sagemath / sagetex

Embed code, results of computations, and plots from the Sage mathematics software suite ( into LaTeX documents. Source repository for and
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Make sagetex work together with pgfplots #1

Open student-sx opened 8 years ago

student-sx commented 8 years ago

It would be useful to provide a way to "export" a function defined in sage such that you can use it with pgfplots directly. There is already a suggestion on stackexchange (, where I proposed to have something like a sageraw command which you could use to pass the function as in the example below. Another idea would be to provide a command \expfct(funktion,texcommand) which "saves" the function under the name texcommand such that it is available from the main document for pgfplots.



  f(x) = 2*sin(x^2)

$f(x) = \sage{f(x)}$

    \begin{axis}[no markers, samples=100]
%      \addplot gnuplot {\sageraw{f(x)}};
      %should be the same as
      \addplot gnuplot {2*sin(x^2)};
