[defaultuser@XperiaXZ2Compact ~]$ sailfish-browser
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libGLESv2_adreno.so" not found
library "eglSubDriverAndroid.so" not found
greHome from GRE_HOME:/usr/bin
libxul.so is not found, in /usr/bin/libxul.so
[W] unknown:0 - Unable to open bookmarks "/home/defaultuser/.local/share/org.sailfishos/browser/bookmarks.json"
[D] onCompleted:106 - ViewPlaceholder requires a SilicaFlickable parent
[W] QMozContext::notifyObservers:274 - Trying to notify observers before context initialized.
Attempting load of libEGL.so
Can't find symbol 'eglCreateDeviceANGLE'.
Can't find symbol 'eglReleaseDeviceANGLE'.
[D] QMozSecurity::importState:243 - Security state could not be imported: empty status
As the site will be remembered and active, browser will crash on restart. To get rid of the crash, start in terminal
During startup:
As the site will be remembered and active, browser will crash on restart. To get rid of the crash, start in terminal
and close the tab with webgl test site