sailfish-on-dontbeevil / droid-config-pinephone

PinePhone configuration package
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flash-it 403 error on rootfs for Pinephone 1.2 #65

Open vandys opened 1 year ago

vandys commented 1 year ago

Detailed failure:

pi20$ wget '' --2022-12-21 07:36:09-- Resolving (, 2606:4700:90:0:f22e:fbec:5bed:a9b9 Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: [following] --2022-12-21 07:36:10-- Reusing existing connection to HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: [following] --2022-12-21 07:36:10--*%3DUTF-8'' Resolving ( Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden 2022-12-21 07:36:10 ERROR 403: Forbidden.

piggz commented 1 year ago

Hi Thanks for the report.I discussed the same issue with someone else recently, and we couldnt figure it out. The URL downloaded fine for him in firefox, and also using flash-it on another PC. There should be 2x 302 redirects and then a 200ok, but you are getting a 403. Have you any ideas?

vandys commented 1 year ago

It has to be a User-Agent flakiness; I did manage to pull it with links, but "-U links" from wget still didn't fix it. So maybe some bright light inside Github has a faily complex UA dissector. Why they'd want to sabotage wget is beyond me, but now that I know it's not something dumb on my part, I'll go fiddle with it some more.

vandys commented 1 year ago

Looks like wget 1.21.3 doesn't quote "" in URL arguments, 1.20.1 does. So the ultimate fetched URL in the former has a naked "" in the URL, the latter quotes it to %2A. I'm going to go cook up a 1.20.1 for my newer system and verify...

piggz commented 1 year ago

Oh, thanks for the research. Happy to accept a PR to fix it too :)

vandys commented 1 year ago

So it's not the wget version, it looks like it's a bug in iconv() in the libc of the system. I replaced the use of wget with curl (skipping progress option, since it always has it, adding -L to follow redirects, and -O becomes --output). Looks like that built an sdcard for me! TBD if you want to move from a wget dependency to a curl one?

piggz commented 1 year ago

I guess it depends how many other users it will hit? What OS is this on? Ive not had it, and afaik, only you and one other person :)

vandys commented 1 year ago

It was easy to patch the bash script, no problem there. It's Debian bookworm/sid. (arm64, though I doubt that matters.)