I'm adding a comprehensive test on the attendee handling in the QML bindings. I'm doing so in the preparation of the move to KCalendarCore backend in QML bindings, since I'm not using any of these features and won't be able to test on real device any regression. So I'm adding a test ;) It's based on sailfishos/mkcal#15. It's testing both :
attendee exposition in EventQuery,
and invititation handling by creating a test plugin, checking that proper status are scheduled to be sent to the right attendees (handling cancellation cases, …).
To do so, it is defining a test plugin that is used instead of the default invititation one, and the data passed to this test plugin are then checked to be correct in the test body.
@pvuorela, this comes from the work to port to KCalendarCore backend, but it's not actually using it. Just adding a test to check for regression. If you have a moment to give an eye on it, that would be great. Thanks.
I'm adding a comprehensive test on the attendee handling in the QML bindings. I'm doing so in the preparation of the move to KCalendarCore backend in QML bindings, since I'm not using any of these features and won't be able to test on real device any regression. So I'm adding a test ;) It's based on sailfishos/mkcal#15. It's testing both :
,To do so, it is defining a test plugin that is used instead of the default invititation one, and the data passed to this test plugin are then checked to be correct in the test body.
@pvuorela, this comes from the work to port to KCalendarCore backend, but it's not actually using it. Just adding a test to check for regression. If you have a moment to give an eye on it, that would be great. Thanks.