It would be helpful for the newcomers html report to have a sentence like "On average, first pull requests are open A number of days and it takes B number of review comments to get them merged. It usually takes the community C number of hours to respond to a pull request. D% of pull requests never get a response."
This could be extrapolated to issues as well (e.g. how long does it take for an issue to be closed).
Why is this useful?
Waiting for someone to respond to a pull request is the worst feeling for newcomers. This would encourage newcomers to not give up on their pull request, and to understand that it often takes many comments or revisions to get something merged into an established project. It would also encourage core contributors to compare their response times to other competing projects' response times, and improve.
Implementation Details
The averages should be taken across the last year's pull requests, to allow the community room to improve. Don't include review bots in the number of hours it takes for the community to respond to a pull request.
It would be helpful for the newcomers html report to have a sentence like "On average, first pull requests are open A number of days and it takes B number of review comments to get them merged. It usually takes the community C number of hours to respond to a pull request. D% of pull requests never get a response."
This could be extrapolated to issues as well (e.g. how long does it take for an issue to be closed).
Why is this useful?
Waiting for someone to respond to a pull request is the worst feeling for newcomers. This would encourage newcomers to not give up on their pull request, and to understand that it often takes many comments or revisions to get something merged into an established project. It would also encourage core contributors to compare their response times to other competing projects' response times, and improve.
Implementation Details
The averages should be taken across the last year's pull requests, to allow the community room to improve. Don't include review bots in the number of hours it takes for the community to respond to a pull request.