sailfish-spotify / hutspot

Spotify Controller for SailfishOS. Documentation:
MIT License
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Hutspot does not recognize phone. #114

Open rrijken1973 opened 4 years ago

rrijken1973 commented 4 years ago

Installed hotspot together with librespot. Trying to set device to the phone using librespot, however it is greyed out.usibg the authorization blob does nothing. So I can play on a speaker setup within spotify through hutspot without problems, but cannot play on the phone itself (sony xa2). If however I have spotify running on the phone then all of a sudden I can play on the phone through hutspot as it uses spotify as the player. What am I doibg wrong? (spotify logon ib through facebook). Thanks!

mauli16 commented 3 years ago

I also had problems first. Enable 'Control Librespot' and 'Stop Librespot' in Settings.

It may also hep, if you use 'Connect using Authorization Blob' in Devices for your XA2.