False positive error: I am using the environmental variable configurations, not from config.yaml.
I am using configuration from the below variables:
$env:SAIL_BASE_URL = "https://{tenant}-dev.api.identitynow.com"
$env:SAIL_CLIENT_ID = "{id}"
$env:SAIL_CLIENT_SECRET = "{secret}"
Which throws the below error:
"Configuration file not found at C:\Users{username}/.sailpoint/config.yaml. Please provide a configuration file or configure
using PowerShell environment variables. "
However, the API call responded with the expected payload.
False positive error: I am using the environmental variable configurations, not from config.yaml.
I am using configuration from the below variables: $env:SAIL_BASE_URL = "https://{tenant}-dev.api.identitynow.com" $env:SAIL_CLIENT_ID = "{id}" $env:SAIL_CLIENT_SECRET = "{secret}"
Which throws the below error: "Configuration file not found at C:\Users{username}/.sailpoint/config.yaml. Please provide a configuration file or configure using PowerShell environment variables. "
However, the API call responded with the expected payload.