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HW decoding does not work, encrypted H.264 #73

Open Oober opened 4 years ago

Oober commented 4 years ago


`audio_buffering_state "BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH"
debug "(Log limit reached. Further similar entries may be suppressed): ISO-BMFF container metadata for video frame indicates that the frame is not a keyframe, but the video frame contents indicate the opposite."
duration 9223372036854.775
event "PLAY"
for_suspended_start false
height 720
info "video decoder config changed midstream, new config: codec: h264, profile: h264 high, level: not available, alpha_mode: is_opaque, coded size: [1280,720], visible rect: [0,0,1280,720], natural size: [1280,720], has extra data: false, encryption scheme: CENC, rotation: 0°, flipped: 0, color space: {primaries:BT709, transfer:BT709, matrix:BT709, range:LIMITED}"
kAudioDecoderName "FFmpegAudioDecoder"
kAudioTracks [{"bytes per channel":2,"bytes per frame":4,"channel layout":"STEREO","channels":2,"codec":"aac","codec delay":0,"discard decoder delay":false,"encryption scheme":"CENC","has extra data":false,"sample format":"Signed 16-bit","samples per second":48000,"seek preroll":"0us"}]
kFrameTitle "Telia TV"
kFrameUrl ""
kIsAudioDecryptingDemuxerStream true
kIsPlatformAudioDecoder false
kIsPlatformVideoDecoder false
kIsVideoDecryptingDemuxerStream false
kIsVideoEncrypted true
kResolution "1280x720"
kVideoDecoderName "DecryptingVideoDecoder"
kVideoTracks [{"alpha mode":"is_opaque","codec":"h264","coded size":"640x360","color space":"{primaries:BT709, transfer:BT709, matrix:BT709, range:LIMITED}","encryption scheme":"CENC","has extra data":false,"hdr metadata":"unset","natural size":"640x360","orientation":"0°","profile":"h264 main","visible rect":"0,0 640x360"}]
origin_url ""
pipeline_buffering_state "BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH"
pipeline_state "kPlaying"
player_id 0
render_id 9
seek_target 25488954
url "blob:"
video_buffering_state "BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH"
width 1280`

HW decoding is not working, although it works with other H.264 sites, like YouTube with a proper extension.

Oober commented 4 years ago

Same behavior here in a site, which can be tested by any user, without any subscriptions:

It seems that HW acceleration does not work with encrypted videos.

A beer for a solution. ;)

qnixsynapse commented 4 years ago

See :

Oober commented 4 years ago

See : intel/libva#241

Does the linked bug mean that this is a common problem; graphics drivers do not support encrypted video encoding?

BTW, I am using VDPAU.

qnixsynapse commented 4 years ago


Oober commented 3 years ago

Have to say, that HW-acceleration works with encrypted videos with recent Firefox and amdgpu/va-api.