sagitechls / SSN_SACE_2017_Jan

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Clustering of Drugs #21




1 number of unique drugs 1120

2 Drugs prescribed by Doctors mostly based on beneficiary_average_risk_score

3 Chronic disesases are being prescribed similar drug by most of Doctor's

packages used

setwd("C:\Users\anand.shankar\Desktop\Sagitec\Files") getwd() library(dplyr) library(h2o) library(data.table) library(sqldf) library(corrplot) library(ggplot)

samSPECTRAL is a non-standard package HEceit requires a different method

source("") biocLite("samSPECTRAL")

load the datasets using Fread to reduce complexity of laoding large datasets

pusummary<-fread("PUF.summary.csv", stringsAsFactors = T)

prescriberdetail<-fread("prescriber.detailed.csv", stringsAsFactors = T)

result1new=scale(result1)#to standardise values

to merge using doc id as common

result1 = sqldf("select * from prescriberdetail JOIN PUFdetail USING(doc_id)")

mergedddata = sqldf("select * from result1 JOIN PUF.summary USING(doc_id)")

categorize the missing values with "less than 11" as "0" and values greater than 11 as "1"

mergeddata$bene_count[$bene_count)] <- "0" mergeddata$bene_count[mergeddata$bene_count>=11] <- "1"

Descriptive Statistics

instead of packages function are written to run code dynamically

functions to find central tendency in data

mysummary <- function(x,npar=TRUE,print=TRUE) { if (!npar) { center <- mean(x); spread <- sd(x) } else { center <- median(x); spread <- mad(x) } if (print & !npar) { cat("Mean=", center, "\n", "SD=", spread, "\n") } else if (print & npar) { cat("Median=", center, "\n", "MAD=", spread, "\n") } result <- list(center=center,spread=spread) return(result) }#data lies withing range of small variations

correlation plot to find assocaition between variables

corr <- function(directory, threshold = 0) { files <- list.files(directory, full.names = T) dat2 <- lapply(files, function(x) na.omit(read.csv(x))) size <- unlist(lapply(dat2, nrow)) cors <- lapply(dat2[size > threshold], function(x) cor(x['drugname'], x['beneficary average risk score'])) res <- unname(unlist(cors)) }#claim count and total day supply is higly corelated bene_count is co- related with drug cost

clustering to find pattern of drug presription for all the drugs using samSPECTRAL clustering

unique(drug_name)#1120 drugs were found as unique

Elbow Method for finding the optimal number of clusters


Compute and plot wss for k = 2 to k = 1120.

k.max <- 1120 mergeddata <- scale(mergeddata) wss <- sapply(1:k.max, function(k){kmeans(data, k, nstart=50,iter.max = 15 )$tot.withinss}) plot(1:k.max, wss, type="b", pch = 19, frame = FALSE, xlab="Number of clusters K", ylab="Total within-clusters sum of squares") # plot shows the optimal cluster as 500

Spectral Clustering using adjacent matrix it's effficient for larger datasets

cluster<-spectral.clustering(mergeddata, normalised = TRUE, score = FALSE, K = 500, adj = FALSE)

plot the clusters to see how it's clustered

plot(cluster,pch='.',col=output)# total 1120 drugs being come under the 500 group of clusters