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Group cohomology spkg, version 2.1.2 #9894

Closed simon-king-jena closed 12 years ago

simon-king-jena commented 14 years ago

Version 2.1.2 of the modular group cohomology package is now available. There is extensive documentation. The package needs the Small Groups library (available in the gap-packages spkg) and can be installed with sage -i

Most importantly: The version 2.0, that is the current "official" version of the optional package, would not work with the current version of Sage. So, there has to be an upgrade of the spkg.

Moreover, it has new features.

New Features

1. Improved code quality

2. Extended computational capability

3. Portability

The package fully works on t2! This is a very non-trivial achievement. It involved:


As usual, if the environment variable SAGE_CHECK is exported and has the value yes, the test script is automatically executed and the result saved in SAGE_ROOT/install.log.

The script tests parallely. By default, the number of threads is one third of the number of available CPUs. This can be overruled by exporting the environment variable SAGE_NUMBER_THREADS.

However, problems with parallel testing in Version 2.1 revealed a problem with Sage's pexpect interfaces: All interfaces (e.g., GAP and Singular) and all parallel branches use a single temporary file for passing long commands. A solution is at #10004. The test script of the cohomology spkg will only do parallel testing if gap and singular use different temporary files.

I successfully installed and tested the package on the following machines and the following versions of Sage and Singular:

On another GNU Linux machine with AMD processors, it builds and seems to work even with Sage 4.2.1, but apparently the interface to the @parallel decorator has changed, so that I was not able to run the test script.

optional spkg:


Component: packages: optional

Keywords: modular group cohomology solaris t2

Author: Simon King

Reviewer: Karl-Dieter Crisman, John Palmieri

Issue created by migration from

simon-king-jena commented 13 years ago


I will use the occasion to slightly modify the MeatAxe sources (they already are modified compared with release 2.2.4):

MeatAxe uses plain loops to initialise memory. Actually, Michael Ringe did replace memset by such loops, in Revision 2.7. However, he does not explain why he did so.

Since most compilers should be pretty well in optimising memset (or calloc), I re-introduce the usage of memset and also of calloc. With that change, the multiplication time for two 2000x2000 matrices over GF(125) drops from 15 seconds (which already beats the default Matrix_modn_dense in Sage by a loooooong way!) to less than 12 seconds on my machine.

In other words, the cohomology computations should now generally be a bit faster.


Concerning sig_on_count: It is really a nice feature that the balance of _sig_on/_sig_off is automatically tested since sage-4.7.1! I went through the sources, and indeed it seems that there can be situations where an error is raised between _sig_on/_sig_off (which must be avoided).

The other doctest failures

I am now preparing an update of the package and test it against sage-4.7.1.rc2. Until that's done, the ticket should be "needs work".

simon-king-jena commented 13 years ago

For the record: One failure was due to a change in the pivots() method of Sage's matrices: They used to return a list, but apparently now it is a tuple. I took care of it.

The package is updated, so sage -f should now give a better result...

simon-king-jena commented 13 years ago

It turns out that the documentation does not build fine. So, the reviewing should be stalled until that's fixed as well.

simon-king-jena commented 13 years ago

Changed work issues from fix doc tests to fix documentation

simon-king-jena commented 13 years ago

I am now running the test suite, but I think it should be ready for review now.

It turns out that the trouble that I had with building the documentation can hardly be avoided:

Since I define the arguments in the doc string, it is fine though, and it can't be changed anyway.

simon-king-jena commented 13 years ago

Changed work issues from fix documentation to none

simon-king-jena commented 13 years ago

On my machine, all tests pass. The package is updated, so, feel free to do

sage -f

now. Also I have updated the documentation

jhpalmieri commented 13 years ago

On the two OpenSolaris machines I have access to (David Kirkby's machine hawk, and the skynet machine fulvia), I'm getting one doctest failure:

File "/export/home/palmieri/.sage/temp/hawk/619/dir_0/", line 8:                         
    sage: if sys.byteorder == 'little':                                                            
        print hash(M) == Integer(7606091044269354279)  # indirect doctest                          
        print hash(M) == Integer(1060097699)   # indirect doctest                                  

Otherwise, all tests pass on various platforms.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

It turns out that the package does not work with the latest sage version: It fails to install, since apparently "singular" is undefined in one method, and the new version of Cython complains if stuff is not defined. I think this is going to be 2.1.2, also with some improvements in the underlying meataxe wrapper.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Work Issues: make it work with the latest Sage version; perhaps 2.1.2

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

In fact, there are several reasons for this spkg to fail in the current Sage version. The first is the new Cython version, as explained above.

The second is the new Singular version: I see a many errors of the form

// ** int division with `/`: use `div` instead in line >>  sage3687[1,tmp_i]=sage3687[1,tmp_i]**(COHO5dvNew[tmp_i]/COHO5dvOld[tmp_i]); <<

raised by Singular.

The third is signal handling: Most doctest failures just complain about the sig_on/sig_off count (they are supposed to come in pairs, but apparently I sometimes forgot to insert sig_off in the correct place. Thus, it seems that the doctest framework did not count sig_on/sig_off yet, when I last tested the cohomology spkg.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-Version 2.1.1 of the modular group cohomology package is now available. There is extensive [documentation]( The package needs the Small Groups library (available in the gap-packages spkg) and can be installed with `sage -i`
+Version 2.1.2 of the modular group cohomology package is now available. There is extensive [documentation]( The package needs the Small Groups library (available in the gap-packages spkg) and can be installed with `sage -i`

+Most importantly: The version 2.0, that is the current "official" version of the optional package, would not work with the current version of Sage. So, there has to be an upgrade of the spkg.
+Moreover, it has new features.

 **__New Features__**

@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@

   - We finally achieved **100% doctest coverage!! **

-  - By oversight, the old test script failed to execute the tests of special methods (such as `__add__` or `__mul__`. The new script now captures all tests, and complains if a class, method or function does not appear to be tested. Also, the test script does parallel tests.
+  - By oversight, the old test script failed to execute the tests of special methods (such as `_add_` or `_mul_`. The new script now captures all tests, and complains if a class, method or function does not appear to be tested. Also, the test script does parallel tests.

   - The parallel testscript uncovered a problem with temporary files associated with Sage's pexpect interfaces -- see #10004. The testscript tests if the problem reported at #10004 is fixed, and will only do parallel testing if it is fixed.
simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

I have created a new version 2.1.2, available as stated in the ticket description.

There were three independent problems:

For me, the spkg test suite works. I didn't test on t2 or related machines, though.

Anyway, ready for review again!

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Changed work issues from make it work with the latest Sage version; perhaps 2.1.2 to none

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

With sage-5.0.beta8-gcc, testing seems to hang on sage.math:

Successfully installed p_group_cohomology-2.1.2
Running the test suite for p_group_cohomology-2.1.2...
Testing the package pGroupCohomology...
Will use 9 parallel processes

pGroupCohomology.dickson has no doctest
pGroupCohomology.dickson.DICKSON.__cmp__ passes in 5.80 s
pGroupCohomology.dickson.DICKSON.__call__ passes in 5.79 s
pGroupCohomology.dickson.DICKSON.__init__ passes in 5.89 s
pGroupCohomology.dickson.DICKSON.V passes in 5.92 s
pGroupCohomology.dickson.DICKSON passes in 6.71 s

At this point it didn't do anything for half an hour, so I killed it.

On an OS X 10.7 box, same Sage release, I got one doctest failure:

There were doctest failures:
sage -t -optional -long "/Users/palmieri/.sage/temp/"
File "/Users/palmieri/.sage/temp/", line 104:
    sage: H = CohomologyRing(8,3, from_scratch=True)
        Computing from scratch
    Group data are rooted at ...
        Initialize cohomology ring of D8
        Computing data for Small Group number 3 of order 8
        > export action matrices
        Inserting SmallGroup(2,1) as a subgroup
        Inserting SmallGroup(4,2) as a subgroup
        Computing Dickson invariants in elementary abelian subgroup of rank 2
            Computing from scratch
    Group data are rooted at /Users/palmieri/.sage/temp/
            Initialize cohomology ring of D8
            Computing data for Small Group number 3 of order 8
            > export action matrices
            Inserting SmallGroup(2,1) as a subgroup
            Inserting SmallGroup(4,2) as a subgroup
                The state of this cohomology ring is expected to be provided at /Users/palmieri/.sage/temp/
            Computing Dickson invariants in elementary abelian subgroup of rank 2

This one looks pretty innocuous to me...

I'm going to run doctests on OpenSolaris soon.

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

A number of failures on OpenSolaris. Here is a log file.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

A number of failures on OpenSolaris. Here is a log file.

It seems that all tests fail, since there is a very basic problem:

ValueError: Can not create a symbolic link to the public database. Please remove /export/home/palmieri/.sage/pGroupCohomology/db/64gp158/

Why can the symbolic link not be created? Is that an openSolaris problem?

The rationale for introducing symbolic links was as follows:

So, that is why I work with symbolic links. And when I tried on T2 (which is now not available), it did work. Do you know a reason why it fails on your i386-pc-solaris2.11?

Since the error message suggests to remove something from /export/home/palmieri/.sage/pGroupCohomology/db/, could you perhaps try to empty that folder, and repeat the tests?

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

        Inserting SmallGroup(4,2) as a subgroup
            The state of this cohomology ring is expected to be provided at /Users/palmieri/.sage/temp/

Hm. That message sounds like data have been moved accross directories.

Anyway. I just see that I get a couple of failures on sage-5.0.beta8, built with the gcc spkg from #12369. In some cases, problems with symbolic links are mentioned, or with files that can't be opened. Not good.

The good news is that I don't need to build Sage on OpenSolaris in order to replicated the trouble with symbolic links...

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

On OpenSolaris, I deleted the ./sage/pGroupCohomology directory and reran self-tests. I got just a few failures: see the log file. I may be misreading it, but these look like optional doctests failing.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

On OpenSolaris, I deleted the ./sage/pGroupCohomology directory and reran self-tests. I got just a few failures: see the log file. I may be misreading it, but these look like optional doctests failing.

All but one error comes from a test that requires internet connection and tests whether the package can read download data from some repository on sage.math - and now I wonder: Isn't sage.math down at the moment?

I have just tried myself, but it failed:

sage: from pGroupCohomology import CohomologyRing
sage: H=CohomologyRing.web_db('8gp3') 
ReadError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
ReadError: file could not be opened successfully

Indeed, the problem is on the side of sage.math, and also it doesn't help to change to boxen.math. Namely, Sage is supposed to get a g-zipped tar file out of the data base, but what it receives is an html page saying that the requested page can not be found on the server. I will ask on sage-devel what happened.

One test is about the hash of matrices. The original aim was to test against a specific value, but perhaps that was a bad idea. After all, the specific value depends on whether the machine is big or little endian, and whether it is 32 or 64 bit. So, we have four possible values.

I think the natural solution is to not test against a specific value, but against the construction of the hash.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

For the record: William said that the data base at is lost.

I hope I find some backup files, either in my home directory on sage.math, or in Jena.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

I have updated the spkg (at the old location).

Changes: I modified the hash function of my MeatAxe matrix wrapper. Before, the hash was based on the triple given by the modulus of the finite field, the dimensions of the matrix, and the contents of the memory block describing the matrix. Now, it is only based on the memory block describing the matrix.


Also it is faster in that way:

sage: from pGroupCohomology.mtx import MTX
sage: M = MTX(5, [[randint(0,4) for _ in range(15)] for __ in range(15)])
sage: M.set_immutable()
sage: %timeit n = hash(M)
# With the new version
625 loops, best of 3: 750 ns per loop
# With the old version
625 loops, best of 3: 1.61 µs per loop

The doc test for the __hash__ method should now be machine independent. In order to provide an indirect test, I added a method that returns a string that corresponds to the block of memory describing the matrix.

On my computer, all tests pass. Concerning the doctests marked "optional - internet": Apparently they are run by the test suite, and they pass for me as well - even though the group cohomology data base in the Sage cluster is not available anymore. Fortunately, for the single purpose of testing my package, I stored one cohomology ring at - and that's enough for the tests to work.

Back to "needs review", then!

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

A few questions:

On sage.math and on an OS X Lion box (running the version of Sage from #12369), all tests passed. On OpenSolaris, I'm getting a few doctest failures. Several are due to the internet tests, and this machine seems to have a very slow internet connection, so I'm not going to worry about that. The remaining failure:

sage -t -optional -long "/export/home/palmieri/.sage/temp/hawk/17706/dir_0/"
File "/export/home/palmieri/.sage/temp/hawk/17706/dir_0/", line 8:
    sage: if sys.byteorder == 'little':
        print hash(M) == Integer(7606091044269354279)  # indirect doctest
        print hash(M) == Integer(1060097699)   # indirect doctest

Any ideas about this one?

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

A few questions:

  • Is it possible (and easy) to build the documentation locally? If so, it would be nice to implement that in spkg-install, using the environment variable SAGE_SPKG_INSTALL_DOCS (see #10823).

Currently, it is not possible.

For creating the docs, I am using a script that is derived from the script that builds the Sage documentation. It would, of course, be possible to include the script in the spkg

However, that would not be enough. The docs should provide the argument list of each method. In order to determine the argspec of Cython methods, it is needed to be able to read the source code (see sage.misc.sageinspect). This is of course a problem for code that is outside the Sage library. My solution: I patched sage.misc.sageinspect, such that it would find the unpacked source of the spkg locally on my computer. But other users wouldn't have the unpacked spkg lying around.

Hm. I am just thinking: If the documentation is created during installation, then one does have the unpacked spkg. Still, I wouldn't like to patch sage.misc.sageinspect for that purpose. But perhaps the documentation builder script could hook into sage.misc.sageinspect.sage_getargspec?

Anyway, it would not be a straight forward solution.

  • Also, can you provide the code for producing an on-line database, in case people want to host their own?

There is no ready-made method for that purpose. What one needs to do:

Do you think the following syntax (to be implemented) would be a nice addition?

sage: H = CohomologyRing(G, to_database="/path/to/database_folder")
sage: H.make()  # would compute the ring and create an entry in the database_folder

Can people then set a variable to point to a different web site?

Yes! See the method CohomologyRing.set_web_db(...).

  • I think a better way to disable parallel building is export MAKE="$MAKE -j 1". Appending the -j 1 at the end should override any earlier -j flags. But this would require testing. I also think that since you call make instead of $MAKE, maybe this is irrelevant anyway?

Do I? I thought I had changed it into $MAKE. At least, I had the intention at some point.

pGroupCohomology.mtx.MTX.hash: sage -t -optional -long "/export/home/palmieri/.sage/temp/hawk/17706/dir_0/"

File "/export/home/palmieri/.sage/temp/hawk/17706/dir_0/", line 8: sage: if sys.byteorder == 'little': print hash(M) == Integer(7606091044269354279) # indirect doctest else: print hash(M) == Integer(1060097699) # indirect doctest

That's the old version of the test. Yesterday, I posted an update of the spkg, which contains a different (machine independent) test for the hash. Could you reforce installation, making sure you get the current version?

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

Replying to @simon-king-jena:

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

A few questions:

  • Is it possible (and easy) to build the documentation locally? If so, it would be nice to implement that in spkg-install, using the environment variable SAGE_SPKG_INSTALL_DOCS (see #10823).

Currently, it is not possible.

Perhaps for a future version you might consider it, depending on how much work it would be. A simple short-term solution would be to just include html docs in the spkg; they shouldn't add too much to the size. (Maybe a top-level directory docs, not under revision control.)

  • Also, can you provide the code for producing an on-line database, in case people want to host their own?

Do you think the following syntax (to be implemented) would be a nice addition?

sage: H = CohomologyRing(G, to_database="/path/to/database_folder")
sage: H.make()  # would compute the ring and create an entry in the database_folder

Yes, that sounds good. Maybe also a list somewhere of which specific calculations would make a good database.

  • I think a better way to disable parallel building is export MAKE="$MAKE -j 1". Appending the -j 1 at the end should override any earlier -j flags. But this would require testing. I also think that since you call make instead of $MAKE, maybe this is irrelevant anyway?

Do I? I thought I had changed it into $MAKE. At least, I had the intention at some point.

The spkg-install file says, for example

MAKE=make; export MAKE;

cd src


pGroupCohomology.mtx.MTX.hash: sage -t -optional -long "/export/home/palmieri/.sage/temp/hawk/17706/dir_0/"

File "/export/home/palmieri/.sage/temp/hawk/17706/dir_0/", line 8: sage: if sys.byteorder == 'little': print hash(M) == Integer(7606091044269354279) # indirect doctest else: print hash(M) == Integer(1060097699) # indirect doctest

That's the old version of the test. Yesterday, I posted an update of the spkg, which contains a different (machine independent) test for the hash. Could you reforce installation, making sure you get the current version?

You're right, I don't know how that happened. Anyway, all tests passed this time, including the internet ones.

I'm going to browse the source a bit more, but it all looks very good right now.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

Perhaps for a future version you might consider it, depending on how much work it would be. A simple short-term solution would be to just include html docs in the spkg; they shouldn't add too much to the size. (Maybe a top-level directory docs, not under revision control.)

It is 3.4MB.

Yes, that sounds good. Maybe also a list somewhere of which specific calculations would make a good database.

Or perhaps another syntax would be better. My previous suggestion was: "Declare during creation of a specific cohomology ring that it should go into a data base." But the computation of one ring typically involves the computation of rings for several subgroups (elementary abelian, Sylow, ...), and it would be reasonable to have them ALL in the data base.

Therefore, I think it would be better to have a global switch, for example

sage: CohomologyRing.create_database("/path/to/data_base")

with the effect that all subsequent cohomology computations will work as they usually do, but would additionally write the tar files into the given data base folder.

The spkg-install file says, for example

MAKE=make; export MAKE;

Oops. I will try what happens with parallel make - after all, the comment "Building in parallel is bad" is probably there for a reason (but I can't recall).

I'm going to browse the source a bit more, but it all looks very good right now.

OK. Would it be OK to postpone the doc and data base additon, or would you strongly prefer to have it in 2.1.2 already?

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

One question: If $MAKE is make -jN, how can one find the number N?

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

I have updated th spkg on the old location (hence, if you download it again, make sure that you have the correct version, because sometimes wget is cached!).


Ready for review, anyway.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

PS: Concerning docs, you will find that certain files such as, and are modified versions of the corresponding files from Sage. They are not doctested here. The difference to the files from Sage is that the modified versions are able to find the source files of my cohomology spkg.

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

Changed reviewer from Karl-Dieter Crisman to Karl-Dieter Crisman, John Palmieri

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

This looks great! Positive review. I appreciate having the documentation locally, too.

At least one thing which ought to be easy to implement in a future version: additive_order for elements: a.additive_order() should be either 1 (if a==0) or p (the characteristic of the ground field. If you ever construct cohomology rings over non-fields, you could leave it unimplemented in that case.

I found this a little strange:

sage: H0 = CohomologyRing(8,3)
sage: (H0.2 * H0.3).is_zero()
sage: (H0.2 * H0.3) == 0

Maybe comparisons or __eq__ need to be implemented, too.

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

This looks great! Positive review.

Thank you very much! Finally, the old version (broken with recent Sage) can be replaced!

sage: (H0.2 H0.3).is_zero() True sage: (H0.2 H0.3) == 0 False Maybe comparisons or __eq__ need to be implemented, too.

I think that the answers are consistent, for the following reasons:

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Dear John,

I am sorry for being late, but I have one question: Would you allow one last-minute change?

Namely, with the package you just reviewed, the computation of the cohomology ring of the Sylow 2-subgroup of some double cover of Suzuki group 8 (this is group number 836 of order 128), the completion test à la Peter Symonds is very time consuming - the problem was in the computation of a small subset of generators over which the ring is finite-dimensional. I found a way to speed it up. Also, I'd like to add protocol output to the method that computes it (which also means I will have to change the expected protocol output in some doc tests).

I think these changes are minor, but helpful. If you say that you would try to install it and run the test suite again, then I would update the spkg a bit later. I would also accept to postpone that change for a later spkg version.

What do you prefer?

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

Hi Simon,

I can run the test suite in the next day or two, once you update the spkg. So it's fine with me if you want to update it. If you do, could you also post a diff here, so I can see the changes? (Just hg export tip > ... and post the resulting patch file.)

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Diff of the latest changes in the spkg. For reviewing only

simon-king-jena commented 12 years ago

Attachment: cohomology-pkg.diff.gz

Replying to @jhpalmieri:

I can run the test suite in the next day or two, once you update the spkg. So it's fine with me if you want to update it. If you do, could you also post a diff here, so I can see the changes?

I have updated my spkg (old location) and have attache a diff with respect to the version that you have reviewed earlier.

Here are the changes:

jhpalmieri commented 12 years ago

Okay, still looks good.

jdemeyer commented 12 years ago

Description changed:

@@ -55,3 +55,4 @@

 On another GNU Linux machine with AMD processors, it builds and seems to work even with Sage 4.2.1, but apparently the interface to the `@`parallel decorator has changed, so that I was not able to run the test script.

+**optional spkg**: [](
haraldschilly commented 12 years ago

spkg updated on the server + mirros.