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Moving my packaging repos to Chum #84

Closed nephros closed 2 years ago

nephros commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am looking into moving some of the software I merely package and not maintain/write here, with the goals:

For this I ask for either of these repos be created here.
Feel free to not do it for any of those that you think should not be here - I don't want to cause unnecessary work or clutter.

Package currently in chum/testing current packaging proposed repo name here
AtomicParsley yes atomicparsley
ImageMagick yes ImageMagick
aria2 yes as tarball+spec on chum aria2
detox yes as tarball+spec on chum detox
dstat/dool yes dool
hardlink yes as tarball+spec on chum hardlink
inotify-tools yes as tarball+spec on chum inotify-tools
keychain yes keychain
mytraceroute yes mtr
ncdu yes as tarball+spec on chum ncdu
nethogs yes nethogs
nload yes nload
nocache yes as tarball+spec on chum nocache
parallel yes as tarball+spec on chum parallel
smem no smem
sysstat yes as tarball+spec on chum sysstat
xtail yes as tarball+spec on chum xtail
lnav no as tarball+spec on my OBS lnav

Notes on relocating the packaging repo from elsewhere:

Some of my packaging repos have quite a messy git history. As it is not important for most things, I plan to not clone but start afresh here. Unless there is a clever way to clone one branch into a fresh git repo? My obs-specific branches tend to be clean enough.

rinigus commented 2 years ago

That is a decent number of repos. I don't see any reason for not adding them here. I will look into how I can create them via cmd line

nephros commented 2 years ago

That is a decent number of repos. I don't see any reason for not adding them here. I will look into how I can create them via cmd line

I you find out let me know ;) I haven't managed to do that using the official github cli tool so far. (If I had I would have posted a script here!)

Weirdly enough gitlab creates (private) ones simply by pushing to a nonexistent one.

rinigus commented 2 years ago

Looks like it is possible. Requested in Solution seems to mix in a script gh with its extension

Let's see if it works ...

rinigus commented 2 years ago

Seems to be simple enough:

gh repo create sailfishos-chum/atomicparsley --public
gh repo-collab add sailfishos-chum/atomicparsley nephros --permission admin

Now just will make short script and make all the repos

rinigus commented 2 years ago

... and done! Please accept the invitations for joining as admin. Good luck with moving the projects!

nephros commented 2 years ago

Nice! Thanks for everything!

nephros commented 2 years ago

Migration status after todays session:

M A T S Package legacy packaging chum repo name
AtomicParsley atomicparsley
ImageMagick ImageMagick
keychain keychain
mytraceroute mtr
dstat/dool dool
f f f s smem smem
nethogs nethogs
nload nload
f n aria2 as tarball+spec on chum aria2
f n detox as tarball+spec on chum detox
f n hardlink as tarball+spec on chum hardlink
f n f inotify-tools as tarball+spec on chum inotify-tools
f n f ncdu as tarball+spec on chum ncdu
f n nocache as tarball+spec on chum nocache
f f parallel parallel
f n sysstat as tarball+spec on chum sysstat
f n xtail as tarball+spec on chum xtail
f n ! lnav as tarball+spec on my OBS lnav

M: migrated from old packaging A: archived old packaging T: tested S: submitted to chum (proper, not testing)

i: in progress f: migration/build finished n: not applicable s: submitted a: accepted !: some problem (build failure, DoD problem, ...)