines).
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/rings/polynomial/

The failing hunk deletes contains, so this should be easy to rebase.



85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 16 years ago

Martin suggested in IRC just to delete the hunk that fails to apply manually. The reject is cause by some other code being applied in alpha2, so I will sort this out by posting an updated patch of Martin's patch and a second patch that deletes the hunk in question.



85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 16 years ago

rebased patch of malb's - all that needed fixing was plot's parameter list

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 16 years ago

Attachment: trac_3915_pbori_improvements.patch.gz

Merged trac_3915_pbori_improvements.patch in Sage 3.1.2.alpha2