sagemath / trac-to-github

Script to migrate Trac tickets to GitHub issues and the Trac wiki to markdown. Input: ➠ Intermediate: ➠ Output:
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Edit unmapped users #150

Closed kwankyu closed 1 year ago

kwankyu commented 1 year ago

First commit sorts names.

Second commit added all remaining names unknown to Trac to ignored_names (changed from ignored_usernames). In result, the table of unmapped usernames will only contain names known to Trac. The purpose is to create mannequinsagetrac-xxx only if xxx is known to Trac.

Is this a right thing to do?

mkoeppe commented 1 year ago

We cannot just leave unknown users unmapped. This would erase issue events from history, such as in the following output change.

diff --git a/Issues-00xxx/ b/Issues-00xxx/
index d54b16ccaaa..65ae3e30d82 100644
--- a/Issues-00xxx/
+++ b/Issues-00xxx/
@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@
-    "assignees": [
-        ""
-    ],
+    "assignees": [],
     "body": "If I add a bunch of graphics primitives to a Graphic object using the Graphic append() method, the `__xmax`, `__xmin`, `__ymax`, `__ymin` attributes 
are not updated. Therefore when I try to plot the graphic, nothing shows up. Code for the correct behaviour can be found in the `Graphic.__add__()` method.\n\n\nCo
mponent: **packages: standard**\n\n_Issue created by migration from\n\n",
     "closed_at": "2007-08-19T01:06:34Z",
     "created_at": "2007-01-23T04:46:27Z",
@@ -280,29 +278,12 @@ archive/issue_events_001499.json:

-    "actor": "",
-    "created_at": "2007-08-19T01:05:57Z",
-    "event": "assigned",
-    "issue": "",
-    "subject": "",
-    "type": "issue_event",
-    "url": ""
     "actor": "",
     "created_at": "2007-08-19T01:06:34Z",
     "event": "closed",
     "issue": "",
     "type": "issue_event",
-    "url": ""
+    "url": ""
mkoeppe commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

kwankyu commented 1 year ago
