sailfishos-applications / filecase

File manager for SailfishOS
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[Suggestion] Make `PhoneMemory`-folder user-configurable #15

Open Olf0 opened 2 years ago

Olf0 commented 2 years ago

Original title:

[Bug] "Hardcoded" PhoneMemory-folder makes /home/nemo practically inaccessible

@llewelld I was surprised to see, that I cannot simply select /home/nemo as my default folder in FileCase ≥ 0.2.1, but was relieved for a second when I found your commit 7369833 with its headline and description: Remove hardcoded references to /home/nemo Moves the definition of the home folder into the settings file and defaults to /home/defaultuser.

But then I discovered, that:

IMO performing this change in such a manner is a bit "evil", because it will leave many helplessly stranded. It took me more than 15 minutes of research and testing to comprehend how to utilise this correctly.

My criticism ultimately is, that this commit is only a half-step towards implementing a GUI option in FileCase's settings to make this option accessible for an average user. My suggestion is to offer /home/nemo and /home/defaultuser as predefined values, but to allow for inputting any path.

Hence I suggested via PR #14 (merged) to alter settings option "home" to "PhoneMemoryFolder", because that is what it is called at the GUI, is more self-explanatory and is aligned with extant option names (e.g., in "CamelCase").

But this still leaves the ToDo open to implement a GUI option for setting this in FileCase's settings page.

TL;DR (documenting the current workaround for others)

Olf0 commented 9 months ago

Likely "the best solution would be to use the home dir as default and let users change it if desired", as @simonschmeisser denoted.

Olf0 commented 7 months ago

What remains, is that it is not nice that one cannot set the default path (but one of multiple, manually user-selectable "default locations") in the GUI: not really a big issue.

P.S.: For a suggestion for a more elegant solution, see issue #67.