sahat / megaboilerplate

Handcrafted starter projects, optimized for simplicity and ease of use.
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login/signup page contains social media divider even when only email is selected #156

Closed OmgImAlexis closed 8 years ago

OmgImAlexis commented 8 years ago

I selected Node -> Express -> Bootstrap -> None/CSS -> Angular -> Gulp + Browserify -> Mocha -> MongoDB -> Email -> None.

screen shot 2016-07-07 at 2 05 12 pm

sahat commented 8 years ago

This would be kind of hard to fix because there are so many permutations of CSS Frameworks * Template Engines. It would take hours to fix it in Mega Boilerplate, where it would take a few seconds to remove that line from the generated code.

I am going to keep it as is for now.