// 构建图形
const graph = {};
graph["start"] = {};
graph["start"]["a"] = 6;
graph["start"]["b"] = 2;
graph["a"] = {};
graph["a"]["fin"] = 1;
graph["b"] = {};
graph["b"]["a"] = 3;
graph["b"]["fin"] = 5;
graph["fin"] = {}; //终点
// 起点花费
const costs = {};
costs['a'] = 6;
costs['b'] = 2;
costs['fin'] = Infinity;
const parents = {};
parents['a'] = 'start';
parents['b'] = 'start';
parents['fin'] = null;
let processed = []; // 用于存储查询节点的标记
function find_lowest_cost_node(costs) {
let lowest_cost = Infinity;
let lowest_cost_node = null;
// Go through each node
for (let node in costs) {
let cost = costs[node];
// If it's the lowest cost so far and hasn't been processed yet...
if (cost < lowest_cost && (processed.indexOf(node) === -1)) {
// ... set it as the new lowest-cost node.
lowest_cost = cost;
lowest_cost_node = node;
return lowest_cost_node;
let node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs);
while (node !== null) {
let cost = costs[node];
// Go through all the neighbors of this node
let neighbors = graph[node];
Object.keys(neighbors).forEach(function(n) {
let new_cost = cost + neighbors[n];
// If it's cheaper to get to this neighbor by going through this node
if (costs[n] > new_cost) {
// ... update the cost for this node
costs[n] = new_cost;
// This node becomes the new parent for this neighbor.
parents[n] = node;
// Mark the node as processed
processed = processed.concat(node);
// Find the next node to process, and loop
node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs);
console.log("Cost from the start to each node:");
console.log(costs); // { a: 5, b: 2, fin: 6 }
1 找出最便宜的节点,即可在最短时间内前往的节点。 2 对于该节点的邻居,检查是否有前往它们都得更短路径,如果有,就更新其花费。 3 重复这个过程,直到对图中的每个节点都这样做 4 计算最终路径