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Mark long doctests in rings/polynomial/symmetric_ideal #9108

Closed 83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a closed 14 years ago

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 14 years ago

Two doctests/examples in sage/rings/polynomial/ tend to time out on older/slower machines (and take a large amount of the overall test time of that module).

Can you say which one? Then I'll either try shorter tests (which might actually be quite instructive, like a principal symmetric ideal whose minimal symmetric Groebner basis is formed by quite many polynomials) or mark the offensive tests as long.

CC: @simon-king-jena @JohnCremona

Component: commutative algebra

Keywords: time-out, symmetric ideal, symmetric_ideal

Author: Leif Leonhardy

Reviewer: John Cremona, Simon King

Merged: sage-4.4.4.alpha0

Issue created by migration from

simon-king-jena commented 14 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 Two doctests/examples in `sage/rings/polynomial/` tend to time out on older/slower machines (and take a large amount of the overall test time of that module).

+Can you say which one? Then I'll either try shorter tests (which might actually be quite instructive, like a principal symmetric ideal whose minimal symmetric Groebner basis is formed by quite many polynomials) or mark the offensive tests as long.
simon-king-jena commented 14 years ago

Replying to @nexttime:

Two doctests/examples in sage/rings/polynomial/ tend to time out on older/slower machines (and take a large amount of the overall test time of that module).

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 14 years ago

Marks the offending lines with # long time. Based on 4.4.3.alpha0.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 14 years ago

Attachment: trac_9108-mark_long_doctests_in_symmetric_ideal.patch.gz

Simon, you're too fast... ;-)

I've just uploaded a patch that reduces the module test time on a Pentium 4 (Prescott, 3.2 GHz) from 238.7 seconds to 33.1 seconds.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 14 years ago

Perhaps you could add less demanding tests. ;-)

Also, some docstring lines are "too long". (I personally don't mind source code that exceeds 80 columns, but the help output should perhaps be limited to 80 characters in width.)

JohnCremona commented 14 years ago

Before applying the patch to 4.4.3.alpha0:

jec@selmer%sage -t sage/rings/polynomial/ 
sage -t  "sage/rings/polynomial/"         
     [110.8 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 110.8 seconds
jec@selmer%sage -t -long sage/rings/polynomial/ 
sage -t -long "sage/rings/polynomial/"    
     [109.8 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 109.8 seconds

and after:

jec@selmer%sage -t sage/rings/polynomial/ sage -t  "sage/rings/polynomial/"         
     [16.5 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 16.5 seconds
jec@selmer%sage -t -long sage/rings/polynomial/ sage -t -long "sage/rings/polynomial/"    
     [108.2 s]

All tests passed!
Total time for all tests: 108.2 seconds

Interesting to note that it is essentially just one test which takes the time!

simon-king-jena commented 14 years ago

Replying to @JohnCremona:

Interesting to note that it is essentially just one test which takes the time!

Off list, Leif just sent me some timings:

There is one symmetric Groebner basis computation that takes 73 seconds, but most of the time is actually spent for testing whether all variable permutations of all basis elements do indeed have symmetric reduction zero modulo the symmetric Groebner basis: 130 s.

I see two ways to proceed, depending on how soon the next release is due:

  1. Leif's patch could go in, as John gave it a positive review, and it is certainly harmless and solves the problem.
  2. I could try to find a solution for the one offending doc test. For example, the long Groebner basis computation could be replaced by something else, such us the following, of course without the timings that I just inserted for demonstration:

    sage: R.<x,y> = InfinitePolynomialRing(GF(5),order='degrevlex')
    sage: I = [2*x[4]*x[3]*y[4] - 2*y[0]^3]*R
    sage: %time G = I.groebner_basis()
    CPU times: user 1.70 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 1.71 s
    Wall time: 1.71 s
    sage: G
    [x_2*x_1*y_1 - y_0^3, x_2*x_1*y_2 - y_0^3, y_2*y_0^3 - y_1*y_0^3]
    sage: %time [[(p^P).reduce(G) for p in G] for P in Permutations(Integer(3))]
    CPU times: user 1.38 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 1.38 s
    Wall time: 1.38 s
    [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]

I think this example would actually be a good one, as it shows:

So, if the next release will be soon, I suggest to take Leif's patch as it is. But I think in the long run, a new example (like the one above) is needed.

Concerning line lengths: Does this only concern the first line of the doc strings? I know that my first lines tend to be rather lengthy, as I learnt that the basic description of the functionality should be given in the first line of the doc string (this is why I don't do a line wrap).

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 14 years ago

Replying to @JohnCremona:

[...] Interesting to note that it is essentially just one test which takes the time!

Actually two lines/tests take very long:

line#  walltime statement (preparsed)
[0116  72.980s] J=I.groebner_basis()
[0135 130.070s] [[(p**P).reduce(J) for p in J] for P in Permutations(Integer(4))]

(of a total of ~240s on that system)

Note that line numbers slightly change after applying the patch.

simon-king-jena commented 14 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

I think this example would actually be a good one, as it shows:

Or perhaps not that good...

The generator is not minimally chosen in its orbit, and I don't like that the second summand has index zero. But I recently did a series of random examples in order to test how large a symmetric Groebner basis of a symmetric ideal generated by a single small polynomial can actually be, so, it is likely that I'll find a better one.

83660e46-0051-498b-a8c1-f7a7bd232b5a commented 14 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

So, if the next release will be soon, I suggest to take Leif's patch as it is. But I think in the long run, a new example (like the one above) is needed.

Feel free to add additional (short) tests... ;-)

Perhaps on another ticket?

Concerning line lengths: Does this only concern the first line of the doc strings? I know that my first lines tend to be rather lengthy, as I learnt that the basic description of the functionality should be given in the first line of the doc string (this is why I don't do a line wrap).

I just noticed that e.g. some parameter description lines are wider (net width).

Also, some are "marked" (optional); the current practice seems to be repeating the default value from the function definition, too, i.e.

    ``param`` -- (type, default: some_value) further description...
simon-king-jena commented 14 years ago

Replying to @nexttime:

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

So, if the next release will be soon, I suggest to take Leif's patch as it is. But I think in the long run, a new example (like the one above) is needed.

Feel free to add additional (short) tests... ;-)

Perhaps on another ticket?

Seems reasonable. So, for now, the solution is to skip the long test unless it is wanted, and on a different ticket, I'll try to replace the offensive example (not add an example) and will also deal with the line length etc.

Thank you for your patch!

JohnCremona commented 14 years ago

I am quite happy with the the conclusion to this discussion! John

simon-king-jena commented 14 years ago

I created a new ticket #9114 (ready for review) that replaces the offensive test by something better, and also improves the formatting of the documentation of "infinite polynomial rings and friends".

Since Leif's patch already has a positive review, I based #9114 on it.

mwhansen commented 14 years ago

Merged: sage-4.4.4.alpha0

mwhansen commented 14 years ago

Reviewer: John Cremona, Simon King

mwhansen commented 14 years ago

Author: Leif Leonhardy