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Jupyter: format cells via easily discoverable keyboard shortcut #7646

Open mforbes opened 5 days ago

mforbes commented 5 days ago

It would be very nice if there was a one-click solution (and/or keyboard shortcut) to format the current cell. It is annoying how the current behaviour looks like a one-click button, but then opens to a menu where you have to select another button to do the actual formatting.

Not sure if there is some other way of doing this like:

An easily discoverable keyboard shortcut would probably solve the problem

williamstein commented 5 days ago

It is annoying how the current behaviour looks like a one-click button, but then opens to a menu where you have to select another button to do the actual formatting.

There's also a button off to the right of any cell that DOES format that cell with one click:


In editors control+shift+f is format, but that doesn't seem to do anything in a single cell in a notebook. It would probably make sense to add.

mforbes commented 5 days ago

I don't know what to say. So there is. Somehow the AI tools etc. caused me to completely dismiss the possibility that that is where I should look... Sorry for the noise! (Probably some conditioning from Jupyter Notebooks where the Black button works up to with a single click.)

williamstein commented 5 days ago

Sorry for the noise!

Your point about a lack of keyboard shortcut still fully holds.

williamstein commented 5 days ago

Plus I want to advertise the new "More" dropdown for a cell, which has only been around a week or so:
