sailro / EscapeFromTarkov-Trainer

Escape from Tarkov (EFT) Trainer - Internal
MIT License
612 stars 138 forks source link

Installer asks if has run aki at least once then crashes after answer #78

Closed DiogoBoneco closed 3 years ago

DiogoBoneco commented 3 years ago

Hi sailro!

After trying to install in spt-aki 2.0.1 with tarkov it reaches this part (see image) image and after answering with "y" it proceeds to just crash. I have run it in admin mode aswell and the issue persists. I then open the game and the trainer isn't available here's the outlog: output_log.txt

DiogoBoneco commented 3 years ago

It seems like all i had to do was restart the computer and for some reason it worked. Guess it's solved. Thank you for your work