Complete-BetaWorkItem & Complete-WorkItem which call API requests with no body is not sending the Content-Type: "application/json" header. This seems to be a recent issue where changes on the API may require this on the request.
When called you will receive a {"errorName":"NotSupportedException","errorMessage":"RESTEASY003065: Cannot consume content type","trackingId":"7fed46a87c0d4524a777d4f6898cb4c7"}
I've worked around this by calling the endpoints using Invoke-RestMethod and supplying the Content-Type header.
Complete-BetaWorkItem & Complete-WorkItem which call API requests with no body is not sending the Content-Type: "application/json" header. This seems to be a recent issue where changes on the API may require this on the request.
When called you will receive a {"errorName":"NotSupportedException","errorMessage":"RESTEASY003065: Cannot consume content type","trackingId":"7fed46a87c0d4524a777d4f6898cb4c7"}
I've worked around this by calling the endpoints using Invoke-RestMethod and supplying the Content-Type header.