Closed 5d2aaf09-c963-473a-bf79-1f742a72700f closed 15 years ago
Where is the spkg? ~ Adam
Oops! Sorry about that. I put a copy here:
Thanks very much for taking a look!
The program itself looks nice but the package does not seem to conform to the guidelines at
For example:
Do you have time or should I work on it?
Cheers, Adam
Some suggestions. ;-)
== Description ==
Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers.
It is a distributed collaborative effort to develop Python libraries and applications which address the needs of current and future work in bioinformatics.
== License ==
Biopython License
== SPKG Maintainers ==
-- Marshall Hampton, mhampton at or hamptonio at
== Upstream Contact ==
-- wiki -
spkg-check (keeping biopython as directory name)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ "$SAGE_LOCAL" = "" ]; then
echo "SAGE_LOCAL undefined ... exiting";
echo "Maybe run 'sage -sh'?"
exit 1
cd biopython
python test
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error testing biopython"
exit 1
I hope this is useful,
Thanks, that's very useful. The biopython optional package has existed for quite a while - William Stein added it for me in 2006 I think - and so it predates some of those good newer conventions.
I don't have a lot of time for sprucing it up, so if you want to to take the lead on that please go ahead!
The test suite is quite extensive, and I agree that it would be good to have a spkg-check for it. I have experienced some funny issues running the tests, with some path-related failures unless I copied the tests into the sage directory structure. Unfortunately I don't really understand what causes them. If those path issues are cleared up then everything in the test suite should pass.
Realistically I won't have time to improve the spkg until mid-November at least.
I'll see what I can do. ~ Adam
Where do I put the spkg when I have it done? Is there an in-box or something? ~ Adam
Well, uploading it anywhere you have access to is fine. If you don't have a good place to park it, you should ask for a sage.math account and put it there. Just email William Stein, or ask on IRC. I'm not sure, maybe Minh or someone else also has the ability to make sage.math accounts.
I put a new spkg at
Looks good! Thanks! I'm a little confused on how to use the spkg-check script, but that's not your fault I think. I will write to sage-devel about that. I just haven't used such a script before.
I posted it.
Updating to biopython-1.52, which was released September 22, 2009. Main improvements were to alignment and sequence file conversion, population genetics statistics, and the Bio.SeqIO.indexed_dict() for handling large numbers of sequences.
Here is an example that will not work with previous biopython packages:
CC: @sagetrac-tkeller
Component: packages: optional
Keywords: biopython
Issue created by migration from