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what should we show them on do_lift when they are going for an xPR set #159

Open sagreine opened 3 years ago

sagreine commented 3 years ago

The last time I was told '5xPR' how many did I get?

Do I care only about xPR reps here? That is, if I did two cycles of non-pr, do I still want to see the last xPR or the most recent 5 set? I think still the xPR, since we're showing all the above and that should cover our bases. I think this covers the not-at-alltime-pr use case well enough if not perfectly

Shouldn't need the same on weight because we only see this weight again when we don't increase it.i.e. I'm seeing this weight again, I should only care what my rep max is for this weight regardless of prescribed reps, right?*

Programs that do increase weight even though? No, because you won't add weight in the middle of a set.

*What about showing the most recent PR-set reps you got with that many prescribed reps (+ that weight?) That would help if this is a second time through and/or you're not at all time PR. That is, I don't care if my highest ever reps on 5xPR was 30, I only ^ I think all use cases above will be solved by pulling in most recent 5xPR lift.

sagreine commented 3 years ago

scenario: cycle 0: pr cycle, progress with 8 reps cycle 1: non-pr cycle, progress lift with 6 reps cycle 2: non-pr cycle, don't progress lift with 4 reps cycle 3: pr cycle, on 1x day with 5 prescribed reps. what do i want to see?

what i will see: RepMax: cycle 1, but only if i got exactly prescribed reps. otherwise, a random 5RM NewField: cycle 0, because that is the last xPR cycle WeightMax: if TM % for the program is the same, you'll see cycle 2's failing rep number here (but not true if that number is 0.). this might be partially addressed if we handle PRs more grainly - if you wanted 5 reps but got 4, that might still be a 4RM but also might still be a 1RM, 2RM, 3RM, etc. If you've never gotten the weight, it correctly shows nothing. it might be helpful to know you got x +/- 2 for 4 reps or something but at some point you're splitting hairs. if the weight is exactly the same, you will see the most reps you got which will be cycle 2.

what do i want to see in newField? maybe the failed lift from cycle 2 instead? no guarantee that this will be represented in the WeightM but otherwise cycle 0 is fine, really.

i think we ideally want to see: the last 1xPR, any cycle - cycle 0 in this case, but see below ### the last cycle's 1x number - cycle 2 in this case - how do we identify that? even if we pass, how would we identify that?

scenario: i use prescribed 5xPR for every week this cycle (this is common). what i want to see is my last "week 3" lift, not the one from just last week. Similarly, i want to see week "5" to week "5" and week "3" to week "3" but we don't store week... could we limit to most recent collection of.. a) correct lift b) prescribed reps are the same c) progress week, if current week is progress week, or not if not - this covers progress weeks da) PR set? that will cut out the warmup/pyramid sets. but we lose cycle 2 above... db) even if we had a marker for "top set of the day" that's not going to help if two straight weeks have 5xpr but different weights d) TM%? haven't really handled that. shouldn't need to? e) week? this gets to be very specific to 5/3/1. what i really want is to see the last time i was at this level of intensity in the program - might be a week might be 3.

sagreine commented 3 years ago

"if I am doing a YxPR lift I want to know the number of reps I got last time we were prescribed Yx reps for the weight closest to the weight we are currently being asked to lift*"

*closest from below. week 3 does care about week 2, if it was higher than last time's week 2. week 2 does not care about last time's week 3 though in that case but does care about last time's week 3 if it is lower.

so maybe show both:

ideally: week01: 200- 5x week02; 220- 5x week03: 240- 5x

week11: 205- 5x: show me week01 week12: 225- 5x: show me week02 week13: 245- 5x: show me week03

a) correct lift b) prescribed reps are the same d) limit to weight lower than or equal to current weight d2) limit to top sets d3) order by date descending d4) weight descending ---d5) order by reps e) limit 1 f) limit to number of reps > 0

what if you have an old prescribed 5x top set where you got 1x223? week12 will pull that.. can't limit first by weight, because of ^ can't limit first by date, because week 12 will pull in week11 can't limit by reps >= prescribed or something, because i will fail week 1 and 2 but not 3 at some point...

sagreine commented 3 years ago

i guess we could store week? requires program-specific logic processing though just tell them to use a blackboard :)

sagreine commented 3 years ago

Might we look back 'x' Top Tests by date depending on which program + week is selected?

sagreine commented 3 years ago

The last xPR set at x% at x% TM you got Y reps, z time ago for W pounds