sahin / VideoSplashKit

VideoSplashKit - UIViewController library for creating easy intro pages with background videos
MIT License
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Issues when present modal view from splash view and PIP #25

Closed sunflash closed 6 years ago

sunflash commented 8 years ago


I use this pod for a couple weeks and discover some issues when present modal view from video splash view.

When I present a modal view, in my case a custom modal view for mail login, or facebook/google login (SFSafariViewController) with SDK. First issue is a new video player is added to splash view each time I dismiss modal view. Second issue is if I rotate screen in modal view and then dismiss modal view, movie players frame is not adjusted and follow content view frame, then I make it work by set movie player view's autoresizemask, but it don't work reliably each time, so I endup with solution in autolayout.

If I set minimum target to iOS 9, picture in picture is activate for movie player view when I push home button (iPad Air 2) . Then you get a thumbnail screen with splash view video running :)

sahin commented 8 years ago

@cemolcay @toygar can u check and merge it?