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cohomology ring of simplicial complexes #6102

Closed a5044511-c4d7-49ce-acf4-06b1c0aef1de closed 8 years ago

a5044511-c4d7-49ce-acf4-06b1c0aef1de commented 15 years ago

Add functionality in sage to compute the cohomology ring of a simplicial complex.

This relies on #6099, #6100, and #5882.

These will be examples of graded alebras, finite as modules over their bases, that are graded-commutative.

Depends on #19179

CC: @jhpalmieri @sagetrac-fbreuer @tscrim @fchapoton

Component: algebraic topology

Author: John Palmieri, Travis Scrimshaw

Branch/Commit: 9bfc2d2

Reviewer: Travis Scrimshaw, John Palmieri

Issue created by migration from

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

The following code was posted by Felix Breuer on sage-support

def cup_product(X,c1,dim1,c2,dim2):
    d = dim1 + dim2 
    faces1 = list(X.n_faces(dim1))
    faces2 = list(X.n_faces(dim2))
    faces = list(X.n_faces(d))
    res = []
    for sigma in faces:
        sigma1 = Simplex(sigma[0:dim1+1])
        sigma2 = Simplex(sigma[dim1:d+1])
        index1 = faces1.index(sigma1)
        index2 = faces2.index(sigma2)
        coeff1 = c1[index1]
        coeff2 = c2[index2]
        coeff = coeff1 * coeff2
    return vector(tuple(res))

To use it on the Torus, for example, you can do this:

X = simplicial_complexes.Torus()
C = X.chain_complex(cochain=True)
H = C.homology(generators=True)
gen1 = H[1][1][0]
gen2 = H[1][1][1]
d1 = C.differential()[1]
q = cup_product(X,gen1,1,gen1,1)
print q
print d1.solve_right(q)
p = cup_product(X,gen1,1,gen2,1)
print p
print d1.solve_right(p) #error
jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Dependencies: #19179

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Branch: u/jhpalmieri/AT-model

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Author: John Palmieri

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Commit: 763a8a8

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Here is an initial attempt.

New commits:

dece275trac 19179: chain homotopies, chain contractions, and duals of chain maps
763a8a8trac 6102: cup products, cohomology rings, mod 2 cohomology operations
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

d7b9ed4change AssertionError to other errors
d63774bMerge branch 'chains' into AT-model
c0918b8change AttributeErrors to other errors
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 763a8a8 to c0918b8

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

d65ba8dtrac 19179: change `_repr_` for chain maps, chain homotopies
c38751bMerge branch 'chains' into AT-model
f70e3a2trac 19179: doctest fixes for `_repr_` changes
92b17e8Merge branch 'chains' into AT-model
6cd5b7ctrac 6102: doctest fixes for `_repr_` changes
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from c0918b8 to 6cd5b7c

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Add functionality in sage to compute the cohomology ring of a simplicial complex.

-This relies on #6099, #6100, #6101, and #5882.
+This relies on #6099, #6100, and #5882.

 These will be examples of graded alebras, finite as modules over their bases, that are graded-commutative.
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 6cd5b7c to 869636b

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

4e50776trac 19179: hashing of chain maps, chain homotopies
869636bMerge branch 'chains' into AT-model
jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

18246 broke the default hashing of chain homotopies, so I've added a __hash__ method, and also one for chain maps. This is necessary so that we can cache the methods algebraic_topological_model, homology_basis, and cohomology_ring in cell_complex.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 869636b to 5923e23

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

07c9c42trac 19179: delete extra line
5923e23trac 6102: Merge branch 'chains' into AT-model
jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

An update: I have a new version of, which is the key to everything here. I'm calling it, and I'll attach it to the ticket. The good news:

sage: from sage.homology.algebraic_topological_model import algebraic_topological_model
sage: from sage.homology.AT_model import AT_model
sage: RP3 = simplicial_complexes.RealProjectiveSpace(3)
sage: %time phi, H = algebraic_topological_model(RP3, GF(2)) # old version
CPU times: user 813 ms, sys: 150 ms, total: 963 ms
Wall time: 852 ms
sage: %time phi, H = AT_model(RP3, GF(2))     # new version
CPU times: user 345 ms, sys: 32.3 ms, total: 377 ms
Wall time: 354 ms

The bad news: it's much slower with rational coefficients, and I have no idea why:

sage: %time phi, H = algebraic_topological_model(RP3, QQ)   # old version
CPU times: user 1.27 s, sys: 138 ms, total: 1.41 s
Wall time: 1.35 s
sage: %time phi, H = AT_model(RP3, QQ)      # new version
CPU times: user 23.9 s, sys: 69.6 ms, total: 24 s
Wall time: 24 s

Profiling the code with %prun was not illuminating to me, and I couldn't run %crun because I couldn't get the Google performance analysis tools to install on my machine. Optimizing code is not my strong suit, in any case.

Because of this, I haven't tried to implement cup products for Delta complexes. I think I know how to do that, but it hasn't felt worth it yet.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago


Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

4d53526trac 19179: minor doc fixes
e7f83d0Merge branch 't/19179/chains' into t/6102/AT-model
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 5923e23 to e7f83d0

tscrim commented 8 years ago

I think the issue comes from the fact that a category pushout is being done. This doesn't seem to happen in the finite fields of prime order cases, but it does show up for prime powers. However, for GF(4, 'a'), it took a non-trivial amount of time (over 2 seconds on my machine).

From doing a line by line profiling, here's the lines that take the longest over QQ:

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
   210       182       745504   4096.2      5.8              c_bar = c - phi_old * diff * c
   211       182       452404   2485.7      3.5              pi_bdry_c_bar = pi_old * diff * c_bar 
   236      5321     10852810   2039.6     84.1                      eta_ij = (pi_old * c_j)[u_idx]
   244        90       323096   3590.0      2.5                  phi_old = MS_phi_t.matrix(phi_old_cols).transpose()
   290         1        27459  27459.0      0.2      phi = ChainContraction(phi_data, pi, iota)

where the time is given in microseconds. Over GF(2), these operations are significantly faster per call.

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

That's helpful. The change

--- Dropbox/prog/sage/Math/Simplicial/homotopies/    2015-09-23 10:44:42.000000000 -0700
+++ Desktop/ 2015-10-08 14:14:33.000000000 -0700
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
                 for c_j_idx, c_j in enumerate(old_cells):
                     # eta_ij = <u, pi(c_j)>:
-                    eta_ij = (pi_old * c_j)[u_idx]
+                    eta_ij = pi_old.row(u_idx).dot_product(c_j)

                     if eta_ij:
                         # Adjust phi(c_j).

cuts the time for AT_model(RP3, QQ) from about 20 seconds to about 3 seconds. Still too long, but better. (At the moment, I'm getting about 7/10 of a second for the old version, just under 3 seconds with this modified new version.)

For rational matrices with lots of zero entries, it seems to be faster to multiply sparse matrices than dense ones, so I am trying to replace some of the matrices by sparse versions. I found this bug by doing this. Good times.

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Another new bug: #19378.

tscrim commented 8 years ago

(I like this line-profiler, it's very useful.) A lot of time seems to be lost with (dense?) matrix operations over QQ:

   210       182       741358   4073.4     33.0              c_bar = c - phi_old * diff * c
   211       182       458238   2517.8     20.4              pi_bdry_c_bar = pi_old * diff * c_bar

   244        90       280498   3116.6     12.5                  phi_old = MS_phi_t.matrix(phi_old_cols).transpose()
   245      3402         4290      1.3      0.2                  indices = [i for i in range(pi_nrows) if i not in to_be_deleted]
   246        90        16370    181.9      0.7                  keep = vector(base_ring, pi_nrows, {i:1 for i in indices})
   247      5411       204965     37.9      9.1                  cols = [v.pairwise_product(keep) for v in pi_cols_old]
   248        90       258909   2876.8     11.5                  pi_old = MS_pi_t.matrix(cols).transpose()

I know we have many specialized algorithms for doing matrix manipulations over finite fields, so perhaps we are also seeing some of that here too. I'm wondering if the difference is just the number of matrix operations is just higher...(perhaps sparse matrices will work better...).

FYI - in the old implementation, this was the line taking the majority of the time

   246      5321       727375    136.7     65.8                      c_j_vec = vector(base_ring, old_rank, {c_j_idx: 1})
jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Regarding lines like c_bar = c - phi_old * diff * c, it seems that matrix-vector multiplication is faster over QQ (compared to matrix-matrix multiplication) but slower over finite fields, so over QQ I have changed this to c_bar = c - phi_old * (diff * c). I'll look at the other slow parts to see what I can do there, too.

How do you run the line-profiler?

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

By the way, I now have: old timing 0.7 seconds, new timing 1.7 seconds over the rationals. Over finite fields, the new version takes about half the time (0.43 seconds compared to 0.2 seconds over GF(2), not quite as good an improvement when working over other prime fields).

tscrim commented 8 years ago


jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Thanks. I'm not sure how I knew about %prun but not %lprun. %lprun looks much more helpful, at least in this case.

tscrim commented 8 years ago

So do you think you'll switch to the new model? It's roughly a 2x slowdown (to which I'm fairly certain it is just because you are doing more matrix multiplications), but it does offer greater flexibility. The other option would be to include both methods and choose the old one for QQ over simplicial complexes...

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

My current plan is indeed to use both methods. By using your %lprun analysis (and mine, too), I have managed to speed up both the old and new methods. Over finite fields, the old method is now about 20 times faster than it used to be: on one machine, computing algebraic_topological_model(RP3, GF(2)) used to take over 400 ms, and now takes about 20 ms, and similarly over other prime fields. Over the rationals, it used to take about 700 ms, and now takes just under 300. The new method is now faster than it used to be, but slower over all fields (about 200 ms over GF(2), 1500 ms over QQ).

So the plan is to include both and use the old one for cubical and simplicial complexes, the new one only for Delta complexes. I want to figure out if I can actually implement the cup product for Delta complexes without rewriting the whole class of complexes, providing an actual class for its cells. I will try to update the branch soon in any case.

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from e7f83d0 to 0d2ea83

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

0d2ea83trac 6102:
tscrim commented 8 years ago

Those are some very good improvements.

I really don't like this:

# diff is sparse and low density. Dense matrices are faster
# over finite fields, but for low density matrices, sparse
# matrices are faster over the rationals.
if base_ring != QQ:
    diff = diff.dense_matrix()

It's not a blocker for this to get a positive review, but it bugs me. Plus the extra time to convert it to a dense matrix...

I did some quick digging and there is apparently a slew of tickets on improving sparse or modn vectors/matrices: #19076 (and therein), #18231, #15104, #10312, #18312, #2705.

Was there anything in your timings to suggest a good place to go look for just using sparse matrices? Did you also test with my fixes for #19377 and #19378 (and forcing sparse matrices, or are they even necessary)?

Is there anything else you'd like to do to this before I set it to positive review?

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

Those are some very good improvements.

I really don't like this:

# diff is sparse and low density. Dense matrices are faster
# over finite fields, but for low density matrices, sparse
# matrices are faster over the rationals.
if base_ring != QQ:
    diff = diff.dense_matrix()

It's not a blocker for this to get a positive review, but it bugs me. Plus the extra time to convert it to a dense matrix...

On my computer, if I do

sage: from sage.homology.algebraic_topological_model import algebraic_topological_model
sage: RP3 = simplicial_complexes.RealProjectiveSpace(3)
sage: %timeit algebraic_topological_model(RP3, GF(2))

then without this change, it takes 104 ms per loop; with the change it takes 19.5 ms per loop. (Similar over GF(31), to pick a random other finite field.) So the time for converting to a dense matrix is outweighed by the speed when multiplying dense vs. sparse matrices and vectors.

I did some quick digging and there is apparently a slew of tickets on improving sparse or modn vectors/matrices: #19076 (and therein), #18231, #15104, #10312, #18312, #2705.

Was there anything in your timings to suggest a good place to go look for just using sparse matrices? Did you also test with my fixes for #19377 and #19378 (and forcing sparse matrices, or are they even necessary)?

The fixes for #19377 and #19378 won't make much of a difference, because I think the main bottlenecks are matrix-matrix multiplication and matrix-vector multiplication. For #19378, it's easy enough to bypass the whole issue by testing whether the appropriate matrix is nx0. #18231 could help, since at least with the Delta-complex version, some of the slowest parts are constructing matrices.

I don't know where to look in the linear algebra code to improve the timings. I ran tests of the form

%timeit random_matrix(QQ, 40, density=0.1, sparse=True) * random_vector(QQ, 40, density=0.1, sparse=False)

and similarly with the second factor being a vector, and then I varied which factors were sparse. I tried with different coefficient fields, also. Over the rationals, as the density decreases, the timing for dense matrices stays pretty constant, but it speeds up for sparse matrices. (This is without even taking into account the fact that it is slower to construct random sparse matrices: see #2705.) Over finite fields, it's constant both ways, and slower for sparse matrices.

Is there anything else you'd like to do to this before I set it to positive review?

I think that cup products for Delta complexes can come on a separate ticket, if anyone ever figures it out. I'll see what I can do, but I don't want it to hold up this ticket.

tscrim commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 0d2ea83 to 716469a

tscrim commented 8 years ago

Reviewer: Travis Scrimshaw

tscrim commented 8 years ago

I made some reviewer changes, and it's mostly tweaking docstrings and copying your sparse/dense hack to get another ~20% in the "new" version.

Ffrom taking a closer look at things, I bet we could get further speedups by not taking the transpose of the phi_old and pi_old matrices in the inner loops and using v * M multiplication instead of M' * v. I tried to do this, but I don't think I understand the interworkings of the code to get this to work (at least for the "new" version). Have you tried to do this?

Also I noticed that HomologyVectorSpaceWithBasis represents a graded piece of the (co)homology space. Would you be opposed to me rewriting that such that it becomes the full (co)homology space/ring? I think it would simplify the overall code structure, allow easier extensions to infinite simplicial/cell complexes, and give a better interpretation of cup_product as being the product in the cohomology ring. (Also with #18175, we could then give work towards a cap product for manifolds.)

If you would prefer one/both of these things to be pushed to later tickets, we can do that, but I'd rather get the latter done now.

New commits:

a0f20c2Merge branch 'u/jhpalmieri/AT-model' of into u/jhpalmieri/AT-model
716469aSome smaller reviewer tweaks.
tscrim commented 8 years ago

Changed branch from u/jhpalmieri/AT-model to u/tscrim/AT-model

tscrim commented 8 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

On my computer, if I do

sage: from sage.homology.algebraic_topological_model import algebraic_topological_model
sage: RP3 = simplicial_complexes.RealProjectiveSpace(3)
sage: %timeit algebraic_topological_model(RP3, GF(2))

then without this change, it takes 104 ms per loop; with the change it takes 19.5 ms per loop. (Similar over GF(31), to pick a random other finite field.) So the time for converting to a dense matrix is outweighed by the speed when multiplying dense vs. sparse matrices and vectors.

I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't a significant speedup and I apologize if I did. However that is a much larger difference than I really expected. Eeek!

The fixes for #19377 and #19378 won't make much of a difference, because I think the main bottlenecks are matrix-matrix multiplication and matrix-vector multiplication. For #19378, it's easy enough to bypass the whole issue by testing whether the appropriate matrix is nx0. #18231 could help, since at least with the Delta-complex version, some of the slowest parts are constructing matrices. I don't know where to look in the linear algebra code to improve the timings. I ran tests of the form

%timeit random_matrix(QQ, 40, density=0.1, sparse=True) * random_vector(QQ, 40, density=0.1, sparse=False)

and similarly with the second factor being a vector, and then I varied which factors were sparse. I tried with different coefficient fields, also. Over the rationals, as the density decreases, the timing for dense matrices stays pretty constant, but it speeds up for sparse matrices. (This is without even taking into account the fact that it is slower to construct random sparse matrices: see #2705.) Over finite fields, it's constant both ways, and slower for sparse matrices.

It sounds like #2705 will help for the sparse case, but I can dig around in the sparse matrix code and try to find out ways I can squeeze speed out of the matrix operations (and use hints from the tickets I cited) if you think it's worth it for this ticket. See also my previous replay

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Replying to @tscrim:

I made some reviewer changes, and it's mostly tweaking docstrings and copying your sparse/dense hack to get another ~20% in the "new" version.


From taking a closer look at things, I bet we could get further speedups by not taking the transpose of the phi_old and pi_old matrices in the inner loops and using v * M multiplication instead of M' * v. I tried to do this, but I don't think I understand the interworkings of the code to get this to work (at least for the "new" version). Have you tried to do this?

Good idea. I just tried it and it led to no improvement, surprisingly, over the rationals, and a slow-down in characteristic 2. Maybe the lack of improvement is not that surprising, since I had already moved the slow matrix constructions out of the inner-most loops, so they don't get executed as much. And maybe taking the transpose is not slow compared to the rest of matrix construction.

Also I noticed that HomologyVectorSpaceWithBasis represents a graded piece of the (co)homology space. Would you be opposed to me rewriting that such that it becomes the full (co)homology space/ring? I think it would simplify the overall code structure, allow easier extensions to infinite simplicial/cell complexes, and give a better interpretation of cup_product as being the product in the cohomology ring. (Also with #18175, we could then give work towards a cap product for manifolds.)

I think that it is natural to want both structures, the cohomology in a single degree and the cohomology in total. If you want to rewrite this part, that's okay with me. If you want to think about the most natural way to access cohomology classes, too, go ahead. I am not completely satisfied with

sage: a,b,c,d = X.cohomology_with_basis(1, QQ).gens()


sage: H.<x> = X.cohomology_with_basis(1, QQ)

will define x0, ..., x3 if the cohomology is 4-dimensional? Or x10, ..., x13? (The problem with the angle-bracket notation is that we shouldn't have to know how many generators there are ahead of time.)

I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't a significant speedup and I apologize if I did. However that is a much larger difference than I really expected. Eeek!

No need to apologize, you had a reasonable question. And it is surprising how much difference that single change makes.

tscrim commented 8 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

Replying to @tscrim:

From taking a closer look at things, I bet we could get further speedups by not taking the transpose of the phi_old and pi_old matrices in the inner loops and using v * M multiplication instead of M' * v. I tried to do this, but I don't think I understand the interworkings of the code to get this to work (at least for the "new" version). Have you tried to do this?

Good idea. I just tried it and it led to no improvement, surprisingly, over the rationals, and a slow-down in characteristic 2. Maybe the lack of improvement is not that surprising, since I had already moved the slow matrix constructions out of the inner-most loops, so they don't get executed as much. And maybe taking the transpose is not slow compared to the rest of matrix construction.

Yea, I confirm that there is not much time being spent on the transpose by just pulling that part out to a separate line (which I should have done beforehand, sorry). So the way to optimize this further is to speed up the matrix construction, which might depend upon the input data, and then also the dot product is the 3rd slowest line. I think we've gotten to a good point that we should just let it be for now (at least I'm not going to try and optimize it further because I will be doing the refactoring below).

Also I noticed that HomologyVectorSpaceWithBasis represents a graded piece of the (co)homology space. Would you be opposed to me rewriting that such that it becomes the full (co)homology space/ring? I think it would simplify the overall code structure, allow easier extensions to infinite simplicial/cell complexes, and give a better interpretation of cup_product as being the product in the cohomology ring. (Also with #18175, we could then give work towards a cap product for manifolds.)

I think that it is natural to want both structures, the cohomology in a single degree and the cohomology in total. If you want to rewrite this part, that's okay with me.

There is a way to access the part in a single degree with the basis function by passing in an integer:

sage: s = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).s()
sage: list(s.basis(3))
[s[3], s[2, 1], s[1, 1, 1]]

This unfortunately doesn't work for most of the infinite dimensional CFM's, but there should be a generic method that works for all objects in FiniteDimensionalModulesWithBasis. At which point, we can use the submodule to construct the degree part (which also should have a dedicated method):

sage: s.submodule(list(s.basis(3)), already_echelonized=True)
Free module generated by {0, 1, 2} over Rational Field

If you want to think about the most natural way to access cohomology classes, too, go ahead. I am not completely satisfied with

sage: a,b,c,d = X.cohomology_with_basis(1, QQ).gens()


sage: H.<x> = X.cohomology_with_basis(1, QQ)

will define x0, ..., x3 if the cohomology is 4-dimensional? Or x10, ..., x13? (The problem with the angle-bracket notation is that we shouldn't have to know how many generators there are ahead of time.)

What we could do is specify variable names and then could use the inject_variables method. I will think more about this tomorrow when I work on the above refactoring.

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Changed branch from u/tscrim/AT-model to u/jhpalmieri/AT-model

jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Turns out that cup products for Delta complexes weren't too hard to implement, so I did that.

New commits:

d00d31btrac 6102: cup products for Delta complexes
jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 716469a to d00d31b

7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Branch pushed to git repo; I updated commit sha1. New commits:

12d4cc7trac 6102: fix typo "left" -> "right"
7ed8c4ca-6d56-4ae9-953a-41e42b4ed313 commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from d00d31b to 12d4cc7

tscrim commented 8 years ago

I'm still working on my refactoring, but I did #19397 for getting the degree d components.

tscrim commented 8 years ago

Changed branch from u/jhpalmieri/AT-model to u/tscrim/AT-model

tscrim commented 8 years ago

Changed commit from 12d4cc7 to 3751753

tscrim commented 8 years ago

Done. I spent so much time trying to get the cup_product to iterate over cohomology, but I realized that it was support to be over homology... Anyways, it works now. With the category framework, I was able to remove __pow__ (at a small cost of a not correct error for negative powers, at least for now I didn't want to muck with the AlgebrasWithBasis code). So if you're happy with my changes, then you can set a positive review.

New commits:

8b59ed3Making (co)homology into a graded module (algebra).
3751753Making Sq work for inhomogeneous elements.
jhpalmieri commented 8 years ago

I will have some reviewer's changes on top of your changes soon. Meanwhile, I noticed that you removed the code related to the FiniteDimensionalAlgebra class. I don't know much about that class, and I don't mind the removal of that code. We could also reinstate it as a method for the class CohomologyRing ("exporting" it as a FiniteDimensionalAlgebra). Is that worth doing?