sagiegurari / node-go-require

Load Google GO files as any javascript modules under nodeJS runtime.
Apache License 2.0
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Add docs badge to README #1

Closed rrrene closed 9 years ago

rrrene commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

you have recently tried to evaluate this project via Inch. I took the liberty to make a badge for you: Inline docs

The badge shows an evaluation by InchJS, but I guess you already knew that. :wink:

I would really like to roll out support for JS over the coming weeks (early adopters are forever, node-sass and Shipit).

Although this is "only" a passion project, I really would like to hear your thoughts, critique and suggestions. Your status page is

What do you think?

sagiegurari commented 9 years ago

actually wanted to see how your tool checks documentation. I didn't see anywhere in your website that you support jsdoc which is the standard doc solution for javascript but testing the link you just provided seems to show that it does.

as for the tool itself, it is really nice. It does handle an area which many ignore - documentation. i can see my docs in your website and it links strait to the file which is really cool. but you do have an issue with stability of your website, meaning the link doesn't work every time. also the docs are not formatted, they are the original format that is in the code. i know it might be tricky to parse every type of documentation, but it would be nice to see it formatted correctly (for example:

Once you add official support for jsdocs and the site will be more stable, than i'll add the badge. I added a watch on your project to see when that happens.

overall, I think it is a great idea and I hope you will continue to enhance it. it definitely has a place in the world of continue integration tools available for open source projects.

rrrene commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your encouragement :+1:

but you do have an issue with stability of your website, meaning the link doesn't work every time.

Could you elaborate on this? Do you mean the status page? Does is not load and time out? Or does it give an error?

sagiegurari commented 9 years ago

I meant that this page: sometimes gives me page not found errors. when i do refresh, it loads up good. strange.

by the way make sure you set the cache headers for your badges. see:

rrrene commented 9 years ago

I guess that was the page Lighttpd serves when I restart the Unicorn. I should put a better message there like "There is currently an update being deployed. Check back in 10 seconds!"

As for the *-Headers: Great catch, thanks!

sagiegurari commented 9 years ago

implemented. works good.