Open psnehal opened 2 years ago
Fixed in v1.1.5
Unfortunately, I'm getting this same error right now with your docker image: wzhou88/saige:1.2.0
I've confirmed every one of my samples is in both the phenotype files and the plink .fam file
docker run --cpus=$CPU --memory=$MEM_MB_REQ --volume $(pwd):/mnt/input/ --rm $SAIGE_DOCKER_CONTAINER /usr/bin/Rscript --max-ppsize=500000 /usr/local/bin/step1_fitNULLGLMM.R \
--plinkFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF} \
--useSparseGRMtoFitNULL=FALSE \
--phenoFile=/mnt/input/$INPUT_PHENOTYPE_FILE \
--phenoCol=$phenotype_col \
--sampleIDColinphenoFile=IID \
--traitType=quantitative \
--nThreads=$CPU \
--IsOverwriteVarianceRatioFile=TRUE \
docker run --cpus=$CPU --memory=$MEM_MB_REQ --volume $(pwd):/mnt/input/ --rm $SAIGE_DOCKER_CONTAINER /usr/bin/Rscript --max-ppsize=500000 /usr/local/bin/step2_SPAtests.R \
--bedFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bed \
--bimFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bim \
--famFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bim \
--SAIGEOutputFile=$DOCKER_OUT_DIR/give_me_anything_output.txt \
--minMAF=0 \
--minMAC=20 \
--varianceRatioFile=$VARIANCERATIO \
--is_output_moreDetails=TRUE \
I've tried variations of --LOCO=TRUE, --chrom=1 and any input form it allowed:
# --bgenFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bgen \
# --bgenFileIndex=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bgen.bgi \
#--vcfFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.vcf.gz \
#--vcfFileIndex=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.vcf.gz.csi \
#--vcfField=GT \
#--bedFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bed \
#--bimFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bim \
#--famFile=/mnt/input/${INPUT_PLINKF}.bim \
Trying with the test data using both docker image 1.16 & 1.20 and the extdata/input/:
plink files: nfam_100_nindep_0_step1_includeMoreRareVariants_poly_22chr_random1000.bed .fam .bim phenotype files: pheno_1000samples.txt & pheno_1000samples.txt_withdosages_withBothTraitTypes.txt
Same error:
Setting position of samples in PLINK files....
Error in setPLINKobjInCPP(bimFile, famFile, bedFile, sampleInModel, AlleleOrder) :
At least one subject requested is not in Plink file.
Calls: SPAGMMATtest -> setGenoInput -> setPLINKobjInCPP
Execution halted
Suggestions ?
Hi Sandman2127,
I had a similar problem and I bypased it using subSampleFile
, see issue-79.
Hope this helps,
Thanks @giorkala, I've managed to get this working by using the docker image 1.2.1 using step-0 Sparse GRM estimation to define the population used in steps 1 & 2, then it appears those algorithms are able to ignore any missed samples. I still find the above odd given that there are methods to begin saige @ step-1 which don't use the sparse-GRM (step-0). I'll take my win and move on, will consider this option later if I run into it again!
Best regards Dean
We are trying to run the Saige 1.1.3 for Encore web app and we are getting this error when we run step 2. Step 1 is finishing successfully and we are getting .rda and variance file but step 2 gets stuck at below error:
'Setting position of samples in VCF files.... m_N 49699 Error in setVCFobjInCPP(vcfFile, vcfFileIndex, vcfField, t_SampleInModel = sampleInModel) : At least one subject requested is not in VCF file. Calls: SPAGMMATtest -> setGenoInput -> setVCFobjInCPP Execution halted'
We are using the .savvy format. The command is below:
Rscript /sw/pkgs/arc/encore/SAIGE/extdata/step2_SPAtests.R \ --savFile=/savs/chr1.sav \ --savFileIndex=/savs/chr1.sav.s1r \ --chrom=chr1 \ --sampleFile=/samples.txt \ --GMMATmodelFile=step1.again.rda \ --varianceRatioFile=step1.again.varianceRatio.txt \ --SAIGEOutputFile=folder/step2.again.bin.chr1.noStartOrEnd.txt