When calling Step in a multiagent environment with more than 2 players where all players' actions are processed simultaneously, the actions in the argument of the C++ API are "offset" from the actions sent in the Python API by 1 rather than "max_num_players".
I am trying to implement Multiagent Particle Environment (MPE) and have found that if I have num_envs environments and I send a [batch_size, ...] vector of actions to step in the Python api, then the Step function in the C++ API will receive an action which is offset by the number of previous calls to Step in that iteration.
For example, if I have 2 environments with 3 agents each and I send a flat vector of 6 actions [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
the first time Step is called (either environment 0, or 1) will receive actions in the following order [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
the next environment will receive actions in the following order [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
The actions are not offset by the correct amount. The first value in the actions starts at index 1 instead of starting at max_num_players. The only way to correct this error is to know how many times Step has already been called, undo the index advancement done by ParseActions, and offset the actions by the correct amount. However this would be just a work around and cannot be implemented since env_index_ is a private variable so derived classes can't use it
To Reproduce
My working example consists of 6 files:
core.h where the base classes are defined
default_params.h where the default values for all environments are defined
simple_env.h where the spec, Simple MPE base environment, and corresponding envpool async environment is defined
simple_spread.h where the Simple Spread MPE environment and corresponding envpool async environment is defined
mpe.cc the python bindings file
BUILD my Bazel build file
__init__.py the module file according to the EnvPool docs
registration.py the registration file according to the EnvPool docs
This project uses Eigen as a C++ dependency. I have omitted the changes to setup.cfg and the envpool core files to make the custom environment accessible.
Below are the files for my C++ MPE environment
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "envpool/core/async_envpool.h"
#include "envpool/core/env.h"
#include "envpool/mpe/default_params.h"
using namespace std;
namespace mpe {
const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
class MPEEntityState {
Eigen::ArrayXd pos_;
Eigen::ArrayXd vel_;
int dim_p_;
uniform_real_distribution<double> u_dist_;
normal_distribution<double> n_dist_;
Eigen::ArrayXd c_;
int dim_c_;
MPEEntityState(int dim_p = 2) : dim_p_(dim_p) {
virtual ~MPEEntityState() { delete this; }
virtual void Reset(mt19937* gen) {
void RandomCommNoise(mt19937* gen, double noise_level) {}
virtual void NewRandomState(mt19937* gen) {
for (auto& p : pos_.reshaped()) {
p = u_dist_(*gen) * 2.0 - 1.0;
void SetPos(Eigen::ArrayXd* new_pos) { pos_ = *new_pos; }
void SetVel(Eigen::ArrayXd* new_vel) { vel_ = *new_vel; }
class MPEAgentState : virtual public MPEEntityState {
Eigen::ArrayXd c_;
int dim_c_;
MPEAgentState(int dim_p = 2, int dim_c = 0)
: MPEEntityState(dim_p), dim_c_(dim_c) {
void Reset(mt19937* gen) override {
void RandomCommNoise(mt19937* gen, double noise_level) {
for (auto& c : c_.reshaped()) {
c += u_dist_(*gen) * noise_level;
class MPEAction {
int dim_p_;
int dim_c_;
Eigen::ArrayXd u_;
Eigen::ArrayXd c_;
MPEAction(int dim_p = 2, int dim_c = 0) : dim_p_(dim_p), dim_c_(dim_c) {
virtual ~MPEAction() { delete this; }
void Reset() {
class MPEEntity {
string name_;
double size_;
bool moveable_;
bool collide_;
double density_;
tuple<uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t> color_;
double max_speed_;
double mass_;
MPEEntityState* state_;
double volume_;
MPEAction* action_;
bool silent_ = true;
double u_noise_;
double c_noise_;
double u_range_;
double accel_;
string name, double size = 0.05, double mass = 1.0, bool moveable = true,
bool collide = false,
tuple<uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t> color = AGENT_COLOR,
double max_speed = -1.0, int dim_p = 2)
: name_(name),
state_(new MPEEntityState(dim_p)) {
volume_ = pow(pi, static_cast<double>(dim_p) / 2.0) /
tgamma(1 + static_cast<double>(dim_p) / 2.0) *
pow(size, static_cast<double>(dim_p));
density_ = volume_ / mass_;
virtual ~MPEEntity() { delete state_; }
virtual void Reset(mt19937* gen) { state_->Reset(gen); }
class MPEAgent : virtual public MPEEntity {
bool silent_;
double u_noise_;
double c_noise_;
double u_range_;
MPEAgentState* state_;
MPEAction* action_;
double accel_;
string name, double size = 0.05, double mass = 1.0, bool moveable = true,
bool collide = false, bool silent = false, double u_noise = 1.0,
double c_noise = 1.0, double accel = 5.0,
tuple<uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t> color = AGENT_COLOR,
double max_speed = -1.0, int dim_p = 2, int dim_c = 0)
: MPEEntity(name, size, mass, moveable, collide, color, max_speed, dim_p),
accel_(accel) {
state_ = new MPEAgentState(dim_p, dim_c);
action_ = new MPEAction(dim_p, dim_c);
u_range_ = 1.0;
virtual ~MPEAgent() {
delete state_;
delete action_;
void Reset(mt19937* gen) override {
class MPEWorld {
int num_agents_;
int num_landmarks_;
vector<string> agent_names_;
vector<string> landmark_names_;
vector<string> entity_names_;
vector<MPEAgent*> agents_;
vector<MPEEntity*> landmarks_;
int dim_p_;
int dim_c_;
double dt_;
double damping_;
double contact_force_;
double contact_margin_;
int num_entities_;
uniform_real_distribution<double> u_dist_;
normal_distribution<double> n_dist_;
MPEWorld(int num_agents = 1, int num_landmarks = 1, int dim_p = 2,
int dim_c = 0, double dt = 0.1, double damping = 0.25,
double contact_force = 1e2, double contact_margin = 1e-3,
vector<double> u_noise = vector<double>({0.0, 0.0}),
vector<double> c_noise = vector<double>({1.0}),
vector<bool> silent = vector<bool>({true}),
vector<double> size = vector<double>({0.05, 0.05}),
vector<double> mass = vector<double>({1.0, 1.0}),
vector<bool> moveable = vector<bool>({true, true}),
vector<bool> collide = vector<bool>({false, false}),
vector<double> accel = vector<double>({5.0}),
vector<tuple<uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t>> color =
vector<tuple<uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast16_t>>(
vector<double> max_speed = vector<double>({-1.0, -1.0}))
: num_agents_(num_agents),
num_entities_(num_agents + num_landmarks) {
EnsureSize(u_noise, num_agents_, false);
EnsureSize(c_noise, num_agents_, false);
EnsureSize(silent, num_agents_, false);
EnsureSize(accel, num_agents_, false);
EnsureSize(size, num_entities_, true);
EnsureSize(mass, num_entities_, true);
EnsureSize(moveable, num_entities_, true);
EnsureSize(collide, num_entities_, true);
EnsureSize(color, num_entities_, true);
EnsureSize(max_speed, num_entities_, true);
for (int i = 0; i < num_agents_; i++) {
stringstream name;
name << "agent_" << i;
agents_.push_back(new MPEAgent(name.str(), size[i], mass[i], moveable[i],
collide[i], accel[i], silent[i],
u_noise[i], c_noise[i], color[i],
max_speed[i], dim_p, dim_c));
for (int i = 0; i < num_landmarks_; i++) {
stringstream name;
int entity_id = num_agents_ + i;
name << "landmark_" << i;
landmarks_.push_back(new MPEEntity(
name.str(), size[entity_id], mass[entity_id], moveable[entity_id],
collide[entity_id], color[entity_id], max_speed[entity_id], dim_p));
void ResetWorld(mt19937* gen) {
for (const auto& agent : agents_) {
for (const auto& landmark : landmarks_) {
void StepWorld(mt19937* gen) {
Eigen::ArrayXXd p_force;
Eigen::ArrayXXd comms;
p_force.setZero(num_agents_, dim_p_);
comms.setZero(num_agents_, dim_c_);
int i = 0;
for (const auto& agent : agents_) {
p_force(i, Eigen::all) = agent->action_->u_.reshaped();
comms(i, Eigen::all) = agent->action_->c_.reshaped();
p_force = ApplyActionForce(gen, p_force);
for (int entity_idx = 0; entity_idx < num_entities_; ++entity_idx) {
auto p = p_force(entity_idx, Eigen::all);
if (entity_idx < num_agents_) {
if (!agents_[entity_idx]->moveable_) {
IntegrateState(p, agents_[entity_idx]);
} else {
if (!landmarks_[entity_idx - num_agents_]->moveable_) {
IntegrateState(p, landmarks_[entity_idx - num_agents_]);
template <typename Action>
void DecodeDiscreteActions(Action& actions) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_agents_; ++i) {
Eigen::ArrayXd action;
Eigen::ArrayXd comm;
int act = actions["action"_][i];
int chnl = act / (2 * dim_p_ + 1);
act %= (2 * dim_p_ + 1);
if (agents_[i]->moveable_) {
int action_idx = act <= 2 ? 0 : 1;
double sent = (act % 2 == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * (act != 0);
action(action_idx, 0) = sent;
if (!agents_[i]->silent_) {
comm(chnl, 0) = 1;
agents_[i]->action_->u_ = action * agents_[i]->accel_;
agents_[i]->action_->c_ = comm;
template <typename Action>
void DecodeContinuousActions(Action& actions) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_agents_; ++i) {
Eigen::ArrayXd action;
Eigen::ArrayXd comm;
vector<double> act = actions["action"_][i];
for (auto& temp : act) {
temp = (temp > 1.0) ? 1.0 : temp;
temp = (temp < 0.0) ? 0.0 : temp;
if (agents_[i]->moveable_) {
action(0) += act[2] - act[1];
action(1) += act[4] - act[3];
if (!agents_[i]->silent_) {
for (int j = 0; j < dim_c_; ++j) {
comm(j) = act[2 * dim_p_ + j + 1];
agents_[i]->action_->u_ = action * agents_[i]->accel_;
agents_[i]->action_->c_ = comm;
Eigen::ArrayXXd ApplyActionForce(mt19937* gen, Eigen::ArrayXXd& actions) {
Eigen::ArrayXXd p_force;
p_force.setZero(num_entities_, dim_p_);
int agent_idx = 0;
for (const auto& agent : agents_) {
if (agent->moveable_) {
Eigen::ArrayXd u_noise;
if (agent->u_noise_) {
for (int i = 0; i < dim_p_; ++i) {
u_noise(i, 0) = n_dist_(*gen) * agent->u_noise_;
p_force(agent_idx, Eigen::all) =
(actions(agent_idx, Eigen::all).reshaped() + u_noise).reshaped();
agent_idx += 1;
return p_force;
void ApplyEnvForce(Eigen::ArrayXXd& p_force) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_entities_; ++i) {
if (i < num_agents_) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < num_entities_; ++j) {
if (j < num_agents_) {
auto [f_a, f_b] = GetCollisionForce(agents_[i], agents_[j]);
p_force(i, Eigen::all) += f_a.reshaped();
p_force(j, Eigen::all) += f_b.reshaped();
} else {
auto [f_a, f_b] =
GetCollisionForce(agents_[i], landmarks_[j - num_agents_]);
p_force(i, Eigen::all) += f_a.reshaped();
p_force(j, Eigen::all) += f_b.reshaped();
} else {
for (int j = i + 1; j < num_entities_; ++j) {
if (j < num_agents_) {
auto [f_a, f_b] =
GetCollisionForce(landmarks_[i - num_agents_], agents_[j]);
p_force(i, Eigen::all) += f_a.reshaped();
p_force(j, Eigen::all) += f_b.reshaped();
} else {
auto [f_a, f_b] = GetCollisionForce(landmarks_[i - num_agents_],
landmarks_[j - num_agents_]);
p_force(i, Eigen::all) += f_a.reshaped();
p_force(j, Eigen::all) += f_b.reshaped();
template <typename U, typename V>
tuple<Eigen::ArrayXd, Eigen::ArrayXd> GetCollisionForce(U& a, V& b) {
Eigen::ArrayXd f_a;
Eigen::ArrayXd f_b;
if (a != b && a->collide_ && b->collide_) {
Eigen::ArrayXd delta_pos = a->state_->pos_ - b->state_->pos_;
double dist = sqrt(delta_pos.pow(2.0).sum());
double dist_min = a->size_ + b->size_;
if (dist < dist_min) {
double penetration =
log(1 + exp(-(dist - dist_min) / contact_margin_)) *
Eigen::ArrayXd force = contact_force_ * delta_pos * penetration / dist;
if (a->moveable_) {
f_a = force;
if (b->moveable_) {
f_b = -force;
return make_tuple(f_a, f_b);
template <typename U, typename V = MPEEntity*>
void IntegrateState(U& p_force, V& entity_ptr) {
entity_ptr->state_->pos_ += entity_ptr->state_->vel_ * dt_;
entity_ptr->state_->vel_ *= (1.0 - damping_);
if (p_force.sum() != 0.0) {
entity_ptr->state_->vel_ +=
(dt_ * p_force / entity_ptr->mass_).reshaped(dim_p_, 1);
if (entity_ptr->max_speed_ > 0) {
double speed = sqrt(entity_ptr->state_->vel_.pow(2.0).sum());
if (speed >= entity_ptr->max_speed_) {
entity_ptr->state_->vel_ *= entity_ptr->max_speed_ / speed;
void UpdateAgentState(mt19937* gen) {
for (const auto& agent : agents_) {
if (agent->silent_) {
} else {
if (agent->c_noise_) {
agent->state_->RandomCommNoise(gen, agent->c_noise_);
template <typename U>
void EnsureSize(vector<U>& object, int size, bool include_landmarks = true) {
int fill_size = size - object.size();
if (fill_size > 0) {
if (include_landmarks && object.size() == 2) {
U agent_fill_value = object[0];
U landmark_fill_value = object[1];
int agent_fill_size = num_agents_ - 1;
int landmark_fill_size = num_landmarks_ - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < agent_fill_size; i++) {
object.insert(object.begin(), agent_fill_value);
for (int i = 0; i < landmark_fill_size; i++) {
} else if (include_landmarks && object.size() == 1) {
U agent_fill_value = object[0];
U landmark_fill_value = object[0];
int agent_fill_size = num_agents_ - 1;
int landmark_fill_size = num_landmarks_;
for (int i = 0; i < agent_fill_size; i++) {
object.insert(object.begin(), agent_fill_value);
for (int i = 0; i < landmark_fill_size; i++) {
} else if (include_landmarks) {
U agent_fill_value = object[0];
U landmark_fill_value = object[object.size() - 1];
int agent_fill_size = fill_size - num_landmarks_ - 1;
int landmark_fill_size = fill_size - num_agents_ - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < agent_fill_size; i++) {
object.insert(object.begin(), agent_fill_value);
for (int i = 0; i < landmark_fill_size; i++) {
} else {
U agent_fill_value = object[object.size() - 1];
int agent_fill_size = fill_size;
for (int i = 0; i < agent_fill_size; i++) {
} // namespace mpe
Below is modified from the test script for LunarLander
import os
import uuid
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import envpool
import jax
import tyro
from rich.pretty import pprint
# Fix weird OOM https://github.com/google/jax/discussions/6332#discussioncomment-1279991
os.environ["XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_MEM_FRACTION"] = "0.6"
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = "--xla_cpu_multi_thread_eigen=false intra_op_parallelism_threads=1"
# Fix CUDNN non-determinisim; https://github.com/google/jax/issues/4823#issuecomment-952835771
os.environ["TF_XLA_FLAGS"] = "--xla_gpu_autotune_level=2 --xla_gpu_deterministic_reductions"
os.environ["TF_CUDNN DETERMINISTIC"] = "1"
class Args:
exp_name: str = Path(__file__).stem
"the name of this experiment"
seed: int = 1
"seed of the experiment"
track: bool = False
# "if toggled, this experiment will be tracked with Weights and Biases"
# wandb_project_name: str = "cleanRL"
# "the wandb's project name"
# wandb_entity: str = None
# "the entity (team) of wandb's project"
# capture_video: bool = False
# "whether to capture videos of the agent performances (check out `videos` folder)"
save_model: bool = False
"whether to save model into the `runs/{run_name}` folder"
upload_model: bool = False
"whether to upload the saved model to huggingface"
hf_entity: str = ""
"the user or org name of the model repository from the Hugging Face Hub"
log_frequency: int = 10
"the logging frequency of the model performance (in terms of `updates`)"
# Algorithm specific arguments
# env_id: str = "Breakout-v5"
env_id: str = "SimpleSpreadDiscrete-v0"
"the id of the environment"
total_timesteps: int = 50000000
"total timesteps of the experiments"
learning_rate: float = 2.5e-4
"the learning rate of the optimizer"
local_num_envs: int = 4
"the number of parallel game environments"
num_actor_threads: int = 2
"the number of actor threads to use"
num_steps: int = 128
"the number of steps to run in each environment per policy rollout"
anneal_lr: bool = True
"Toggle learning rate annealing for policy and value networks"
gamma: float = 0.99
"the discount factor gamma"
gae_lambda: float = 0.95
"the lambda for the general advantage estimation"
num_minibatches: int = 4
"the number of mini-batches"
gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 1
"the number of gradient accumulation steps before performing an optimization step"
update_epochs: int = 4
"the K epochs to update the policy"
norm_adv: bool = True
"Toggles advantages normalization"
clip_coef: float = 0.1
"the surrogate clipping coefficient"
ent_coef: float = 0.01
"coefficient of the entropy"
vf_coef: float = 0.5
"coefficient of the value function"
max_grad_norm: float = 0.5
"the maximum norm for the gradient clipping"
channels: list[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [16, 32, 32])
"the channels of the CNN"
hiddens: list[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [256])
"the hiddens size of the MLP"
actor_device_ids: list[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0])
"the device ids that actor workers will use"
learner_device_ids: list[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [0])
"the device ids that learner workers will use"
distributed: bool = False
"whether to use `jax.distirbuted`"
concurrency: bool = False
"whether to run the actor and learner concurrently"
# runtime arguments to be filled in
local_batch_size: int = 0
local_minibatch_size: int = 0
num_updates: int = 0
world_size: int = 0
local_rank: int = 0
num_envs: int = 0
batch_size: int = 0
minibatch_size: int = 0
global_learner_decices: list[str] | None = None
actor_devices: list[str] | None = None
learner_devices: list[str] | None = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = tyro.cli(Args)
args.local_batch_size = int(args.local_num_envs * args.num_steps * args.num_actor_threads * len(args.actor_device_ids))
args.local_minibatch_size = int(args.local_batch_size // args.num_minibatches)
assert args.local_num_envs % len(args.learner_device_ids) == 0, "local_num_envs must be divisible by len(learner_device_ids)"
assert (
int(args.local_num_envs / len(args.learner_device_ids)) * args.num_actor_threads % args.num_minibatches == 0
), "int(local_num_envs / len(learner_device_ids)) must be divisible by num_minibatches"
if args.distributed:
local_device_ids=range(len(args.learner_device_ids) + len(args.actor_device_ids)),
print(list(range(len(args.learner_device_ids) + len(args.actor_device_ids))))
args.world_size = jax.process_count()
args.local_rank = jax.process_index()
args.num_envs = args.local_num_envs * args.world_size * args.num_actor_threads * len(args.actor_device_ids)
args.batch_size = args.local_batch_size * args.world_size
args.minibatch_size = args.local_minibatch_size * args.world_size
args.num_updates = args.total_timesteps // (args.local_batch_size * args.world_size)
local_devices = jax.local_devices()
global_devices = jax.devices()
learner_devices = [local_devices[d_id] for d_id in args.learner_device_ids]
actor_devices = [local_devices[d_id] for d_id in args.actor_device_ids]
global_learner_decices = [
global_devices[d_id + process_index * len(local_devices)]
for process_index in range(args.world_size)
for d_id in args.learner_device_ids
print("global_learner_decices", global_learner_decices)
args.global_learner_decices = [str(item) for item in global_learner_decices]
args.actor_devices = [str(item) for item in actor_devices]
args.learner_devices = [str(item) for item in learner_devices]
run_name = f"{args.env_id}__{args.exp_name}__{args.seed}__{uuid.uuid4()}"
num_envs = 4
num_players = 3
envs = envpool.make(
act_space = envs.action_space
obs0, info = envs.reset()
for _ in range(5000):
if (_ + 1) % 250 == 0:
print(f"iter {_}")
# action = np.array([act_space.sample() for _ in range(args.local_num_envs)])
action = np.array([act_space.sample() for _ in range(num_envs * num_players)])
if (_ + 1) % 250 == 0:
print(f"sending action {action} to environment")
# obs0, rew0, terminated, truncated, info0 = envs.step(action[:, None], env_id=np.arange(1))
obs0, rew0, terminated, truncated, info0 = envs.step(action.reshape(-1), env_id=np.arange(num_envs))
if (_ + 1) % 250 == 0:
print(f"reward {rew0.reshape(num_envs, -1).sum(-1)} from environment")
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
System info
Describe the characteristic of your environment:
import envpool, numpy, sys
print(envpool.__version__, numpy.__version__, sys.version, sys.platform)
0.8.4 1.26.4 3.10.13 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Dec 23 2023, 15:36:39) [GCC 12.3.0] linux
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
[x ] I have checked that there is no similar issue in the repo (required)
Describe the bug
When calling
in a multiagent environment with more than 2 players where all players' actions are processed simultaneously, the actions in the argument of the C++ API are "offset" from the actions sent in the Python API by 1 rather than "max_num_players".I am trying to implement Multiagent Particle Environment (MPE) and have found that if I have
environments and I send a[batch_size, ...]
vector of actions tostep
in the Python api, then theStep
function in the C++ API will receive an action which is offset by the number of previous calls toStep
in that iteration.For example, if I have 2 environments with 3 agents each and I send a flat vector of 6 actions [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
is called (either environment 0, or 1) will receive actions in the following order [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]The actions are not offset by the correct amount. The first value in the actions starts at index 1 instead of starting at
. The only way to correct this error is to know how many timesStep
has already been called, undo the index advancement done byParseActions
, and offset the actions by the correct amount. However this would be just a work around and cannot be implemented sinceenv_index_
is a private variable so derived classes can't use itTo Reproduce
My working example consists of 6 files:
where the base classes are defineddefault_params.h
where the default values for all environments are definedsimple_env.h
where the spec, Simple MPE base environment, and corresponding envpool async environment is definedsimple_spread.h
where the Simple Spread MPE environment and corresponding envpool async environment is definedmpe.cc
the python bindings fileBUILD
my Bazel build file__init__.py
the module file according to the EnvPool docsregistration.py
the registration file according to the EnvPool docsThis project uses Eigen as a C++ dependency. I have omitted the changes to
and the envpool core files to make the custom environment accessible.Below are the files for my C++ MPE environment
Reproduction script
Below is modified from the test script for LunarLander
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
System info
Describe the characteristic of your environment:
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.