sahat / megaboilerplate

Handcrafted starter projects, optimized for simplicity and ease of use.
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Updating Bootstrap #161

Open plainspace opened 8 years ago

plainspace commented 8 years ago

How is Bootstrap included? Is the Bootstrap sass directory just dropped into public/css/vendor? Or is it included some other way? I want to test Bootstrap 4 alpha.

guilherme6191 commented 8 years ago


It seems that the bootstrap folder is just there but there is no package management happening on bootstrap. Is that correct? If not, how is it managed?

Thanks! Great megaboilerplate is a great boilerplate project.

guilherme6191 commented 7 years ago

Any news on this? How can we include bootstrap in the building/npm process?


guilherme6191 commented 7 years ago

@plainspace I actually found a way to include bootstrap in a more automatic way. However, I'm using Sass and am not sure if there's a bootstrap sass package for v4.

What I did: npm i bootstra-sass --save-dev in the main.scss replaced the import from the vendor for bootstrap to import from node_modules

Not sure if it's the best way to handle it, probably not since we've got webpack to do a bunch of stuff for us. But it works and now I don't have the bootstrap files in the public folder.