Build additional rest api project, should be a quick win since all the logic already exists and is loosely coupled.
Could then build an android app for switching accounts or maybe a new desktop client written in a different language like kotlin (cuz nice) since I don't have to rewrite all the logic since its behind the rest api then. Why not both?
The API should also be documented incase someone maybe wants to write his own version without going through all the code.
The original avalonia desktop client should stay standalone and not be dependent on the rest api since I would assume that most users don't want to waste their computer resources running an additional rest service on their computer for something they aren't planning on using anyways
Get Accounts Endpoint that provides the accounts with all necessary data (avatar uri etc.)
Build additional rest api project, should be a quick win since all the logic already exists and is loosely coupled.
Could then build an android app for switching accounts or maybe a new desktop client written in a different language like kotlin (cuz nice) since I don't have to rewrite all the logic since its behind the rest api then. Why not both?
The API should also be documented incase someone maybe wants to write his own version without going through all the code.
The original avalonia desktop client should stay standalone and not be dependent on the rest api since I would assume that most users don't want to waste their computer resources running an additional rest service on their computer for something they aren't planning on using anyways
Get Accounts Endpoint that provides the accounts with all necessary data (avatar uri etc.)
Switch Account Endpoint