Open kavinsky- opened 7 years ago
I have few core apps with satellizer on the frontend and it works pretty well. Please let me know if this still interesting for you :)
Used Satellizer for ASP.NET Core WebAPI/Angular project, see See loginDirective.js for FrontEnd and AuthController.cs + TokenAuthorizationHandler.cs for server side. Need update of token, but it works pretty well.
I'm running an ASP.NET Core authorisation server using ASP.NET Core Identity and IdentityServer4, and i want to integrate external authentication for my SPA (Angular).
I'm trying to follow the Authentication Flow steps for OAuth 2.0, but i don't have an idea how to get UserInfo from the access_token (code) as the Facebook SDK and OAuth2 Nuget are not compatible with .Net core.
Anyone has succeeded to use satellizer with ASP.NET Core ? Thanks in advance :)