sageserpent-open / americium

Generation of test case data for Scala and Java, in the spirit of QuickCheck. When your test fails, it gives you a minimised failing test case and a way of reproducing the failure immediately.
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Support unique ids directly. #64

Closed sageserpent-open closed 10 months ago

sageserpent-open commented 1 year ago

According to the wiki entry here, complexities can be used as a source of unique ids when generating a complex test case with extensible internal structure.

That example works, but consider this:

import com.sageserpent.americium.Trials
import Trials.api

val threeComplexities = for {
  one   <- api.complexities
  two   <- api.complexities
  three <- api.complexities
} yield (one, two, three)


def recursiveComplexities: Trials[(Int, Int, Int)] =
  api.alternate(threeComplexities, api.delay(recursiveComplexities))


def accumulatedRecursiveComplexities: Trials[List[(Int, Int, Int)]] =
    threeComplexities.flatMap(triple => :: _)


This yields:

import com.sageserpent.americium.Trials
import Trials.api

val threeComplexities: com.sageserpent.americium.Trials[(Int, Int, Int)] = TrialsImplementation(Free(...))


def recursiveComplexities: com.sageserpent.americium.Trials[(Int, Int, Int)]


def accumulatedRecursiveComplexities: com.sageserpent.americium.Trials[List[(Int, Int, Int)]]

List((1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3), (4,4,4))
List((1,1,1), (2,2,2))
List((1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3))

That surprised me!

What happens is that complexity picks up each choice or factory picked in the surrounding context of flatmapping that led to the call of TrialsApi.complexities.

For threeComplexities, there are neither choices nor factories involved, and the complexities are just three zeroes.

For recursiveComplexities, there are implicit choices involved in the recursion via api.alternate, so while we still see three equal complexities, they do vary from one case to another.

For accumulatedRecursiveComplexities, we see something that almost satisfies the requirement for unique ids, but still each triple has equal complexities.

The workaround is to define something like this:

def uniqueId: Trials[Int] = for {
  result       <- api.complexities
  unusedChoice <- api.choose(Iterable.single(0))
} yield result

val threeIds = for {
  one   <- uniqueId
  two   <- uniqueId
  three <- uniqueId
} yield (one, two, three)


That yields:

val threeIds: com.sageserpent.americium.Trials[(Int, Int, Int)] = TrialsImplementation(Free(...))


The job here is to package this workaround up in TrialsApi.uniqueIds, and go for a cleaner, more direct implementation - probably another case class belonging to the GenerationOperation hierarchy.

sageserpent-open commented 1 year ago

NOTE: This isn't a bug in TrialsAPi.complexities - that is doing precisely what it should do, namely peeking at the complexity introduced by the surrounding flatmapping context. The act of peeking shouldn't add more complexity, and indeed it does not.

EDIT: there is a related bug that has been incorporated into this ticket, see below.

sageserpent-open commented 1 year ago

While using the workaround shown above in a real test - changes and link to browse sources here, I noticed that using a recipe to reproduce the maximally shrunk failing test case causes Americium to fault with a match error...

scala.MatchError: List() (of class scala.collection.immutable.Nil$)

    at cats.Eval.cats$Eval$$anon$2$$_$$lessinit$greater$$anonfun$2(Eval.scala:104)
    at cats.Eval$.loop$1(Eval.scala:341)
    at cats.Eval$.cats$Eval$$$evaluate(Eval.scala:384)
    at cats.Eval$FlatMap.value(Eval.scala:305)
    at com.sageserpent.americium.TrialsImplementation$SupplyToSyntaxImplementation$1.reproduce(TrialsImplementation.scala:274)
    at com.sageserpent.americium.generation.SupplyToSyntaxSkeletalImplementation.testIntegrationContextReproducing$1(SupplyToSyntaxSkeletalImplementation.scala:891)
    at com.sageserpent.americium.generation.SupplyToSyntaxSkeletalImplementation.$anonfun$15(SupplyToSyntaxSkeletalImplementation.scala:933)

Given that the test uses complexities to drive the weighting of alternative trials, and given this code that hardwires the complexity to zero when reproducing a test case from a recipe, this is clearly going to result in an inconsistency between the flatmapping context of trials and the decision stages deserialised from the recipe.

So while we're on this ticket, let's fix that bug into the bargain.

sageserpent-open commented 10 months ago

The bug is has been fixed at Git commit SHA: 12cfdbd65d8c4f36e5711cdbc989ced4ad0f09aa.

sageserpent-open commented 10 months ago

The bug-fix and following introduction of TrialsApi.uniqueIds went out in release 1.17.0, Git SHA: 63d7bc6f9ef528714cd468222f6e8c5496dcb357.