saigegit / SAIGE

Development for SAIGE and SAIGE-GENE(+)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SAIGE-Gene+ Step 2 crashes if a region is empty #56

Closed dvg-p4 closed 1 year ago

dvg-p4 commented 1 year ago

In previous versions of SAIGE (0.44.2 in particular), running a gene association job with empty regions would usually fail gracefully with an appropriate warning. However, in, empty regions cause a crash with the following error message:

Error in paste("This is a", AnalysisType, "level analysis.") : 
  object 'AnalysisType' not found
Calls: SPAGMMATtest -> SAIGE.Region -> paste
Execution halted

This line of code appears to be responsible: since the AnalysisType variable is set inside an if block which is skipped over for empty regions:

In this function, that AnalysisType variable doesn't seem to be set or referenced anywhere else, so you could probably fix the bug by eliminating it entirely, and rewriting line 814 as:

message2 = "This is a Region level analysis."
dvg-p4 commented 1 year ago

It seems there's a related bug still happening--I'm now seeing the error:

Error in paste("nEachChunk =", nEachChunk) :
  object 'nEachChunk' not found
Calls: SPAGMMATtest -> SAIGE.Region -> paste
Execution halted
daniel-hui commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm having the same issue. Were you ever able to find a work-around?

saigegit commented 1 year ago

Hi @daniel-hui and @dvg-p4,

The issue should have been fixed in the newest version 1.2.0

Thanks, Wei