The jar file for version 0.45.0 that is deployed Maven central seems to by mistake be compiled for code coverage using the tool Cobertura. The byte-code of the classes in the jar file reference Cobertura classes.
The result is that Fax4J 0.45.0 from Maven central is not usable. Any application using it crashes with a NoClassDefFoundError (if Cobertura is not on the class path).
Run command javap -p -c fax4j-0.45.0/org/fax4j/FaxClientFactory.class
Observe that the byte code printout contain references to Cobertura:
$ javap -p -c fax4j-0.45.0/org/fax4j/FaxClientFactory.class
Compiled from ""
public final class org.fax4j.FaxClientFactory {
public static final transient int[] __cobertura_counters;
static {};
0: invokestatic #27 // Method __cobertura_init:()V
3: return
public static void __cobertura_init();
0: getstatic #16 // Field __cobertura_counters:[I
3: ifnonnull 18
6: ldc #132 // int 21
8: newarray int
10: putstatic #16 // Field __cobertura_counters:[I
13: ldc #133 // String org/fax4j/FaxClientFactory
15: invokestatic #139 // Method net/sourceforge/cobertura/coveragedata/TouchCollector.registerClass:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
18: return
Error Stack
--- exec:3.0.0:exec (default-cli) @ FaxSender ---
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sourceforge/cobertura/coveragedata/TouchCollector
at org.fax4j.FaxClientFactory.__cobertura_init(
at org.fax4j.FaxClientFactory.<clinit>(
at se.myproject.send.Fax.<init>(
at se.myproject.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.TouchCollector
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 4 more
Code Sample
Any code that creates a FaxClientFactory will trigger the error.
Describe The Bug
The jar file for version 0.45.0 that is deployed Maven central seems to by mistake be compiled for code coverage using the tool Cobertura. The byte-code of the classes in the jar file reference Cobertura classes.
The result is that Fax4J 0.45.0 from Maven central is not usable. Any application using it crashes with a
(if Cobertura is not on the class path).This seems to be the same issue that was reported here:
But the reporter of that issue failed to provide any details, so the problem could not be identified.
To Reproduce
Method 1
Run any application that creates a
, without having Cobertura on the class-path. Observe the stack trace printout.Method 2
javap -p -c fax4j-0.45.0/org/fax4j/FaxClientFactory.class
Error Stack
Code Sample
Any code that creates a
will trigger the error.Other
Thanks for a nice and useful project! :)