sahana / WACOP

Washington State Common Operating Picture
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Alert card implementation #1

Closed dhornbein closed 7 years ago

dhornbein commented 7 years ago

Alert cards display system wide alert messages.




HTML Structure

<aside class="card-alert">
  <header class="status-bar {{status}}">
    <ul class="status-bar-left">
      <li class="item icon"></li>
      <li class="item secondary status">{{status}}</li>
    <ul class="controls">
      <li class="item bookmark"><a href="#"><i class="fa-bookmark fa"></i></a></li>
  <div class="body">
    <h1 class="title">Alert Title</h1>
      <span class="meta">{{posted_date}} @ {{posted_time}} by {{posted_user}}</span>
      <span class="meta-location">{{City}}, {{State Abbreviation}}; {{lat}}, {{long}}</span>
    <p class="desc">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corporis accusantium voluptatem, dolore praesentium laudantium ad</p>
  <footer class="footer">
    <p><a href="#" class="more">Read More</a></p>
flavour commented 7 years ago

For bookmarks, what I had before had 2 different Icons depending on the current state of the Bookmark, and also included a tooltip...are these enhancements not seen as useful?

flavour commented 7 years ago

I presume if the user isn't logged-in then we shouldn't show the bookmark icon at all? Or should this show but then trigger a request to login?

flavour commented 7 years ago

Note that using the same variable for both a visible string & a class prevents the site being translated into other languages. This isn't an issue for WACOP, as I understand that this is only meant to be used in English...however if we hope to reuse some of this for SAFIRE, as per my understanding, then we should avoid putting up such barriers.

flavour commented 7 years ago

The images don't have dates or times in so I don't know how these are supposed to be formatted

dhornbein commented 7 years ago

re: Bookmarks, yes keep that functionality. I'll await Katie/Devin's response on if it should display to non-logged in users.

Note that using the same variable for both a visible string & a class prevents the site being translated into other languages.

Very good point. My intention is to use a special class in the header.status-bar or the aside.card-alert to change the icon (and any other styling) based on that class name. This could be accomplished with the status number: status-{{=status_num}}

What would you suggest the best solution is?

Date / time format: mmm dd, yyyy @ hh:mm by OCT 23, 2017 @ 12:23 by

att: @flavour

flavour commented 7 years ago

status_num would work, but I prefer more semantic terms so the English version of the status would be fine...just be clear that this needs to be a different variable

flavour commented 7 years ago

For Date/Time formatting, I see the Events have these, so I assume we should use the same formatting?

dhornbein commented 7 years ago

status_num would work, but I prefer more semantic terms so the English version of the status would be fine...just be clear that this needs to be a different variable

Yes me too. I'll just need to know what the output will be to create css to style the card correctly.

devinbalkind commented 7 years ago

Hi I got a little lost on this thread. Are there any questions for me that I need to answer?

flavour commented 7 years ago

@devinbalkind: Nothing you need to engage with here currently, no :)