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make some TeX macros available to docstrings #5555

Closed jhpalmieri closed 15 years ago

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

With the attached patch, you should be able to use \ZZ, \CC, \RR, and \QQ in docstrings and have them typeset correctly in the html, live html, latex, and pdf versions of the documentation. To add new macros, edit the file '$SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/doc/common/sage-macros.tex'. (I considered just using the existing file 'macros.tex' in the same directory, but decided it was too bloated.)

The point here is to be able to write docstrings which are readable from interactive help in Sage and which also get typeset correctly in the reference manual; this was discussed on sage-devel, and people seemed to agree that a docstring like

This computes the integral homology `H_d(X, \ZZ)` of `X` in dimension `d`. 

was better than

This computes the integral homology `H_d(X, \mathbb{Z})` of `X` in dimension `d`. 

especially since the \ZZ gets turned into ZZ when pre-parsed for interactive help.

This point should be kept in mind if anyone wants to add new macros: the name should be short and unambiguous, and there should be a good reason for using it instead of plain LaTeX. (This was maybe what I meant when I said that macros.tex was too bloated.)

Having said all of that, I would be happy to add some more macros now. What else should be added? Once we seem to have made some sort of decision about that, I'll update the patch and mark this ticket as "needs review".

Component: documentation

Issue created by migration from

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Now I need help. 'new-macros.patch' doesn't work, and I don't know why. When I run it, I get the error message

% sage -docbuild reference html
sphinx-build -b html -d /Applications/sage/devel/sage/doc/output/doctrees/en/reference   .  /Applications/sage/devel/sage/doc/output/html/en/reference
Exception occurred:
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'sage' is not defined
The full traceback has been saved in /var/folders/JV/JVYCpshdHd4FFoThuUgD8k+++TI/-Tmp-/sphinx-err-l-jOy1.log, if you want to report the issue to the author.
Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error message can be provided next time.

This is coming from the line

defn += eval('str(latex(' + module + "." + name + args + '))') + '}'

which, for example, doesn't seem to like doing this:


(A few lines earlier, from sage.misc.latex import latex seems to be perfectly acceptable.)

When I run sage and "attach", then the function produce_latex_macro works just fine. I'm probably making some stupid Python mistake. Can anyone help?

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Ignore my previous remark. This is now ready for review.

To add new macros, edit these lines in

sage_macros = [("ZZ", "sage.rings.all"),
               ("RR", "sage.rings.all"),
               ("CC", "sage.rings.all"),
               ("QQ", "sage.rings.all"),
               ("QQbar", "sage.rings.all"),
               ("GF", "sage.rings.all", 17),

The file has comments explaining what to do...

mwhansen commented 15 years ago

We really should/need to make it so all of this plays well with jsMath:

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Replying to @mwhansen:

We really should/need to make it so all of this plays well with jsMath:

Okay, how about this patch?

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

(I clicked 'submit' too early. Here's a longer reply.)

Replying to @mwhansen:

We really should/need to make it so all of this plays well with jsMath:

Okay, how about this patch? This seems to allow use of the imported macros in the notebook (e.g. by shift-clicking between cells and adding "test: $\ZZ$") and in the live versions of the reference manual and the tutorial. Does that definitely mean that it's working well with jsMath? I'm not sure how to test this...

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

By the way, #5568 should be trivial to review and is somewhat related to this one.

malb commented 15 years ago

Am I right that $\GF(2^n)$ won't work, from the patch it looks like it?

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Replying to @malb:

Am I right that $\GF(2^n)$ won't work, from the patch it looks like it?

If you put `\GF{2^n}` in a docstring (note the curly braces, not parentheses), then this will appear as "GF{2^n}" in a docstring, and it will be typeset as "\mathbf{F}_{2^n}" in the reference manual. In general, given `\GF{blah}`, then blah is not modified: it appears as is in both the docstring and the LaTeX which produces reference manual. It can be a complicated LaTeX expression, for example, and it should work fine.

You can test this by applying the patch and then putting \GF{2<sup>{3</sup>n}} somewhere in the tutorial, for example, and then type "sage -docbuild tutorial html" (or "pdf" instead of "html") to check the output, or "sage -docbuild tutorial latex" to check the LaTeX source code.

Is that good enough, or were you hoping for something else?

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

If you put `\GF{2^n}` in a docstring

Of course, you need to be careful about single vs. double backslashes. This should probably be `\GF{2^n}` ...

malb commented 15 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

Is that good enough, or were you hoping for something else?

All good, sorry I didn't understand the patch properly. Thanks for explaining!

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Here's an additional patch; apply on top of the other one. This allows use of these macros interactively; for example, in the notebook you could do


and it will be typeset correctly.

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Attachment: doc-tex-macros.patch.gz

(don't use, obsolete)

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Attachment: new-macros.2.patch.gz

(don't use, obsolete)

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Attachment: new-macros.patch.gz

(don't use, obsolete)

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

apply this one first

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Attachment: new-macros-with-jsmath.patch.gz

(Is there a way to delete attachments?)

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 15 years ago

Hmm, this patch was not on my radar at all. Given the patch at #5700 which patch here is the current one to apply and review?



jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

This one may have been posted during the Great Trac Email Blackout.

As I've tried to indicate at #5700, that patch is temporary. This one is supposed to be permanent. Applying this one will make #5700 unnecessary. If you think this patch might get in some time soon, then maybe we should ignore #5700?

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 15 years ago

Ok, looking at the patches again I think it is obvious that we need to review

only and can ignore the others as indicated. I am actually for merging and reviewing this one instead of merging #5700 now as a stopgap, so reassigned without any guarantee which one will go in.



dandrake commented 15 years ago

I'm looking over this, and the code seems good, but I can't find any examples of it doing anything in the html documentation. Am I missing something, or building the documentation wrong? I'm using --jsmath, which works in the notebook, but when I click the Help link at the top, it's not typesetting anything.

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

This patch doesn't actually add any examples in the documentation. However, there are examples, recently added in Sage, which use these macros:

So right now, those docstrings don't appear correctly in the html version of the reference manual, and they actually produce errors in the pdf version. If you apply the patches here, those issues should be fixed.

Also as I said earlier:

You can test this by applying the patch and then putting "\GF{q}" somewhere in the tutorial, for example, and then type "sage -docbuild tutorial html" (or "pdf" instead of "html") to check the output, or "sage -docbuild tutorial latex" to check the LaTeX source code.

Does this answer your question?

dandrake commented 15 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

Does this answer your question?

Yes, pretty much. I think most of my problems involve my own lack of knowledge about building the documentation, and the problems we still have with building it. But I got the tutorial to correctly show the macros in html, pdf, and text form.

I've reviewed the patches "new-macros-with-jsmath.patch" and "5555-second.patch" and they are very nice. Works as advertised, good code, all doctests pass: positive review.

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 15 years ago

Did someone not run doctests? :)

sage -t -long "devel/sage/sage/misc/"               
File "/scratch/mabshoff/sage-3.4.1.rc2/devel/sage/sage/misc/", line 371:
    sage: _latex_file_(3, title="The number three")
{\\Large\\bf The number three}\\end{center}\n\\vspace{40mm}\\[3\\]\n\\end{document}'
\n\\newcommand{\\CDF}{\\text{Complex Double Field}}\n\\newcommand{\\CIF}{\\mathbf{C}}
\n\\newcommand{\\RIF}{\\I \\R}\n\\newcommand{\\RLF}{\\mathbf{R}}\n\\newcommand{\\RQDF}
{\\Large\\bf The number three}\\end{center}\n\\vspace{40mm}\\[3\\]\n\\end{document}'
File "/scratch/mabshoff/sage-3.4.1.rc2/devel/sage/sage/misc/", line 373:
    sage: _latex_file_([7, 8, 9], title="Why was six afraid of seven?", sep='\\vfill\\hrule\\vfill')
{\\Large\\bf Why was six afraid of seven?}\\end{center}\n\\vspace{40mm}\\[7\\]
\n\\newcommand{\\CDF}{\\text{Complex Double Field}}\n\\newcommand{\\CIF}{\\mathbf{C}}
\n\\newcommand{\\RIF}{\\I \\R}\n\\newcommand{\\RLF}{\\mathbf{R}}\n\\newcommand{\\RQDF}
{\\Large\\bf Why was six afraid of seven?}\\end{center}\n\\vspace{40mm}\\[7\\]

Once this obvious failure is fixed feel free to reinstate the positive review.



jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

apply this one second

jhpalmieri commented 15 years ago

Attachment: 5555-second.patch.gz

Okay, here's a new patch with revised doctests.

85eec1a4-3d04-4b4d-b711-d4db03337c41 commented 15 years ago

Merged new-macros-with-jsmath.patch and 5555-second.patch in Sage 3.4.1.rc2.



dandrake commented 15 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-mabshoff:

Did someone not run doctests? :)

That's weird...I doctested the whole tree and everything worked. I'm glad to see it was fixed and merged, though.