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Networkx-1.2 spkg #9567

Closed dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 closed 14 years ago

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

This is the updated networkx package. It includes new features, bug fixes, and a couple of API changes. More information can be found here:


MD5 Sum

CC: @nathanncohen

Component: graph theory

Keywords: networkx spkg graph theory

Author: Ben Edwards, Nathann Cohen

Reviewer: Ben Edwards, Nathann Cohen, Robert Miller

Merged: sage-4.5.3.alpha1

Issue created by migration from

7c09a680-e216-4024-bb8e-9bfd4aa7f313 commented 14 years ago

Is this ready for review?

89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

Three files with doctest failures, most look pretty harmless, different number of arguments, etc.:

The failures were


The following tests failed:

    sage -t --long devel/sage-main/sage/graphs/ # 1 doctests failed
    sage -t --long devel/sage-main/sage/graphs/ # 8 doctests failed
    sage -t --long devel/sage-main/sage/graphs/ # 19 doctests failed

89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

The failure looks like a new NX bug:

sage: networkx.random_powerlaw_tree(10, 2)
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

/scratch/rlmill/sage-4.5-linux-64bit-ubuntu_8.04.4_lts-x86_64-Linux/<ipython console> in <module>()

/scratch/rlmill/sage-4.5-linux-64bit-ubuntu_8.04.4_lts-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/networkx/generators/random_graphs.pyc in random_powerlaw_tree(n, gamma, create_using, seed, tries)
    931     """
--> 932     from nx.generators.degree_seq import degree_sequence_tree
    933     try:
    934         s=random_powerlaw_tree_sequence(n,

ImportError: No module named nx.generators.degree_seq
89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

Several API changes:

sage: networkx.triangles?
Type:       function
Base Class: <type 'function'>
String Form:    <function triangles at 0x4899b18>
Namespace:  Interactive
File:       /scratch/rlmill/sage-4.5-linux-64bit-ubuntu_8.04.4_lts-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/networkx/algorithms/
Definition: networkx.triangles(G, nbunch=None)
    <no docstring>

(triangles used to take another argument) -- cluster_triangles() in Sage will need to be updated to reflect this.

sage: networkx.clustering?
Type:       function
Base Class: <type 'function'>
String Form:    <function clustering at 0x4899c80>
Namespace:  Interactive
File:       /scratch/rlmill/sage-4.5-linux-64bit-ubuntu_8.04.4_lts-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/networkx/algorithms/
Definition: networkx.clustering(G, nbunch=None, weights=False)
    <no docstring>

this is Sage's clustering_coeff()

These are both coming from the argument with_weights disappearing in NX.

89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

Changed upstream from Reported upstream. Little or no feedback. to none

89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

No idea here:

File "/scratch/rlmill/sage-4.5-linux-64bit-ubuntu_8.04.4_lts-x86_64-Linux/devel/sage-main/sage/graphs/", line 2411:
    sage: (graphs.ChvatalGraph()).centrality_betweenness(normalized=False)
    {0: 7.6666666666666661, 1: 7.6666666666666661, 2: 6.6666666666666661, 3: 6.6666666666666661, 4: 7.6666666666666661, 5: 7.6666666666666661, 6: 6.6666666666666661, 7: 6.6666666666666661, 8: 6.6666666666666661, 9: 6.6666666666666661, 10: 6.6666666666666661, 11: 6.6666666666666661}
    {0: 3.833333333333333, 1: 3.833333333333333, 2: 3.333333333333333, 3: 3.333333333333333, 4: 3.833333333333333, 5: 3.833333333333333, 6: 3.333333333333333, 7: 3.333333333333333, 8: 3.333333333333333, 9: 3.333333333333333, 10: 3.333333333333333, 11: 3.333333333333333}
89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

This function no longer takes a vertex as input:

sage: networkx.degree_centrality?
Type:       function
Base Class: <type 'function'>
String Form:    <function degree_centrality at 0x87e9b0>
Namespace:  Interactive
File:       /scratch/rlmill/sage-4.5-linux-64bit-ubuntu_8.04.4_lts-x86_64-Linux/local/lib/python/networkx/algorithms/centrality/
Definition: networkx.degree_centrality(G)
    <no docstring>
89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

There are also some failures related to changes in the API of cliques functionality, but since we ship cliquer standard, which is an optimized C library for just this purpose, it seems we should be using that instead anyway.

All in all, these don't look bad at all. Not nearly as bad as upgrading to 1.0.

Ben -- If you want to submit a patch, I'd be glad to review it.

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

The betweenness centrality test is a little concerning, and at a glance I am unsure about the bug in the random_powerlaw_tree, it seems that should work just fine... I'll start working on a patch. The API changes are improvements in the package, imho, returning dictionaries instead of lists, do we change the tests or is that a whole other process? Sorry, I'm new at this.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

I just creaed #9569 to deal with new methods defined in NetworkX 1-1. I will also touch the "triangles" version as it looks like #9420 should make it faster to count them using our tools.


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

Ok, what I just did sounds stupid. It will be way easier to solve all the bugs and expose methods in the same patch. Let's talk discuss it through emails :-)


89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago

Replying to @sagetrac-bedwards:

The API changes are improvements in the package, imho, returning dictionaries instead of lists, do we change the tests or is that a whole other process? Sorry, I'm new at this.

We should change everything to support the new syntax, especially since it is so easy. If the pickle jar were having problems, it might mean we would have more work to do, but it seems that 1.0->1.1 involves very minimal changes.

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Started working on this a bit. I think the bug is in the test for the betweenness centrality, I tested it using igraph in R, and it returns the same betweenness centrality as networkx-1.1. Also this was noted as a bug fix in the networkx change log.

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

I've completed the patch, and the new version of the package. I've installed this on sage 4.5.1. Adding the spkg, and applying the patch should result in passing tests!

89c6e537-b2e3-45e6-882d-d4957b74ffe5 commented 14 years ago


Can you simply attach the patch to the ticket? Hit the attach button towards the top of the page :)

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

No, problem, wasn't quite sure of the protocol, here you go.

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Attachment: 14602.patch.gz

Attachment: 14602.patch.md5.gz

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

networkx develops fast. Here is a new package for version 1.2. With the patch already attached above this should pass all the graphs/ tests with sage 4.5.1.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

Hello Ben !!!

I added a small patch containing the method cycle_basis (with a long doctest), that just calls NetworkX's. I haven't been able to properly write a cycle_space method (see, so I tried to give a satisfying example in this docstring.

I give a positive review to your own patch for your patch/spkg, short of these two details :


dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Sorry forgot to commit, last time I built the package. Here is the newest one. Sorry about my bad spelling...

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Here is the updated package.

and the md5sum

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

Well, then if you can review my patch and find everything to your taste, you can set this whole ticket as having received a positive review :-)


dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

On google code, in case they disappear

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Nathan, you're patch looks great, and I learned a little about cycle basis! Thanks again for correcting my spelling. This one is ready.

e14f4152-4982-4ace-8c95-73a0599b109b commented 14 years ago

Should I apply exactly

to merge this ticket?

I'm changing the status to 'needs_work' for this: The first patch is missing the ticket number in the first line of its commit string. The first line itself should also be short (< 80 characters) but stand on its own, in order to keep hg log listings succinct and informative. Of course, there's no problem with extra lines that describe the changes in detail.

The second patch's commit string should perhaps be a bit more descriptive.

Also, please update the Author(s) and Reviewer(s) fields.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

Changed author from Ben Edwards to Ben Edwards, Nathann Cohen

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

Reviewer: Ben Edwards, Nathann Cohen, Robert Miller

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

The ordering is correct...

Ben : could you update your patch ? I can not overwrite it, and that's the only thing left to do.


dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Sorry, I was out of town for the weekend. Saw that sage-4.5.2 came out over the weekend, rebuilt the patch for that version, fixing my spelling as well. The appropriate order would be to merge: trac_9567-network-1.2.patch trac_9567-cycle_basis.patch

Nathann, maybe update yours for sage 4.5.2?

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Attachment: trac_9567-networkx-1.2.patch.gz

dacefcfe-4fdd-48b7-a316-6a143b92efe6 commented 14 years ago

Here is a new patched networkx-1.2 spkg that patches networkx to make it compatible with matplotlib.pyparsing.

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

Updated !


6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

Attachment: trac_9567-cycle_basis.patch.gz

6bdad4c1-1e26-4f2f-a442-a01a2292c181 commented 14 years ago

And back to positive review, as the fiels/descriptions have been filled :-)


e14f4152-4982-4ace-8c95-73a0599b109b commented 14 years ago

Merged: sage-4.5.3.alpha0

e14f4152-4982-4ace-8c95-73a0599b109b commented 14 years ago

Changed merged from sage-4.5.3.alpha0 to sage-4.5.3.alpha1