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Polynomials over inexact rings should not truncate inexact leading zeroes #5075

Open kedlaya opened 15 years ago

kedlaya commented 15 years ago

The generic polynomial class truncates leading zeroes, and this can cause problems when working over an inexact ring in which is_zero can return True even for an inexact zero (e.g., see #2943). Here is a simple example:

sage: C.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(Integers())
sage: D.<s> = PolynomialRing(C)
sage: y = O(t)
sage: y
sage: z = y*s
sage: z
sage: z.list()

This was recognized earlier for p-adics and fixed (I'm not sure which ticket this was):

sage: C = pAdicField(11)
sage: D.<s> = PolynomialRing(C)
sage: y = O(11)
sage: y
sage: z = y*s
sage: z

The other main class of inexact rings are interval fields, but I believe for those is_zero returns False for an inexact zero, so this doesn't come up.

CC: @sagetrac-dmharvey @nilesjohnson @categorie

Component: algebra

Keywords: polynomials, power series, inexact rings

Stopgaps: todo

Issue created by migration from

kedlaya commented 15 years ago

A closely related issue is #3979.

roed314 commented 15 years ago

Attachment: trac_5075.patch.gz

In progress. I think it fixes the problem, but I'm working on a larger project for p-adic polynomials that this is part of.

roed314 commented 15 years ago

Attachment: trac_5075.2.patch.gz

rebased against 4.0

kedlaya commented 13 years ago

I tried to apply this against 4.7.1.rc1 and got a bunch of merge failures in power_series_poly.pyx. Probably another trivial rebase is needed.

9343d2e0-59ba-4406-bd4f-c78e4cf1230e commented 10 years ago

David, could you give us a rebase for sage 6.1? I know you're doing a lot of other work for padics, but we're trying to solve a more basic issue with power series comparison at #9457. Power series over padics are a confusing obstacle there, and we wanted to see if the patch here would help.

Here's the specific bug we're trying to track down (in sage 6.1): Power series over p-adics are changing inexact zeros to exact zeros -- this looks similar to the problem with polynomials on this ticket, but notice that the problem happens even for p-adics:

sage: Ct.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(Qp(11))
sage: O(11^2) # inexact zero
sage: Ct(O(11^2)) # coercing to power series ring looses finite precision
sage: Ct(1+O(11^2)) # finite precision is retained for non-zero elements
1 + O(11^2)

There is a problem with multiplication of a p-adic by an element of the power series ring, which might be caused by the problem above:

sage: 1+O(11^2)*t  # finite precision is retained
1 + O(11^20) + O(11^2)*t  

sage: O(11^2)*t  # finite precision is lost

Note that there is a similar problem for more general power series ring over power series ring:

sage: D.<x> = PowerSeriesRing(QQ)
sage: Ds.<s> = PowerSeriesRing(D)
sage: O(x)  # inexact zero
sage: Ds(O(x)) # finite precision is lost
sage: Ds(1+O(x)) # finite precision is retained
1 + O(x)

sage: 1+O(x)*s # !! this is different from behavior of power series over padic ring

My hope is that starting with a rebase of this patch would be a step toward solving this problem. Perhaps it will have to be extended to power series over inexact rings too. Unfortunately I don't understand the current status of padics well enough to do this rebase myself.

ea1d0bf8-c27a-4548-8cb7-de0b1d02441a commented 9 years ago

Stopgaps: todo

kedlaya commented 8 years ago

Ping. Is this issue due to be resolved by other developments on p-adics?

kedlaya commented 7 years ago

Ping again. The original example still behaves the same way in Sage 8.0.

martinluedtke commented 8 months ago

There is a problem also with the evaluation of p-adic polynomials whose leading coefficient is an inexact zero. It looks like inexact leading zeros are treated as exact zeros, resulting in wrong precisions. For example:

sage: R.<x> = Qp(2)['x']
sage: f = O(2)*x + 1
sage: f
O(2)*x + 1 + O(2^20)
sage: f(1)
1 + O(2^20)

Here, the value f(1) should be 1 + O(2), not 1 + O(2^20).