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Enable triggering an individual rebuild of a failed build for package maintainers #108

Open Olf0 opened 1 year ago

Olf0 commented 1 year ago


Is there a way to configure the OBS running SailfishOS-OBS to allow for triggering an individual rebuild of a failed build for package maintainers?


A package maintainer (i.e., without admin privileges) is allowed to trigger building all versions (i.e., all combinations of CPU-architectures and SailfishOS releases) by altering the _service file or hitting the "Trigger services" button. But when a build fails for a specific combination of CPU-architecture and SailfishOS release, one is not able to retrigger this failed build individually via the "Trigger rebuild" button atop of the build log: OBS explicitly notifies one about lacking the right to do that.


As single packages regularly fail to build as the SailfishOS-OBS with the build log showing that the build process simply stalled at some point (i.e., the build process "hangs" until a timeout hits and the state of the package built for a specific combination of CPU-architecture and SailfishOS release is switched from building to failed) a package maintainer at SailfishOS:Chum:Testing currently has no choice but to retrigger building all combinations of CPU-architectures and SailfishOS releases for this package in order to have none of them in failed state; sometimes even multiple times until all variants of a package are successfully built. Actually not being able to rebuild individual variants of a package vastly increases the probability of this happening multiple times in a row, each time with a different variant of the package failing to build, usually. This results in a massive waste of resources: technical ones, but also the the maintainer having to watch the build results regularly in approx. 15 minutes intervals and then to retrigger a mass rebuild (all combinations of CPU-architectures and SailfishOS releases), again.


Evaluate, e.g. by the technical maintainers of the SailfishOS-OBS (currently @lbt and @mlehtima AFAICS), if there is a way to configure the OBS version in use to allow maintainers to trigger rebuilds of individual package variants, as admins are already allowed to.

Olf0 commented 3 months ago

Actually this issue is filed incorrectly here, but only due to the apparent lack of a specific place to file issues for the SailfishOS-OBS.

nephros commented 1 month ago

I think this is possible via a careful incantation of osc:

usage: osc [global opts] wipebinaries [-h] [-a ARCH] [-M FLAVOR] [-r REPO] [--build-disabled] [--build-failed] [--broken] [--unresolvable] [--all]

With the optional argument <package> you can specify a certain package
otherwise all binary packages in the project will be deleted.

    osc wipebinaries OPTS                       # works in checked out project dir
    osc wipebinaries OPTS PROJECT [PACKAGE[:FLAVOR]]
    osc unpublish OPTS                       # works in checked out project dir
    osc unpublish OPTS PROJECT [PACKAGE[:FLAVOR]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ARCH, --arch ARCH  Delete all binary packages for a specific architecture
  -M FLAVOR, --multibuild-package FLAVOR
                        Only work with the specified flavors of a multibuild package. Globs are resolved according to _multibuild file from server. Empty string is resolved to a package
                        without a flavor.
  -r REPO, --repo REPO  Delete all binary packages for a specific repository
  --build-disabled      Delete all binaries of packages for which the build is disabled
  --build-failed        Delete all binaries of packages for which the build failed
  --broken              Delete all binaries of packages for which the package source is bad
  --unresolvable        Delete all binaries of packages which have dependency errors
  --all                 Delete all binaries regardless of the package status (previously default)

So e.g. osc wipebinaries sailfishos:chum:testing patchmanager -r -a armv8el

mlehtima commented 1 month ago

@nephros "osc rebuild" should be better for that use

nephros commented 1 month ago

@nephros "osc rebuild" should be better for that use

Ah yes, thanks.

osc rebuild sailfishos:chum:testing patchmanager -r -a armv8el then.

mlehtima commented 1 month ago

There is even a "--failed" option for "osc rebuild"

nephros commented 1 month ago

... and osc being a front-end to the web API, this can also be done using a HTTP request.

But that needs the password encoded in a specific way to be added as an authentication header, and I'm not going to document here how. Seekers will find. (hint: it's bzip2).

Shameless plug: My unpublished and terrible app "obs-master" can do that from a GUI.