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4.3 update - low haptic feedback with keyboard #182

Closed rinigus closed 2 years ago

rinigus commented 2 years ago

libngf-qt5-qtfeedback seems to lead to rather small (if any) haptic feedback when pressing keys on the keyboard. Pulley menus do provide it, though.

That's when using libhybris Let's see if (as in SFOS 4.3 should be) would help

pagism commented 2 years ago

interesting, i noticed my xa2 losing haptic twice with 4.3, after rebooting it was ok, not sure it's related with this issue tho

rinigus commented 2 years ago

there is new haptic lib, but let's see if bumping back hybris would help. too early to say something for sure and ask for help. here, it is mainly with keyboard

rinigus commented 2 years ago

Nope, same with hybris. Will ask at IRC

rinigus commented 2 years ago

Fixed in