There seems to be compatibility problems between ace and rhs/vanilla.
The target tracking function in attack helicopters and tanks wont work from time to time (ace/rhs problem).
There is also a problem with the "Fire Control System" in vehicles (ace feature). This is now a vanilla function and ace deactivate it maybe with the last patch (?) but it seems rhs also has a function like this activated -> problems.
like #1 we should determine these features and deactivate them for a better gameplay.
There seems to be compatibility problems between ace and rhs/vanilla. The target tracking function in attack helicopters and tanks wont work from time to time (ace/rhs problem).
There is also a problem with the "Fire Control System" in vehicles (ace feature). This is now a vanilla function and ace deactivate it maybe with the last patch (?) but it seems rhs also has a function like this activated -> problems.
like #1 we should determine these features and deactivate them for a better gameplay.