sailfish-on-dontbeevil / droid-config-pinephone

PinePhone configuration package
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double touch to Wake up the screen, seems not work after remove Vconn chips #48

Closed carlosgonz0 closed 3 years ago

carlosgonz0 commented 4 years ago

MCE double tap no work after extract cc chipsets, PinePhone BH, not tested on PP CE.

DylanVanAssche commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, I haven't done this 'fix', but others did :)

@piggz ?

carlosgonz0 commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, I haven't done this 'fix', but others did :)

@piggz ?

The other that you did is already merged ?? What happen with the Sailfish Browser/Call why not working?? PinePhone need too urgently newer CRUST because the battery is draining i lot. @piggz @neochapay @DylanVanAssche : )

piggz commented 4 years ago

Sailfish browser if s broken for mesa based devices. Some at jolla are looking at it, but I dont know the priority on it. cc @abranson

tiocfaidharla commented 4 years ago

I did the Vconn tweak on my BH, double tap still wakes up.

bam80 commented 2 years ago

Could you guys elaborate a bit more on where the double touch to wake feature is implemented? I'm new PinePhone user/dev and need help on this. Currently, it doesn't work for me on Manjaro Plasma, despite others "success stories"..

I can't get how it can even work as the touch driver doesn't seem to issue any I2C commands to enter Gesture mode:

carlosgonz0 commented 2 years ago

Could you guys elaborate a bit more on where the double touch to wake feature is implemented? I'm new PinePhone user/dev and need help on this. Currently, it doesn't work for me on Manjaro Plasma, despite others "success stories"..

I can't get how it can even work as the touch driver doesn't seem to issue any I2C commands to enter Gesture mode:

Pinephone already support double touch to wake under Sailfish. Some time the double touch to wake not worked on Pinephone brave edition, so i upgraded the brave edition board to Beta edition and double touch to wake work just fine.

bam80 commented 2 years ago

@carlosgonz0 thanks but it still doesn't explain how it's possible. Does Sailfish use different driver?

PS: Or maybe Sailfish just doesn't support Deep Sleep? PPS: And third variant I can think of - it does support Deep Sleep but just doesn't put the touch to Doze mode, keeping it alive all the time and draining battery..