sailfish-spotify / hutspot

Spotify Controller for SailfishOS. Documentation:
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librespot does not start at boot #37

Closed wdehoog closed 5 years ago

wdehoog commented 5 years ago

When enabling the librespot service by changing the [Install] lines in the unit file and systemctl --user enable librespot it is supposed to start at boot. However this does not happen. It keeps complaining with ENODEV (No such device) about the network sockets.

After logging in systemctl --user start librespot works though.

ksiazkowicz commented 5 years ago

I think this bug is more than Librespot not starting. I ran it under debugger. I set a breakpoint in start() function in Librespot.qml. It correctly detected that Librespot is not running. I stepped over - service started and I could control it from my PC. It then crashes after some request to Spotify API is made. Needs more investigation.

wdehoog commented 5 years ago

Could you see if it helps to disable calling 'librespot.addUser(..)' in hutspot.qml lines 416 + 534. Maybe re-registering Librespot causes it to crash.

wdehoog commented 5 years ago

After enabling start at boot in the service file one still needs to execute

systemctl --user disable librespot
systemctl --user enable librespot

so systemd handles the dependencies.

Still start at boot will fails since there is no network. In fact it seems useless to start at boot since there probably is no network avalable at that point.

ksiazkowicz commented 5 years ago

Was the bug with librespot not starting with hutspot fixed?

wdehoog commented 5 years ago

Sorry what do you mean? This bug is original about the service file of the Librespot package. If launching Librespot from hutspot does not work lets create a new issue.