sailfishos / sailjail-permissions

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Access to Secret daemon is missing #15

Closed dcaliste closed 3 years ago

dcaliste commented 3 years ago

I would like to add a profile to give access to the Secret daemon. The use case is the email signature process:

What should be granted as permissions to allow this ? @rainemak, @tomin or @pvuorela if you may give some insights on the matter please?

chriadam commented 3 years ago

From IRC, dcaliste said he's happy to investigate, but would appreciate some hints about how to get started determining what is required, e.g. how to run the thing in CLI with verbose output so I know which access is blocked by firejail. Also I guess what things require modification, and what the syntax is for allowing dbus access etc.

spiiroin commented 3 years ago

"executes /usr/bin/pinentry" -> "private-bin pinentry" makes the executable visible (seemingly not needed now, but that is a bug). Then depending on how it is executed shell access might be needed (not if it is just exec*() call to run elf binary)

"peer-to-peer DBus connection" -> "protocol unix" (but this is allowed by default atm); probably "whitelist /path/to/connect/socket" or so.

"require access to the secret database" -> access via suitable "whitelist" / "private-data" depending on whether the data is in privileged data dir or not. If the database / directory where it resides is generated dynamically, by this sw -> adding "mkdir /whitelisted/path" might be necessary (firejail will create the directory before/during setting up the sandbox -> sandboxed app does not need write access to parent dirs because the directory it actually needs already exists)

debugging: there is "sailjail --trace" shortcut option -> instructs firejail to generate dbus / file access logs. The logs are probably very verbose, but usually at least missing dbus access is easy to spot. Alternatively one can run sailjail in verbose mode -> firejail command line is printed out -> that can be used as reference for lower level firejail debugging.

dcaliste commented 3 years ago

Thanks @spiiroin with your help I should be able to go on.

dcaliste commented 3 years ago

@spiiroin, some news on the front here.

To be able to sign, and use the GnuPG framework in general, one should have access to ~/.gnupg/ directory. This directory is blacklisted in in Base.permissions. So my basic question is : can we use a noblacklist in the current sailjail framework before the Base permission file is called ?